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On Üçüncü Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"I sincerely hoped that resolute heroes like those of Isparta and its environs (like the Husrev’s and Hafiz Ali’s), strong as steel, would appear here from Kastamonu as well. Endless thanks be to God that that province fulfilled my hopes, sending numerous heroes to our assistance. I send greetings to all my self-sacrificing brothers who are with you, who are always present in my imagination but whose names I cannot write, and I pray for their well-..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("My Brothers!" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("I sincerely hoped that resolute heroes like those of Isparta and its environs (like the Husrev’s and Hafiz Ali’s), strong as steel, would appear here from Kastamonu as well. Endless thanks be to God that that province fulfilled my hopes, sending numerous heroes to our assistance. I send greetings to all my self-sacrificing brothers who are with you, who are always present in my imagination but whose names I cannot write, and I pray for their well-..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
294. satır: 294. satır:
My Brothers!
My Brothers!

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I sincerely hoped that resolute heroes like those of Isparta and its environs (like the Husrev’s and Hafiz Ali’s), strong as steel, would appear here from Kastamonu as well. Endless thanks be to God that  that province  fulfilled my hopes, sending numerous heroes to our assistance. I send greetings to all my self-sacrificing brothers who are with you, who are always present in my imagination but whose names I cannot write, and I pray for their well- being.
Ben kalben arzu ederdim ki çelik ve demir gibi sebatkâr Ispartalı ve civarındakiler gibi metin kahramanlar (Hüsrevler, Hâfız Aliler) Kastamonu tarafından dahi burada görünsün. Hadsiz şükrediyorum ki Kastamonu vilayeti benim arzumu tam yerine getirdi, müteaddid kahramanları imdadımıza gönderdi. Hayalimde her vakit bulunan fakat isimlerini yazamadığım için yanınızda fedakâr kardeşlerime birer birer selâm ve selâmetlerine dua ederim.

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