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"------ <center> The Second Word ⇐ | The Words | ⇒ The Fourth Word </center> ------" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Indeed, like with every true virtue, the source of courage is belief in God, and worship. And as with every iniquity, the source of cowardice is misguidance. In fact, for a worshipper with a truly illuminated heart, it is possible that even if the globe of the earth became a bomb and exploded, it would not frighten him. He would watch it with pleasurable wonder as a marvel of the Eternally Besought One’s power. But when a famous degenerate philosopher..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("------ <center> The Second Word ⇐ | The Words | ⇒ The Fourth Word </center> ------" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
(Aynı kullanıcının aradaki diğer 3 değişikliği gösterilmiyor)
25. satır: 25. satır:
Indeed, like with every true virtue, the source of courage is belief in God, and worship. And as with every iniquity, the source of cowardice is misguidance. In fact, for a worshipper with a truly illuminated heart, it is possible that even if the globe of the earth became a bomb and exploded, it would not frighten him. He would watch it with pleasurable wonder as a marvel of the Eternally Besought One’s power. But when a famous degenerate  philosopher with a so-called enlightened mind but no heart saw a comet in the sky, he trembled on the ground, and exclaimed anxiously: “Isn’t that comet going to hit the earth?” (On one occasion, America was quaking with fear at such a comet, and many people left their homes in the middle of the night.)
Indeed, like with every true virtue, the source of courage is belief in God, and worship. And as with every iniquity, the source of cowardice is misguidance. In fact, for a worshipper with a truly illuminated heart, it is possible that even if the globe of the earth became a bomb and exploded, it would not frighten him. He would watch it with pleasurable wonder as a marvel of the Eternally Besought One’s power. But when a famous degenerate  philosopher with a so-called enlightened mind but no heart saw a comet in the sky, he trembled on the ground, and exclaimed anxiously: “Isn’t that comet going to hit the earth?” (On one occasion, America was quaking with fear at such a comet, and many people left their homes in the middle of the night.)

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Yes, although man is in need of numberless things, his capital is as nothing, and although he is  subject to endless calamities, his power too is as nothing. Simply, his capital and power extend only as far as his hand can reach. However, his hopes, desires, pains, and tribulations reach as far as the eye and the imagination can stretch. Anyone who is not totally blind can see and understand then what a great profit, happiness, and bounty for the human spirit, which is thus impotent and weak, and needy and wanting, are worship, affirmation of God’s unity, and reliance on God and submission to Him.
Evet insan, nihayetsiz şeylere muhtaç olduğu halde, sermayesi hiç hükmünde… Hem nihayetsiz musibetlere maruz olduğu halde, iktidarı hiç hükmünde bir şey… Âdeta sermaye ve iktidarının dairesi, eli nereye yetişirse o kadardır. Fakat emelleri, arzuları ve elemleri ve belaları ise dairesi, gözü, hayali nereye yetişirse ve gidinceye kadar geniştir. Bu derece âciz ve zayıf, fakir ve muhtaç olan ruh-u beşere ibadet, tevekkül, tevhid, teslim; ne kadar azîm bir kâr, bir saadet, bir nimet olduğunu bütün bütün kör olmayan görür, derk eder.

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It is obvious that a safe way is preferable to a harmful way, even if the possibility of its safety is only one in ten. But on the way of worship, which our matter here, there is a nine out of ten possibility of it leading to the treasury of eternal happiness, as well as its being safe. While it is established by the testimony –which is at the degree of consensus– of innumerable experts and witnesses that besides being without benefit, and the dissolute even confess to this, the way of vice and dissipation ends in eternal misery. According to the reports of those who have uncovered the mysteries of creation this is  absolutely certain.
Malûmdur ki zararsız yol, zararlı yola –velev on ihtimalden bir ihtimal ile olsa– tercih edilir. Halbuki meselemiz olan ubudiyet yolu, zararsız olmakla beraber, ondan dokuz ihtimal ile bir saadet-i ebediye hazinesi vardır. Fısk ve sefahet yolu ise –hattâ fâsıkın itirafıyla dahi– menfaatsiz olduğu halde, ondan dokuz ihtimal ile şakavet-i ebediye helâketi bulunduğu, icma ve tevatür derecesinde hadsiz ehl-i ihtisasın ve müşahedenin şehadetiyle sabittir ve ehl-i zevkin ve keşfin ihbaratıyla muhakkaktır.

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'''In Short:''' Like that of the hereafter, happiness in this world lies in worship and being a soldier for Almighty God. In which case, we should constantly say: “Praise be to God for obedience to him and success,” and we should thank Him that we are Muslims.
Elhasıl: '''Âhiret gibi dünya saadeti dahi ibadette ve Allah’a asker olmaktadır.''' Öyle ise biz daima اَل۟حَم۟دُ لِلّٰهِ عَلَى الطَّاعَةِ وَالتَّو۟فٖيقِ demeliyiz ve Müslüman olduğumuza şükretmeliyiz.

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<center> [[İkinci Söz]] ⇐ | [[Sözler]] | ⇒ [[Dördüncü Söz]] </center>
<center> [[İkinci Söz/en|The Second Word]] ⇐ | [[Sözler/en|The Words]] | ⇒ [[Dördüncü Söz/en|The Fourth Word]] </center>