Altıncı Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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    ("Verily God has purchased from the believers their persons and their property that Paradise might be theirs.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 9:111.</ref>)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
    Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
    ("------ <center> The Fifth Word ⇐ | The Words | ⇒ The Seventh Word </center> ------" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
    (Aynı kullanıcının aradaki diğer 29 değişikliği gösterilmiyor)
    4. satır: 4. satır:
    Verily God has purchased from the believers their persons and their property that Paradise might be theirs.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 9:111.</ref>)
    Verily God has purchased from the believers their persons and their property that Paradise might be theirs.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 9:111.</ref>)

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    If you wish to understand how profitable a trade it is, and how honour-able a rank, to sell one’s person and property to God, to be His slave and His soldier, then listen to the following comparison.
    Nefis ve malını Cenab-ı Hakk’a satmak ve ona abd olmak ve asker olmak; ne kadar kârlı bir ticaret, ne kadar şerefli bir rütbe olduğunu anlamak istersen şu temsilî hikâyeciği dinle:

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    Once a king entrusted each of two of his  subjects with an estate, including all necessary  workshops, machinery, horses, weapons  and  so  forth. But  since  it  was  a tempestuous and  war-ridden  age, nothing enjoyed stability; it  was destined either to disappear or to change. The king in his infinite mercy sent a most noble lieutenant to the two men and by means of a compassionate decree conveyed the following to them:
    Bir zaman bir padişah, raiyetinden iki adama, her birisine emaneten birer çiftlik verir ki içinde fabrika, makine, at, silah gibi her şey var. Fakat fırtınalı bir muharebe zamanı olduğundan hiçbir şey kararında kalmaz. Ya mahvolur veya tebeddül eder gider. Padişah, o iki nefere kemal-i merhametinden bir yaver-i ekremini gönderdi. Gayet merhametkâr bir ferman ile onlara diyordu:

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    “Sell me the property you now hold in trust, so that I may keep it for you. Let it not be destroyed for no purpose. After the wars are over, I will return it to you in a better condition than before. I will regard the trust as your property and pay you a high price for it. As for the machinery and the tools in the workshop, they will be used in my name and at  my  workbench. But  the  price  and  the  fee  for  their  use  shall  be  increased  a thousandfold. You  will  receive  all  the  profit  that  accrues.   You  are  indigent  and resourceless, and unable to provide the cost of these great tasks. So let me assume the provision of all expenses and equipment, and give you all the income and the profit. You shall keep it until the time of demobilization. So see the five ways in which you shall profit!
    “Elinizde olan emanetimi bana satınız. Tâ sizin için muhafaza edeyim, beyhude zayi olmasın. Hem muharebe bittikten sonra size daha güzel bir surette iade edeceğim. Hem güya o emanet malınızdır, pek büyük bir fiyat size vereceğim. Hem o makine ve fabrikadaki âletler, benim namımla ve benim tezgâhımda işlettirilecek. Hem fiyatı hem ücretleri, birden bine yükselecek. Bütün o kârı size vereceğim. Hem de siz, âciz ve fakirsiniz. O koca işlerin masarifatını tedarik edemezsiniz. Bütün masarifatı ve levazımatı, ben deruhte ederim. Bütün vâridatı ve menfaati size vereceğim. Hem de terhisat zamanına kadar elinizde bırakacağım. İşte beş mertebe kâr içinde kâr…

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    Now if you do not sell me the property, you can see that no one is able to preserve what he possesses, and you too will lose what you now hold. It will go for nothing, and you will lose the high price I offer. The delicate  and precious tools and scales, the precious metals waiting to be used, will also lose all value. You will have the trouble and concern of administering and preserving, but at the same time be punished for betraying your trust. So see the five ways in which you may lose!
    Eğer bana satmazsanız zaten görüyorsunuz ki hiç kimse elindekini muhafaza edemiyor. Herkes gibi elinizden çıkacaktır. Hem beyhude gidecek. Hem o yüksek fiyattan mahrum kalacaksınız. Hem o nazik, kıymettar âletler, mizanlar, istimal edilecek şahane madenler ve işler bulmadığından bütün bütün kıymetten düşecekler. Hem idare ve muhafaza zahmeti ve külfeti başınıza kalacak. Hem emanette hıyanet cezasını göreceksiniz. İşte beş derece hasaret içinde hasaret…

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    Moreover, if you sell the property to me,  you become my soldier and act in my name. Instead of a common prisoner or irregular soldier, you will be the free lieutenant of an exalted monarch.”
    Hem de bana satmak ise bana asker olup benim namımla tasarruf etmek demektir. Âdi bir esir ve başı bozuğa bedel, âlî bir padişahın has, serbest bir yaver-i askeri olursunuz.”

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    After they had listened to this gracious decree, the more intelligent of the two men said:
    Onlar, şu iltifatı ve fermanı dinledikten sonra o iki adamdan aklı başında olanı dedi:

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    “By all means, I am proud and happy to sell. I offer thanks a thousandfold.
    — Baş üstüne, ben maaliftihar satarım. Hem bin teşekkür ederim.

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    But the other was arrogant, selfish and dissipated; his soul had become as proud as the Pharaoh. As if he was to stay eternally on that estate, he ignored the earthquakes and tumults of this world. He said:
    Diğeri mağrur, nefsi firavunlaşmış, hodbin, ayyaş, güya ebedî o çiftlikte kalacak gibi dünya zelzelelerinden, dağdağalarından haberi yok. Dedi:

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    “No! Who is the king? I won’t sell my property, nor spoil my enjoyment.”
    — Yok! Padişah kimdir? Ben mülkümü satmam, keyfimi bozmam…

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    After a short time, the first man reached so high a rank that everyone envied his state. He received the favour of the king, and lived happily in the king’s own palace. The other by contrast fell into such a state that everyone pitied him, but also said he deserved it. For as a result of his error, his happiness and property departed, and he suffered punishment and torment.
    Biraz zaman sonra birinci adam öyle bir mertebeye çıktı ki herkes haline gıpta ederdi. Padişahın lütfuna mazhar olmuş, has sarayında saadetle yaşıyor. Diğeri, öyle bir hale giriftar olmuş ki hem herkes ona acıyor hem de “Müstahak!” diyor. Çünkü hatasının neticesi olarak hem saadeti ve mülkü gitmiş hem ceza ve azap çekiyor.

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    O soul full of caprices! Look at the face of truth through the telescope of this parable. As for the king, he is the Monarch of Pre-Eternity and Post-Eternity, your Sustainer and Creator. The estates, machinery, tools and scales are your possessions while in life’s fold; your body, spirit and heart within those possessions, and your outward and inward senses such as the eye and the tongue, intelligence and  imagination. As for the most noble lieutenant, it is the Noble Messenger of God; and the most wise  decree is the Wise Qur’an, which describes the trade we are discussing in this verse:
    İşte ey nefs-i pür-heves! Şu misalin dürbünü ile hakikatin yüzüne bak. Amma o padişah ise ezel ebed Sultanı olan Rabb’in, Hâlık’ındır. Ve o çiftlikler, makineler, âletler, mizanlar ise senin daire-i hayatın içindeki mâmelekin ve o mâmelekin içindeki cisim, ruh ve kalbin ve onlar içindeki göz ve dil, akıl ve hayal gibi zâhirî ve bâtınî hâsselerindir. Ve o yaver-i ekrem ise Resul-i Kerîm’dir. Ve o ferman-ı ahkem ise Kur’an-ı Hakîm’dir ki bahsinde bulunduğumuz ticaret-i azîmeyi, şu âyetle ilan ediyor:

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    Verily God has purchased from the believers their persons and property that Paradise might be theirs.
    اِنَّ اللّٰهَ اشْتَرٰى مِنَ الْمُؤْمِن۪ينَ اَنْفُسَهُمْ وَاَمْوَالَهُمْ بِاَنَّ لَهُمُ الْجَنَّةَ

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    The surging field of battle is the tempestuous surface of the world, which ceaselessly changes, dissolves and reforms and causes every man to think: “Since everything will leave our hands, will perish and be lost, is there no way in which we can transform it into something eternal and preserve it?” While engaged in these thoughts, he suddenly hears the heavenly voice of the Qur’an saying: “Indeed there is, a beautiful and easy way which contains five profits within itself.”
    Ve o dalgalı muharebe meydanı ise şu fırtınalı dünya yüzüdür ki durmuyor, dönüyor, bozuluyor ve her insanın aklına şu fikri veriyor: “Madem her şey elimizden çıkacak, fâni olup kaybolacak. Acaba bâkiye tebdil edip ibka etmek çaresi yok mu?” deyip düşünürken birden semavî sadâ-yı Kur’an işitiliyor. Der: “Evet, var. Hem beş mertebe kârlı bir surette güzel ve rahat bir çaresi var.”

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    What is that way?
    '''Sual:''' Nedir?

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    To sell the trust received back to its true owner.
    '''Elcevap:''' Emaneti, sahib-i hakikisine satmak.

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    Such a sale yields profit fivefold.
    İşte o satışta, beş derece kâr içinde kâr var.

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    '''The First Profit:'''Transient property becomes everlasting. For this waning life, when given to the  Eternal and Self-Subsistent Lord of Glory and spent for His sake, will be transmuted into eternity. It  will yield eternal fruits. The moments of one’s  life will apparently vanish and rot like kernels and seeds. But then the flowers of blessedness and auspiciousness will open and bloom in the realm of eternity, and each will also present a luminous and reassuring aspect in the Intermediate Realm.
    '''Birinci kâr:''' Fâni mal, beka bulur. Çünkü Kayyum-u Bâki olan Zat-ı Zülcelal’e verilen ve onun yolunda sarf edilen şu ömr-ü zâil, bâkiye inkılab eder, bâki meyveler verir. O vakit ömür dakikaları, âdeta tohumlar, çekirdekler hükmünde zâhiren fena bulur, çürür. Fakat âlem-i bekada, saadet çiçekleri açarlar ve sümbüllenirler. Ve âlem-i berzahta ziyadar, munis birer manzara olurlar.

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    '''The Second Profit:''' The high price of Paradise is given in exchange.
    '''İkinci kâr:''' Cennet gibi bir fiyat veriliyor.

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    '''The Third Profit:'''The  value  of  each  limb  and  each  sense  is  increased  a thousandfold.
    '''Üçüncü kâr:''' Her aza ve hâsselerin kıymeti, birden bine çıkar.

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    The intelligence is, for example, like a tool. If you do not sell it to God Almighty, but  rather employ it for the sake of the soul, it will become an ill-omened, noxious and debilitating tool that will burden your weak person with all the sad sorrows of the past  and the terrifying  fears of the  future;  it  will descend to the rank of an inauspicious and destructive tool. It is for this reason that a  sinful man will frequently resort to drunkenness or frivolous pleasure in order to escape the vexations and injuries of his intelligence. But if you sell your intelligence to its True Owner and employ it on His behalf, then it will become like the key to a talisman, unlocking the infinite treasures of compassion and the vaults of wisdom that creation contains. It will thus rise to being a dominical guide preparing its owner for eternal bliss.
    Mesela, akıl bir âlettir. Eğer Cenab-ı Hakk’a satmayıp belki nefis hesabına çalıştırsan öyle meş’um ve müz’iç ve muacciz bir âlet olur ki geçmiş zamanın âlâm-ı hazînanesini ve gelecek zamanın ehval-i muhavvifanesini senin bu bîçare başına yükletecek, yümünsüz ve muzır bir âlet derekesine iner. İşte bunun içindir ki fâsık adam, aklın iz’aç ve tacizinden kurtulmak için galiben ya sarhoşluğa veya eğlenceye kaçar. Eğer Mâlik-i Hakiki’sine satılsa ve onun hesabına çalıştırsan akıl, öyle tılsımlı bir anahtar olur ki şu kâinatta olan nihayetsiz rahmet hazinelerini ve hikmet definelerini açar. Ve bununla sahibini, saadet-i ebediyeye müheyya eden bir mürşid-i Rabbanî derecesine çıkar.

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    To take another example, the eye is one of the senses, a window through which the spirit looks out on this world. If you do not sell it to God Almighty, but rather employ it on behalf of the soul, by gazing upon a handful of transient, impermanent beauties and scenes, it will sink to the level of being a pander to lust and the concupiscent soul. But if you sell the eye to your All-Seeing Maker, and employ it on His behalf and within limits traced out by Him, then your eye will rise to the rank of a reader of the great book of being, a witness to the miracles of dominical art, a blessed bee sucking on the blossoms of mercy in the garden of this globe.
    Mesela, göz bir hâssedir ki ruh bu âlemi o pencere ile seyreder. Eğer Cenab-ı Hakk’a satmayıp belki nefis hesabına çalıştırsan geçici, devamsız bazı güzellikleri, manzaraları seyir ile şehvet ve heves-i nefsaniyeye bir kavvad derekesinde bir hizmetkâr olur. Eğer gözü, gözün Sâni’-i Basîr’ine satsan ve onun hesabına ve izni dairesinde çalıştırsan o zaman şu göz, şu kitab-ı kebir-i kâinatın bir mütalaacısı ve şu âlemdeki mu’cizat-ı sanat-ı Rabbaniyenin bir seyircisi ve şu küre-i arz bahçesindeki rahmet çiçeklerinin mübarek bir arısı derecesine çıkar.

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    Yet another example is that of the tongue and the sense of taste. If you do not sell it to your Wise Creator, but employ it instead on behalf of the soul and for the sake of the stomach, it sinks and declines to the level of a gatekeeper at the stable of the stomach, a watchman at its factory. But if you sell it to the Generous Provider, the sense of taste contained in the tongue will rise to the rank of a  skilled overseer of the treasuries of Divine compassion, a grateful inspector in the kitchens of God’s eternal power.
    Mesela, dildeki kuvve-i zaikayı, Fâtır-ı Hakîm’ine satmazsan belki nefis hesabına, mide namına çalıştırsan o vakit midenin tavlasına ve fabrikasına bir kapıcı derekesine iner, sukut eder. Eğer Rezzak-ı Kerîm’e satsan o zaman dildeki kuvve-i zaika, rahmet-i İlahiye hazinelerinin bir nâzır-ı mahiri ve kudret-i Samedaniye matbahlarının bir müfettiş-i şâkiri rütbesine çıkar.

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    So look well, O intelligence! See the difference between a tool of destruction and the key to all being! And look carefully, O eye! See the difference between an abominable pander and the learned overseer of the Divine library! And taste well, O tongue! See the difference between a stable doorkeeper or a factory watchman and the superintendent of the treasury of God’s mercy!
    İşte ey akıl, dikkat et! Meş’um bir âlet nerede, kâinat anahtarı nerede? Ey göz, güzel bak! Âdi bir kavvad nerede, kütüphane-i İlahînin mütefennin bir nâzırı nerede? Ve ey dil, iyi tat! Bir tavla kapıcısı ve bir fabrika yasakçısı nerede, hazine-i hâssa-i rahmet nâzırı nerede?

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    Compare all other tools and limbs to these, and then you will understand that in truth the believer acquires a nature worthy of Paradise and the unbeliever a nature conforming to Hell. The reason for each of them attaining his respective value is that the believer, by virtue of his faith, uses the trust of his Creator on His behalf and within the limits traced out by Him, whereas the unbeliever betrays the trust and employs it for the sake of the instinctual soul.
    Ve daha bunlar gibi başka âletleri ve azaları kıyas etsen anlarsın ki hakikaten mü’min cennete lâyık ve kâfir cehenneme muvafık bir mahiyet kesbeder. Ve onların her biri, öyle bir kıymet almalarının sebebi; mü’min, imanıyla Hâlık’ının emanetini, onun namına ve izni dairesinde istimal etmesidir. Ve kâfir, hıyanet edip nefs-i emmare hesabına çalıştırmasıdır.

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    '''The Fourth Profit:'''Man is helpless and exposed to numerous misfortunes. He is indigent, and his needs are numerous. He is weak, and the burden of life is most heavy. If he does not rely on the Omnipotent One of Glory, place his trust in Him and confidently submit to Him, his conscience will always be troubled. Fruitless torments, pains and regrets will suffocate him and intoxicate him, or turn him into a beast.
    '''Dördüncü kâr:''' İnsan zayıftır, belaları çok. Fakirdir, ihtiyacı pek ziyade. Âcizdir, hayat yükü pek ağır. Eğer Kadîr-i Zülcelal’e dayanıp tevekkül etmezse ve itimat edip teslim olmazsa, vicdanı daim azap içinde kalır. Semeresiz meşakkatler, elemler, teessüfler onu boğar; ya sarhoş veya canavar eder.

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    '''The Fifth Profit:'''Those who have experienced illumination and had unveiled to them the true nature of things, the elect who have witnessed the truth, are all agreed that the exalted reward  for  all the  worship  and glorification of God performed  by your members and instruments will be given to you at the time of greatest need, in the form of the fruits of Paradise.
    '''Beşinci kâr:''' Bütün o aza ve âletlerin ibadeti ve tesbihatı ve o yüksek ücretleri, en muhtaç olduğun bir zamanda, cennet yemişleri suretinde sana verileceğine ehl-i zevk ve keşif ve ehl-i ihtisas ve müşahede ittifak etmişler.

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    If you spurn this trade with its fivefold profit, in addition to being deprived of its profit, you will suffer fivefold loss.
    İşte bu beş mertebe kârlı ticareti yapmazsan şu kârlardan mahrumiyetten başka, beş derece hasaret içinde hasarete düşeceksin.

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    '''The First Loss:'''The property and offspring to which you are so attached, the soul and its caprice that you worship, the youth and life with which you are infatuated, all will vanish and be  lost; your hands will be empty. But they will leave behind them sin and pain, fastened on your neck like a yoke.
    '''Birinci hasaret:''' O kadar sevdiğin mal ve evlat ve perestiş ettiğin nefis ve heva ve meftun olduğun gençlik ve hayat zayi olup kaybolacak, senin elinden çıkacaklar. Fakat günahlarını, elemlerini sana bırakıp boynuna yükletecekler.

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    '''The Second Loss:'''You will suffer the penalty for betrayal of trust. For you will have wronged your own self by using the most precious tools on the most worthless objects.
    '''İkinci hasaret:''' Emanette hıyanet cezasını çekeceksin. Çünkü en kıymettar âletleri, en kıymetsiz şeylerde sarf edip nefsine zulmettin.

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    '''The Third Loss:'''By casting down all the precious faculties of man to a level much inferior to the animals, you will have insulted and transgressed against God’s wisdom.
    '''Üçüncü hasaret:''' Bütün o kıymettar cihazat-ı insaniyeyi, hayvanlıktan çok aşağı bir derekeye düşürüp hikmet-i İlahiyeye iftira ve zulmettin.

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    '''The Fourth Loss:'''In your weakness and poverty, you will have placed the heavy burden of life on your weak shoulders, and will constantly groan and lament beneath the
    '''Dördüncü hasaret:''' Acz ve fakrın ile beraber, o pek ağır hayat yükünü, zayıf beline yükleyip zeval ve firak sillesi altında daim vaveylâ edeceksin.
    blows of transience and separation.

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    '''The Fifth Loss:'''You will have clothed in an ugly form, fit to open the gates of Hell in front of you, the fair gifts of the Compassionate One such as the intelligence, the heart, the  eye  and  the  tongue,  given  to  you  to  make  preparation  for  the  foundations  of everlasting life and eternal happiness in the hereafter.
    '''Beşinci hasaret:''' Hayat-ı ebediye esasatını ve saadet-i uhreviye levazımatını tedarik etmek için verilen akıl, kalp, göz ve dil gibi güzel hediye-i Rahmaniyeyi, cehennem kapılarını sana açacak çirkin bir surete çevirmektir.

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    Now is it so difficult to sell the trust? Is it so burdensome that many people shun the transaction? By no  means! It  is  not  in the  least  burdensome. For the  limits of the permissible are  broad, and are quite adequate for man’s desire; there is  no need to trespass on the forbidden. The duties imposed by God are light and few in number.
    Şimdi satmaya bakacağız. Acaba o kadar ağır bir şey midir ki çokları satmaktan kaçıyorlar. Yok, kat’â ve aslâ! Hiç öyle ağırlığı yoktur. Zira helâl dairesi geniştir, keyfe kâfi gelir. Harama girmeye hiç lüzum yoktur. Feraiz-i İlahiye ise hafiftir, azdır.

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    To be the slave and soldier of God is an indescribably pleasurable honour.
    Allah’a abd ve asker olmak, öyle lezzetli bir şereftir ki tarif edilmez.

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    One’s duty is simply to act and embark on all things in God’s name, like a soldier; to take and to give on God’s behalf; to move and be still in accordance with His permission and law.
    Vazife ise yalnız, bir asker gibi Allah namına işlemeli, başlamalı. Ve Allah hesabıyla vermeli ve almalı. Ve izni ve kanunu dairesinde hareket etmeli, sükûnet bulmalı.

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    If one falls short, then one should seek His forgiveness, say:“O Lord! Forgive our faults, and accept us as Your slaves. Make us sure holders of Your trust until the time comes when it is taken from us. Amen!”, and make petition unto Him.
    Kusur etse istiğfar etmeli. '''“Yâ Rab! Kusurumuzu affet, bizi kendine kul kabul et, emanetini kabzetmek zamanına kadar bizi emanette emin kıl, âmin!”''' demeli ve ona yalvarmalı.

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    <center> [[Beşinci Söz]] ⇐ | [[Sözler]] | ⇒ [[Yedinci Söz]] </center>
    <center> [[Beşinci Söz/en|The Fifth Word]] ⇐ | [[Sözler/en|The Words]] | ⇒ [[Yedinci Söz/en|The Seventh Word]] </center>

    15.03, 25 Temmuz 2024 itibarı ile sayfanın şu anki hâli

    In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

    Verily God has purchased from the believers their persons and their property that Paradise might be theirs.(*[1])

    If you wish to understand how profitable a trade it is, and how honour-able a rank, to sell one’s person and property to God, to be His slave and His soldier, then listen to the following comparison.

    Once a king entrusted each of two of his subjects with an estate, including all necessary workshops, machinery, horses, weapons and so forth. But since it was a tempestuous and war-ridden age, nothing enjoyed stability; it was destined either to disappear or to change. The king in his infinite mercy sent a most noble lieutenant to the two men and by means of a compassionate decree conveyed the following to them:

    “Sell me the property you now hold in trust, so that I may keep it for you. Let it not be destroyed for no purpose. After the wars are over, I will return it to you in a better condition than before. I will regard the trust as your property and pay you a high price for it. As for the machinery and the tools in the workshop, they will be used in my name and at my workbench. But the price and the fee for their use shall be increased a thousandfold. You will receive all the profit that accrues. You are indigent and resourceless, and unable to provide the cost of these great tasks. So let me assume the provision of all expenses and equipment, and give you all the income and the profit. You shall keep it until the time of demobilization. So see the five ways in which you shall profit!

    Now if you do not sell me the property, you can see that no one is able to preserve what he possesses, and you too will lose what you now hold. It will go for nothing, and you will lose the high price I offer. The delicate and precious tools and scales, the precious metals waiting to be used, will also lose all value. You will have the trouble and concern of administering and preserving, but at the same time be punished for betraying your trust. So see the five ways in which you may lose!

    Moreover, if you sell the property to me, you become my soldier and act in my name. Instead of a common prisoner or irregular soldier, you will be the free lieutenant of an exalted monarch.”

    After they had listened to this gracious decree, the more intelligent of the two men said:

    “By all means, I am proud and happy to sell. I offer thanks a thousandfold.”

    But the other was arrogant, selfish and dissipated; his soul had become as proud as the Pharaoh. As if he was to stay eternally on that estate, he ignored the earthquakes and tumults of this world. He said:

    “No! Who is the king? I won’t sell my property, nor spoil my enjoyment.”

    After a short time, the first man reached so high a rank that everyone envied his state. He received the favour of the king, and lived happily in the king’s own palace. The other by contrast fell into such a state that everyone pitied him, but also said he deserved it. For as a result of his error, his happiness and property departed, and he suffered punishment and torment.

    O soul full of caprices! Look at the face of truth through the telescope of this parable. As for the king, he is the Monarch of Pre-Eternity and Post-Eternity, your Sustainer and Creator. The estates, machinery, tools and scales are your possessions while in life’s fold; your body, spirit and heart within those possessions, and your outward and inward senses such as the eye and the tongue, intelligence and imagination. As for the most noble lieutenant, it is the Noble Messenger of God; and the most wise decree is the Wise Qur’an, which describes the trade we are discussing in this verse:

    Verily God has purchased from the believers their persons and property that Paradise might be theirs.

    The surging field of battle is the tempestuous surface of the world, which ceaselessly changes, dissolves and reforms and causes every man to think: “Since everything will leave our hands, will perish and be lost, is there no way in which we can transform it into something eternal and preserve it?” While engaged in these thoughts, he suddenly hears the heavenly voice of the Qur’an saying: “Indeed there is, a beautiful and easy way which contains five profits within itself.”

    What is that way?

    To sell the trust received back to its true owner.

    Such a sale yields profit fivefold.

    The First Profit:Transient property becomes everlasting. For this waning life, when given to the Eternal and Self-Subsistent Lord of Glory and spent for His sake, will be transmuted into eternity. It will yield eternal fruits. The moments of one’s life will apparently vanish and rot like kernels and seeds. But then the flowers of blessedness and auspiciousness will open and bloom in the realm of eternity, and each will also present a luminous and reassuring aspect in the Intermediate Realm.

    The Second Profit: The high price of Paradise is given in exchange.

    The Third Profit:The value of each limb and each sense is increased a thousandfold.

    The intelligence is, for example, like a tool. If you do not sell it to God Almighty, but rather employ it for the sake of the soul, it will become an ill-omened, noxious and debilitating tool that will burden your weak person with all the sad sorrows of the past and the terrifying fears of the future; it will descend to the rank of an inauspicious and destructive tool. It is for this reason that a sinful man will frequently resort to drunkenness or frivolous pleasure in order to escape the vexations and injuries of his intelligence. But if you sell your intelligence to its True Owner and employ it on His behalf, then it will become like the key to a talisman, unlocking the infinite treasures of compassion and the vaults of wisdom that creation contains. It will thus rise to being a dominical guide preparing its owner for eternal bliss.

    To take another example, the eye is one of the senses, a window through which the spirit looks out on this world. If you do not sell it to God Almighty, but rather employ it on behalf of the soul, by gazing upon a handful of transient, impermanent beauties and scenes, it will sink to the level of being a pander to lust and the concupiscent soul. But if you sell the eye to your All-Seeing Maker, and employ it on His behalf and within limits traced out by Him, then your eye will rise to the rank of a reader of the great book of being, a witness to the miracles of dominical art, a blessed bee sucking on the blossoms of mercy in the garden of this globe.

    Yet another example is that of the tongue and the sense of taste. If you do not sell it to your Wise Creator, but employ it instead on behalf of the soul and for the sake of the stomach, it sinks and declines to the level of a gatekeeper at the stable of the stomach, a watchman at its factory. But if you sell it to the Generous Provider, the sense of taste contained in the tongue will rise to the rank of a skilled overseer of the treasuries of Divine compassion, a grateful inspector in the kitchens of God’s eternal power.

    So look well, O intelligence! See the difference between a tool of destruction and the key to all being! And look carefully, O eye! See the difference between an abominable pander and the learned overseer of the Divine library! And taste well, O tongue! See the difference between a stable doorkeeper or a factory watchman and the superintendent of the treasury of God’s mercy!

    Compare all other tools and limbs to these, and then you will understand that in truth the believer acquires a nature worthy of Paradise and the unbeliever a nature conforming to Hell. The reason for each of them attaining his respective value is that the believer, by virtue of his faith, uses the trust of his Creator on His behalf and within the limits traced out by Him, whereas the unbeliever betrays the trust and employs it for the sake of the instinctual soul.

    The Fourth Profit:Man is helpless and exposed to numerous misfortunes. He is indigent, and his needs are numerous. He is weak, and the burden of life is most heavy. If he does not rely on the Omnipotent One of Glory, place his trust in Him and confidently submit to Him, his conscience will always be troubled. Fruitless torments, pains and regrets will suffocate him and intoxicate him, or turn him into a beast.

    The Fifth Profit:Those who have experienced illumination and had unveiled to them the true nature of things, the elect who have witnessed the truth, are all agreed that the exalted reward for all the worship and glorification of God performed by your members and instruments will be given to you at the time of greatest need, in the form of the fruits of Paradise.

    If you spurn this trade with its fivefold profit, in addition to being deprived of its profit, you will suffer fivefold loss.

    The First Loss:The property and offspring to which you are so attached, the soul and its caprice that you worship, the youth and life with which you are infatuated, all will vanish and be lost; your hands will be empty. But they will leave behind them sin and pain, fastened on your neck like a yoke.

    The Second Loss:You will suffer the penalty for betrayal of trust. For you will have wronged your own self by using the most precious tools on the most worthless objects.

    The Third Loss:By casting down all the precious faculties of man to a level much inferior to the animals, you will have insulted and transgressed against God’s wisdom.

    The Fourth Loss:In your weakness and poverty, you will have placed the heavy burden of life on your weak shoulders, and will constantly groan and lament beneath the blows of transience and separation.

    The Fifth Loss:You will have clothed in an ugly form, fit to open the gates of Hell in front of you, the fair gifts of the Compassionate One such as the intelligence, the heart, the eye and the tongue, given to you to make preparation for the foundations of everlasting life and eternal happiness in the hereafter.

    Now is it so difficult to sell the trust? Is it so burdensome that many people shun the transaction? By no means! It is not in the least burdensome. For the limits of the permissible are broad, and are quite adequate for man’s desire; there is no need to trespass on the forbidden. The duties imposed by God are light and few in number.

    To be the slave and soldier of God is an indescribably pleasurable honour.

    One’s duty is simply to act and embark on all things in God’s name, like a soldier; to take and to give on God’s behalf; to move and be still in accordance with His permission and law.

    If one falls short, then one should seek His forgiveness, say:“O Lord! Forgive our faults, and accept us as Your slaves. Make us sure holders of Your trust until the time comes when it is taken from us. Amen!”, and make petition unto Him.

    The Fifth Word ⇐ | The Words | ⇒ The Seventh Word

    1. *Qur’an, 9:111.