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Yirminci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"However, if the particles are attributed to the Single One of Unity, each of them, each artefact, becomes connected to Him; it is as though each becomes His official. Its connection allows it to display His manifestation. And through this connection and state of being a manifestation, it relies on an infinite knowledge and power. Thus, by reason of the mystery of the connection and its reliance, it performs functions and duties far beyond it..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Thus, “And God’s is the highest similitude,”(16:60) if all beings, all particles, are attributed to multiplicity, causes, nature, themselves, or to anything other than God, then each of them must either possess all-embracing knowledge and absolute power, or innumerable immaterial machines and printing-presses must take form within each, so that it can carry out its wonderful duties." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("However, if the particles are attributed to the Single One of Unity, each of them, each artefact, becomes connected to Him; it is as though each becomes His official. Its connection allows it to display His manifestation. And through this connection and state of being a manifestation, it relies on an infinite knowledge and power. Thus, by reason of the mystery of the connection and its reliance, it performs functions and duties far beyond it..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
695. satır: 695. satır:
Thus, “And God’s is the highest similitude,”(16:60) if all beings, all particles, are attributed to multiplicity, causes, nature, themselves, or to anything other than God, then each of them must either possess all-embracing knowledge and absolute power, or innumerable immaterial machines and printing-presses must take form within each, so that it can carry out its wonderful duties.
Thus, “And God’s is the highest similitude,”(16:60) if all beings, all particles, are attributed to multiplicity, causes, nature, themselves, or to anything other than God, then each of them must either possess all-embracing knowledge and absolute power, or innumerable immaterial machines and printing-presses must take form within each, so that it can carry out its wonderful duties.

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However, if the particles are attributed to the Single One of Unity, each of them, each artefact, becomes connected to Him; it is as  though  each  becomes  His  official.   Its  connection  allows  it  to  display  His manifestation. And through this connection and state of being a manifestation, it relies on an infinite knowledge and power. Thus, by reason of the mystery of the connection and its reliance, it performs functions and duties far beyond its own power, through the power of its Creator.
Eğer o zerreler Vâhid-i Ehad’e isnad edilse o vakit her bir masnû, her bir zerre ona mensup olur, onun memuru hükmüne geçer. Şu intisabı onu tecelliye mazhar eder. Bu mazhariyet ve intisapla, nihayetsiz bir ilim ve kudrete istinad eder. Hâlık’ının kuvvetiyle, milyonlar defa kuvvet-i zatîsinden fazla işleri, vazifeleri; o intisap ve istinad sırrıyla yapar.

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=== İkinci Temsil: ===
===Second Comparison:===

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For example, there were two brothers, one brave and self- reliant, the other patriotic and devoted to his country. When a war broke out, the one who relied on  himself did  not form any connection with the state; he wanted  to perform his service on his own. He was compelled therefore to carry his own sources of  power, and  to  transport, as  far  as  his  strength  allowed, his  equipment  and ammunition. In accordance with his  petty individual strength, he was only able to fight with one corporal of the enemy army; to do more was beyond him.
Mesela, iki kardeş var. Birisi cesur, kendine güvenir. Diğeri hamiyetli, milliyet-perverdir. Bir muharebe zamanında kendine güvenen adam devlete intisap etmez, kendi başıyla iş görmek ister. Kendi kuvvetinin menbalarını belinde taşımaya mecbur olur. Teçhizatını, cephanelerini kendi kuvvetine göre çekmeye muztardır. O şahsî ve küçük kuvvet miktarınca, düşman ordusunun bir onbaşısıyla ancak mücadele eder; fazla bir şey elinden gelmez.

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