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Yirmi Sekizinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"It would be like the proverb “Casting pearls before swine.” For those who do these things have several times heard the truth from the Risale-i Nur, and they knowingly try to refute its truths before the misguidance of atheism. Such people receive pleasure from poison, like snakes." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Relying on the strength of the Qur’an, I say that on condition even the most obdurate irreligious person is not utterly vile and does not enjoy spreading the poison of misguidance like a snake, if I do not convince him in a few hours, I am ready to try." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("It would be like the proverb “Casting pearls before swine.” For those who do these things have several times heard the truth from the Risale-i Nur, and they knowingly try to refute its truths before the misguidance of atheism. Such people receive pleasure from poison, like snakes." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
323. satır: 323. satır:
The treatment I have received this seven years has been purely arbitrary and outside the law. For the laws concerning exiles and captives and those in prison are clear. By law,  they can meet with their relatives and they should not be prevented from mixing with people. In every country, with every people, worship and prayer are immune  from interference. Others  like me stayed  together  with their  friends and relations in towns. They were prevented  neither from mixing with others, nor from communicating, nor from moving about freely. I was prevented. And my mosque and my worship even were raided. And while it is Sunna according to the Shafi‘i School to repeat the words, “There is no god but God” in the prayers following the prescribed prayers, they tried to make me give them up.
The treatment I have received this seven years has been purely arbitrary and outside the law. For the laws concerning exiles and captives and those in prison are clear. By law,  they can meet with their relatives and they should not be prevented from mixing with people. In every country, with every people, worship and prayer are immune  from interference. Others  like me stayed  together  with their  friends and relations in towns. They were prevented  neither from mixing with others, nor from communicating, nor from moving about freely. I was prevented. And my mosque and my worship even were raided. And while it is Sunna according to the Shafi‘i School to repeat the words, “There is no god but God” in the prayers following the prescribed prayers, they tried to make me give them up.

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Even, one of the old exiles in Burdur, an illiterate called Şebab, and his mother-in-law, came here for a change of  air. They visited me because we come from the same place. They were summoned from the mosque by three armed gendarmes. The official then tried to hide that he had made a mistake and acted unlawfully, and apologized, saying: “Don’t be angry, it was my duty.” Then he gave them permission and told them to go. Comparing other things and treatment with that incident, it is understood that the treatment accorded to me is purely arbitrary, and that they inflict vipers and curs on me. But I don’t condescend to bother with them. I refer it to Almighty God to ward off their evil.
Hattâ Burdur’da eski muhacirlerden Şebab isminde ümmi bir zat, kayınvâlidesiyle beraber tebdil-i hava için buraya gelmiş. Hemşehrilik itibarıyla benim yanıma geldi. Üç müsellah jandarma ile camiden istenildi. O memur, hilaf-ı kanun yaptığı hatayı setretmeye çalışıp: “Affedersiniz gücenmeyiniz, vazifedir.” demiş. Sonra “Haydi git!” diyerek ruhsat vermiş. Bu vakıaya sair şeyler ve muameleler kıyas edilse anlaşılır ki: Bana karşı sırf keyfî muameledir ki yılanları, köpekleri bana musallat ediyorlar. Ben de tenezzül etmiyorum ki onlarla uğraşayım. O muzırların şerlerini def’etmek için Cenab-ı Hakk’a havale ediyorum.

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