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On Dokuzuncu Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Most of the reports concerning the miracles and evidences of the Noble Messenger’s (Upon whom be blessings and peace) prophethood that have come down to us are either of the category of ‘clear consensus,’ or ‘consensus in meaning,’ or ‘consensus implied by silence.’ As for the others, although they are the report of a single person, they also have the certainty of ‘consensus’ since they have received the acceptance of the meticulous au..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The second kind of ‘consensus in meaning’ is that which occurs when different people relate a particular incident, for example, one okka(*<ref>*One okka was the equivalent of 2.8 lbs. or 1,3000 gr. (Tr.)</ref>)of food fed two hundred people, in different versions: one person describes in one way, another in another way, and another in yet another way, but all are unanimously agreed on the occurrence of the incident. Thus, its certain occurrence is s..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Most of the reports concerning the miracles and evidences of the Noble Messenger’s (Upon whom be blessings and peace) prophethood that have come down to us are either of the category of ‘clear consensus,’ or ‘consensus in meaning,’ or ‘consensus implied by silence.’ As for the others, although they are the report of a single person, they also have the certainty of ‘consensus’ since they have received the acceptance of the meticulous au..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
126. satır: 126. satır:
The second kind of ‘consensus in meaning’ is that which occurs when different people relate a particular incident, for example, one okka(*<ref>*One okka was the equivalent of 2.8 lbs. or 1,3000 gr. (Tr.)</ref>)of food fed two hundred people, in  different versions: one person describes in one way, another in another way, and another in yet another way, but all are unanimously agreed on the occurrence of the incident. Thus, its certain occurrence is supported by ‘consensus in meaning’ and is definite; its actual occurrence is not harmed by differences in detail.
The second kind of ‘consensus in meaning’ is that which occurs when different people relate a particular incident, for example, one okka(*<ref>*One okka was the equivalent of 2.8 lbs. or 1,3000 gr. (Tr.)</ref>)of food fed two hundred people, in  different versions: one person describes in one way, another in another way, and another in yet another way, but all are unanimously agreed on the occurrence of the incident. Thus, its certain occurrence is supported by ‘consensus in meaning’ and is definite; its actual occurrence is not harmed by differences in detail.

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Apart from this, there are times when a report supplied by a single person expresses the certainty of ‘consensus,’ under certain conditions. It also sometimes happens that single report expresses certainity when supported by other, outside evidences.
Hem bazen olur ki haber-i vâhid, bazı şerait dâhilinde tevatür gibi kat’iyeti ifade eder. Hem bazen olur ki haber-i vâhid haricî emarelerle kat’iyeti ifade eder.

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Most of the reports concerning the miracles and evidences of the Noble Messenger’s (Upon whom be blessings and peace) prophethood that have come down to us are either of the category of ‘clear consensus,’ or ‘consensus in meaning,’ or ‘consensus implied by silence.’ As for the others, although they are the report of a single person, they also have the certainty of ‘consensus’ since they have received the acceptance of  the meticulous authorities on Hadith. Of such meticulous authorities were those geniuses who were called al-Hafiz, who had committed to memory at least
İşte Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâmdan bize naklolunan mu’cizatı ve delail-i nübüvveti, kısm-ı a’zamı tevatür iledir; ya sarîhî ya manevî ya sükûtî. Ve bir kısmı çendan haber-i vâhid iledir. Fakat öyle şerait dâhilinde, nakkad-ı muhaddisîn nazarında kabule şâyan olduktan sonra, tevatür gibi kat’iyeti ifade etmek lâzım gelir.
100,000 Hadiths, who offered for fifty years their morning prayer with the ablution of the night prayer, and who produced the six accurate books of Hadith headed by those of Bukhari and Muslim.

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