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Yirmi Dokuzuncu Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''Fifthly:'''Permission was given so that the sacred meanings could be understood by the ordinary people whose Islamic zeal arose from their powerful belief. But to translate them and discard the Arabic original due to weakness of belief, negative nationalism, and hatred for the Arabic language, driven by a destructive urge, will cause people to renounce religion." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("* Glory to your Sustainer, the Lord of Honour and Power! [He is free] from what they ascribe [to Him]! * And peace be on the prophets! * And praise be to God, the Sustainer of All the Worlds.(37:180-2)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''Fifthly:'''Permission was given so that the sacred meanings could be understood by the ordinary people whose Islamic zeal arose from their powerful belief. But to translate them and discard the Arabic original due to weakness of belief, negative nationalism, and hatred for the Arabic language, driven by a destructive urge, will cause people to renounce religion." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
784. satır: 784. satır:
That is to say, the secondary matters of Islam are not like a  garment capable of  change,  so that if they are changed, the essential religion will persist. They are rather a  sort  body for the fundamentals of religion, or at least a skin. They have blended and  combined with it and cannot be separated. To  change them  infers  direct denial  and  contradiction of the  one who brought the Shari‘a.
That is to say, the secondary matters of Islam are not like a  garment capable of  change,  so that if they are changed, the essential religion will persist. They are rather a  sort  body for the fundamentals of religion, or at least a skin. They have blended and  combined with it and cannot be separated. To  change them  infers  direct denial  and  contradiction of the  one who brought the Shari‘a.

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As for the differences in the schools of law, this has arisen from differences in ways  of  understanding  the  theoretical  principles  shown  by  the  Shari‘a’s  owner. Principles called “the essentials of religion,” which are not open to interpretation, and those  called  “incontrovertible”  cannot  be  changed  in  any  way  and  may  not  be interpreted. Anyone who does change them quits the religion and is included under the rule: “They renounce religion as the arrow flies from the bow.”(*<ref>*Bukhari, Anbiya’, 6; Manaqib, 25; Maghazi, 61; Fada’il al-Qur’an, 36.</ref>)
Mezahibin ihtilafı ise: Sahib-i şeriatın gösterdiği nazarî düsturların tarz-ı tefehhümünden ileri gelmiştir. “Zaruriyat-ı diniye” denilen ve kabil-i tevil olmayan ve “muhkemat” denilen düsturları ise hiçbir cihette kabil-i tebdil değildir ve medar-ı içtihad olamaz. Onları tebdil eden, başını dinden çıkarıyor يَم۟رُقُونَ مِنَ الدّٖينِ كَمَا يَم۟رُقُ السَّه۟مُ مِنَ ال۟قَو۟سِ kaidesine dâhil oluyor.

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The people of innovation have found the following pretext for their irreligion and deviation from the straight path. They say:
Ehl-i bid’a, dinsizliklerine ve ilhadlarına şöyle bir bahane buluyorlar. '''Diyorlar ki:'''

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“The French Revolution was the cause of a sequence of events in the world of humanity; the clergy and spiritual leaders and the Catholic Church, which was  their Church, were attacked and eliminated. Later the Revolution was condoned by a lot of people; also, the French made greater progress. Is this not so?”
“Âlem-i insaniyetin müteselsil hâdisatına sebep olan Fransız İhtilal-i Kebiri’nde, papazlara ve rüesa-yı ruhaniyeye ve onların mezheb-i hâssı olan Katolik mezhebine hücum edildi ve tahrip edildi. Sonra çokları tarafından tasvip edildi. Frenkler dahi ondan sonra daha ziyade terakki ettiler?”

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