İçeriğe atla

Yirminci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Since the first, independent, man, was compelled to carry his equipment and sources of strength himself, the service he was able to perform was extremely insignificant. Whereas the one who was an official did not have to carry his source of strength; indeed, the army and the king carried him.Just like connecting his receiver to existing telegraph and telephone lines with a tiny wire, the man, through the connection he formed, connected hims..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The meaning of this situation and the wisdom in it is this:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("Since the first, independent, man, was compelled to carry his equipment and sources of strength himself, the service he was able to perform was extremely insignificant. Whereas the one who was an official did not have to carry his source of strength; indeed, the army and the king carried him.Just like connecting his receiver to existing telegraph and telephone lines with a tiny wire, the man, through the connection he formed, connected hims..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
706. satır: 706. satır:
The meaning of this situation and the wisdom in it is this:
The meaning of this situation and the wisdom in it is this:

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Since the first, independent, man,  was compelled to carry his equipment and sources  of  strength  himself,  the  service  he  was  able  to  perform  was  extremely insignificant. Whereas the one who was an official did not have to carry his source of strength; indeed, the army and the king carried him.Just like connecting his receiver to existing telegraph and telephone lines with a tiny wire, the  man, through the connection he formed, connected himself to an infinite power.
Evvelki başıbozuk, kendi menba-ı kuvvetini ve teçhizatını kendisi taşımaya mecbur olduğu için gayet cüz’î iş görebildi. Şu memur ise kendi kuvvetinin menbaını taşımaya mecbur değil belki onu ordu ve padişah taşıyor. Mevcud telgraf ve telefon teline makinesini küçük bir tel ile rabtetmek gibi şu adam bu intisapla kendini o hadsiz kuvvete rabteder.

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Thus, “And God’s is the highest similitude,”(16:60) if all creatures, all particles, are attributed directly to the Single One of Unity and if they are connected to Him, through the power of the connection and through of its Lord, at His command, an ant can demolish the Pharaoh’s palace; a fly can kill off Nimrod and consign him to Hell; a germ can despatch an iniquitous tyrant to the grave; a seed the size of a wheat grain becomes  the  workshop  and  machinery  for  producing  a  pine-tree  the  size  of  a mountain; and a particle of air is able to operate efficiently and systematically in the different functions and structures of all flowers and fruits. All this ease and facility self-evidently arise from the connection and state of being an official.
İşte وَلِلّٰهِ ال۟مَثَلُ ال۟اَع۟لٰى eğer her mahluk, her zerre doğrudan doğruya Vâhid-i Ehad’e isnad edilse ve onlar ona intisap etseler; o vakit o intisap kuvvetiyle ve seyyidinin havliyle, emriyle; karınca, Firavun’un sarayını başına yıkar, baş aşağı atar. Sinek, Nemrut’u gebertip cehenneme atar. Bir mikrop, en cebbar bir zalimi kabre sokar. Buğday tanesi kadar çam çekirdeği, bir dağ gibi bir çam ağacının destgâhı ve makinesi hükmüne geçer. Havanın zerresi, bütün çiçeklerin, meyvelerin ayrı ayrı işlerinde, teşekkülatlarında muntazaman, güzelce çalışabilir. Bütün bu kolaylık, bilbedahe memuriyet ve intisaptan ileri geliyor.

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If the being in question reverts to independence, if it is left to causes, multiplicity, and to itself, if it travels the road of associating partners with God, then the service it will be able to perform will be only to  the extent of its physical entity and to  the degree of its consciousness.
Eğer iş başıbozukluğa dönse esbaba ve kesrete ve kendi kendilerine bırakılıp şirk yolunda gidilse o vakit her şey, cirmi kadar ve şuuru miktarınca iş görebilir.

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<span id="Üçüncü_Temsil:"></span>
=== Üçüncü Temsil: ===
===Third Comparison:===

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