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Yirmi Dokuzuncu Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"===Addendum to the Sixth Section, which is the Sixth Treatise===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The people of innovation have found the following pretext for their irreligion and deviation from the straight path. They say:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("===Addendum to the Sixth Section, which is the Sixth Treatise===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
804. satır: 804. satır:
Islam is the religion of the true affirmation of divine unity (tevhid-i hakikî) so that it  dismisses  intermediaries  and  causes.  It  breaks  egotism  and  establishes  sincere worship. It cuts at the root every sort of false dominicality, starting from that of the soul, and rebuffs it.  It  is because of this that if a person of high position from the upper class is going to be completely religious, he will have to give up his egotism. If he does not give up egotism, he will lose his strength of religion and to an extent give up his religion.
Islam is the religion of the true affirmation of divine unity (tevhid-i hakikî) so that it  dismisses  intermediaries  and  causes.  It  breaks  egotism  and  establishes  sincere worship. It cuts at the root every sort of false dominicality, starting from that of the soul, and rebuffs it.  It  is because of this that if a person of high position from the upper class is going to be completely religious, he will have to give up his egotism. If he does not give up egotism, he will lose his strength of religion and to an extent give up his religion.

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As for the Christian religion of the present day, since it has accepted the belief of Jesus  (Upon whom be peace) being the Son of God, it ascribes an actual effect to causes and  intermediaries. It cannot break egotism in the name of religion. Rather, saying that egotism is a holy deputy of Jesus (Upon whom be peace), it ascribes it a sacredness. For this reason, members of the Christian upper classes who occupy the highest worldly positions may be completely religious. In fact, there are many like the former American President, Wilson, and  the former British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, who were as religious as bigoted priests.
Şimdiki Hristiyanlık dini ise “velediyet akidesi”ni kabul ettiği için vesait ve esbaba tesir-i hakiki verir. Din namına enaniyeti kırmaz, belki Hazret-i İsa aleyhisselâmın bir mukaddes vekili diye o enaniyete bir kudsiyet verir. Onun için dünyaca en büyük makam işgal eden Hristiyan havasları, tam dindar olabilirler. Hattâ Amerika’nın esbak Reisicumhuru Wilson ve İngilizlerin esbak Reis-i Vükelası Loid George gibi çoklar var ki mutaassıp birer papaz hükmünde dindar oldular.

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But any Muslims who rise to those positions rarely remain completely religious and firm in their religion, for they cannot give up their pride and egotism. And true taqwa cannot be combined with pride and egotism.
Müslümanlarda ise öyle makamlara girenler, nadiren tam dindar ve salabetli kalırlar. Çünkü gururu ve enaniyeti bırakamıyorlar. Takva-yı hakiki ise gurur ve enaniyetle içtima edemiyor.

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