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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"However, the other, satanic and foolish, group says: “No, his position is not at the top of the minaret; it’s at the bottom of the well, wherever it is he appears.”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The first group says: “He has to be at the top of the minaret reciting the call to prayer to the universe, because we hear it. It is vibrant; it is lofty. For sure everyone cannot see him in that high position, but everyone can see him according to their degree on one of the steps when he climbs the minaret and when he descends it. They know that he ascends it, and that wherever it is that he appears, he is someone of high stature.”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("However, the other, satanic and foolish, group says: “No, his position is not at the top of the minaret; it’s at the bottom of the well, wherever it is he appears.”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
471. satır: 471. satır:
The first group says: “He has  to be at the top of the minaret reciting the call to prayer to the universe, because we hear it. It is vibrant; it is lofty. For sure everyone cannot see him in that high position, but everyone can see him according to their degree on one of the steps when he climbs the minaret and when he descends it. They know that he ascends it, and that wherever it is that he appears, he is someone of high stature.”
The first group says: “He has  to be at the top of the minaret reciting the call to prayer to the universe, because we hear it. It is vibrant; it is lofty. For sure everyone cannot see him in that high position, but everyone can see him according to their degree on one of the steps when he climbs the minaret and when he descends it. They know that he ascends it, and that wherever it is that he appears, he is someone of high stature.”

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However, the other,  satanic and  foolish,  group  says: “No, his  position  is  not at  the  top of the minaret; it’s at the bottom of the well, wherever it is he appears.”
Diğer şeytanî ve ahmak güruh ise der: “Yok, makamı minare başı değil; nerede görünürse görünsün, makamı kuyu dibidir.”

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