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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The first four, who were seemingly friends but later displayed enmity:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("[The three other signs denote earnest and constant friends who in order to find favour with the worldly5 and achieve some worldly goal, and so that they could feel confident, temporaril y failed to display the manly stance demanded by friendship. However, regretably, all those three friends were punished in ways that were the opposite of what they had intended.]" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("The first four, who were seemingly friends but later displayed enmity:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
506. satır: 506. satır:
The first four, who were seemingly friends but later displayed enmity:
The first four, who were seemingly friends but later displayed enmity:

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'''The First:'''Employing various means, a District Officer begged me for a copy of the Tenth Word. I gave him one. But then, in order to be promoted, he spurned my friendship  and  turned  hostile  to  me. This  took  the  form  of  complaining  to  the Governor and informing on me. But as a mark of favour for service of the Qur’an, he was not promoted, but dismissed.
'''Birincisi:''' Bir müdür, kaç vasıta ile yalvardı. Onuncu Söz’den bir nüsha istedi. Ona verdim. O ise terfi için dostluğumu bırakıp düşmanlık vaziyeti aldı. Valiye şekva ve ihbar suretinde verdi. Hizmet-i Kur’aniyenin bir eser-i ikramı olarak terfi değil, azledildi.

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'''The Second:'''Another District Officer assumed a competitive and hostile stance towards me although he was a friend, for the sake of his superiors and to attract the attention of the  worldly, but he received a blow contrary to his intentions. He was sentenced to two and a half years’ imprisonment owing to some unforeseen matter. Later he asked for prayers from  a servant of the Qur’an. Perhaps he will be saved, God willing, since prayers were offered for him.
'''İkincisi:''' Diğer bir müdür, dost iken, âmirlerinin hatırı için ve ehl-i dünyanın teveccühünü kazanmak fikriyle şahsıma değil, hizmetkârlığım cihetinde rakibane ve düşmanane vaziyet aldı, kendi maksadının aksiyle tokat yedi. Ümit edilmediği bir meselede, iki buçuk seneye mahkûm edildi. Sonra Kur’an’ın bir hizmetkârından dua istedi. İnşâallah belki kurtulacak çünkü ona dua edildi.

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'''The Third:'''A teacher appeared to be a friend and I looked on him as one. Then he  moved  to Barla to settle there and he chose to adopt a hostile stance. But he received a blow contrary to his intentions: he was posted away from teaching to serve in the army. He was sent away from Barla.
'''Üçüncüsü:''' Bir muallim, dost görünürken ben de ona dost baktım. Sonra Barla’ya nakledip yerleşmek için düşmanane bir vaziyeti ihtiyar etti, o maksadının aksiyle tokat yedi. Muallimlikten askerliğe atıldı. Barla’dan uzaklaştırıldı.

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