İçeriğe atla

On Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"I see during this time of exile that certain boastful people who have fallen into the swamp of politics regard me in a partisan manner, with rivalry, as though I were connected with the worldly movements like they are." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("So I say this: O my friends of the hereafter! Don’t hold back from me as a servant of the Qur’an and run away. God willing, no harm will come to you from me. Suppose some calamity is visited on you or I am oppressed, you still cannot be saved by avoiding me. By doing that you will make yourselves more deserving of being visited by a calamity and receiving a blow. And what is there, that you should have these groundless fears?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("I see during this time of exile that certain boastful people who have fallen into the swamp of politics regard me in a partisan manner, with rivalry, as though I were connected with the worldly movements like they are." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
178. satır: 178. satır:
So I say this: O my friends of the hereafter! Don’t hold back from me as a servant of the Qur’an and run away. God willing, no harm will come to you from me. Suppose some calamity is visited on you or I am oppressed, you still cannot be saved by avoiding me.  By doing that you will make yourselves more deserving of being visited by a calamity and receiving a blow. And what is there, that you should have these groundless fears?
So I say this: O my friends of the hereafter! Don’t hold back from me as a servant of the Qur’an and run away. God willing, no harm will come to you from me. Suppose some calamity is visited on you or I am oppressed, you still cannot be saved by avoiding me.  By doing that you will make yourselves more deserving of being visited by a calamity and receiving a blow. And what is there, that you should have these groundless fears?

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=== '''Dördüncü Mesele:''' ===
===Fourth Matter:===

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I see during this time of exile that certain boastful people who have fallen into the swamp of politics regard me in a partisan manner, with rivalry, as though I were connected with the worldly movements like they are.
Şu nefiy zamanımda görüyorum ki hodfüruş ve siyaset bataklığına düşmüş bazı insanlar, bana tarafgirane, rakibane bir nazarla bakıyorlar. Güya ben de onlar gibi dünya cereyanlarıyla alâkadarım.

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Sirs! I am in the current of belief. Before me is the current of unbelief. I have no connection with other currents or movements. Perhaps some of those who work for a wage consider themselves excused to a degree. But to assume a stance opposing me in rivalry in the name of patriotism for no wage, and to harass me and oppress me, is truly a grievous error. For as was proved above, I have no connection at all with world politics. I have dedicated all my time and my life to the truths of belief and the Qur’an. Since it is thus, the person who  torments and harasses me in rivalry should realize that to do so is like harming belief in the name of atheism and unbelief.
Hey efendiler! Ben imanın cereyanındayım. Karşımda imansızlık cereyanı var. Başka cereyanlarla alâkam yok. O adamlardan ücret mukabilinde iş görenler, belki kendini bir derece mazur görüyor. Fakat ücretsiz, hamiyet namına bana karşı tarafgirane, rakibane vaziyet almak ve ilişmek ve eziyet etmek; gayet fena bir hatadır. Çünkü sâbıkan ispat edildiği gibi siyaset-i dünya ile hiç alâkadar değilim; yalnız bütün vaktimi ve hayatımı, hakaik-i imaniye ve Kur’aniyeye hasr ve vakfetmişim. Madem böyledir, bana eziyet verip rakibane ilişen adam düşünsün ki o muamelesi zındıka ve imansızlık namına imana ilişmek hükmüne geçer.

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