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On Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''My reply:'''Sirs! What right do you have to propose to me the principles of your civilization? For as though casting me outside the laws of civilization, you have wrongfully forced me to reside in a village for five years and prohibited me from having any social relations or communication. You left all the exiles in the town with their friends and relatives, then gave them the papers granting them an amnesty, but without reason you isolated me and did..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The worldly ask me: Why don’t you practise the principles of our civilization, our style of life, and our manner of dressing? Does this mean you oppose us?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''My reply:'''Sirs! What right do you have to propose to me the principles of your civilization? For as though casting me outside the laws of civilization, you have wrongfully forced me to reside in a village for five years and prohibited me from having any social relations or communication. You left all the exiles in the town with their friends and relatives, then gave them the papers granting them an amnesty, but without reason you isolated me and did..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
159. satır: 159. satır:
The worldly ask me: Why don’t you practise the principles of our civilization, our style of life, and our manner of dressing? Does this mean you oppose us?
The worldly ask me: Why don’t you practise the principles of our civilization, our style of life, and our manner of dressing? Does this mean you oppose us?

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'''My reply:'''Sirs! What right do you have to propose to me the principles of your civilization? For as though casting me outside the laws of civilization, you have wrongfully forced me to reside in a village for five years and prohibited me from having any social relations or communication. You left all the exiles in the town with their friends and relatives, then gave them the papers granting them an amnesty, but without reason you isolated me and did not allow me to meet with anyone from my native region, except for one or two. That means you do not count me as a member of this nation or a citizen. How can you propose that I apply your civil code to myself? You have turned  the world into a prison for me. Such things cannot be proposed to someone in prison. You closed the door of the world on me, so I knocked on the door of the hereafter and divine mercy opened it to me. How can the confused customs and principles of the world be dictated to someone at the door of the hereafter? Whenever you set me free and return me to my native region and restore my rights, then you can require me to conform to your principles.
'''Ben de derim:''' Hey efendiler! Ne hak ile bana usûl-ü medeniyetinizi teklif ediyorsunuz? Halbuki siz, beni hukuk-u medeniyetten ıskat etmiş gibi, haksız olarak beş sene bir köyde muhabereden ve ihtilattan memnû bir tarzda ikamet ettirdiniz. Her menfîyi şehirlerde dost ve akrabasıyla beraber bıraktınız ve sonra vesika verdiğiniz halde, sebepsiz beni tecrit edip bir iki tane müstesna hiçbir hemşehri ile görüştürmediniz. Demek, beni efrad-ı milletten ve raiyetten saymıyorsunuz. Nasıl kanun-u medeniyetinizin bana tatbikini teklif ediyorsunuz? Dünyayı bana zindan ettiniz. Zindanda olan bir adama böyle şeyler teklif edilmez. Siz bana dünya kapısını kapadınız; ben de âhiret kapısını çaldım, rahmet-i İlahiye açtı. Âhiret kapısında bulunan bir adama, dünyanın karmakarışık usûl ve âdâtı ona nasıl teklif edilir? Ne vakit beni serbest bırakıp memleketime iade edip hukukumu verdiniz, o vakit usûlünüzün tatbikini isteyebilirsiniz.

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