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On Beşinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"As a matchless scholar, an extraordinary prodigy, challenging the whole world of learning before reaching the age of puberty, he silenced all the scholars with whom he debated, answered absolutely correctly and without hesitation just about all the questions posed to him, bore the mantle of ‘master’ from the age of fourteen, and continuously irradiated the effulgence of knowledge and light of wisdom. With the subtlety and profundity of..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("To come to the Risale-i Nur and its Interpreter: since in this lofty work are an elevated effulgence and endless perfection never before encountered in any similar work; and since it is observed that, in a way hitherto unseen in any work, it is the heir to the effulgences of the Qur’an, which a Divine lamp and the sun of guidance and moon of happiness; it is a fact as clear as the sun that its basis is the pure light of the Qur’an and that it bears..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("As a matchless scholar, an extraordinary prodigy, challenging the whole world of learning before reaching the age of puberty, he silenced all the scholars with whom he debated, answered absolutely correctly and without hesitation just about all the questions posed to him, bore the mantle of ‘master’ from the age of fourteen, and continuously irradiated the effulgence of knowledge and light of wisdom. With the subtlety and profundity of..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
1.012. satır: 1.012. satır:
Yes, while still in his childhood and never having studied, in the space of three month’s study in order to be saved from externals, the Risale-i Nur’s Interpreter was made heir to the early and later sciences, mystic knowledge, the realities of things, the mysteries of the universe,  and Divine wisdom, which had been bestowed on no one previously. With his learning and  moral fortitude, consisting of his being embodied chastity, and his extraordinary courage and complete self-sufficiency, he was a miracle of creation, an embodiment of Divine favour; his abilities were God-given.
Yes, while still in his childhood and never having studied, in the space of three month’s study in order to be saved from externals, the Risale-i Nur’s Interpreter was made heir to the early and later sciences, mystic knowledge, the realities of things, the mysteries of the universe,  and Divine wisdom, which had been bestowed on no one previously. With his learning and  moral fortitude, consisting of his being embodied chastity, and his extraordinary courage and complete self-sufficiency, he was a miracle of creation, an embodiment of Divine favour; his abilities were God-given.

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As a matchless scholar, an extraordinary prodigy, challenging the whole world of learning before reaching the age of puberty, he silenced all the scholars with whom he debated, answered  absolutely  correctly  and  without  hesitation  just  about  all  the questions posed to  him, bore the mantle of ‘master’ from the age of fourteen, and continuously irradiated the  effulgence of knowledge and light of wisdom. With the subtlety  and  profundity  of  his  exposition,  the  conciseness  and  loftiness  of  his explanations,  and  his  insight,  perspicacity  and  light  of wisdom,  he  astonished  the scholars and learned, deservedly earning the illustrious title of ‘Bediuzzaman’ (Wonder of  the  Age).  As  someone  who  with  his  elevated  qualities  and  scholarly  virtues propagated and proved most perfectly the religion of Muhammad (PBUH), he surely received the highest favours of the Lord of the Prophets (PBUH), and was under his lofty protection and auspices. Doubtless he was one of noble virtue who advanced at the decree of the Most Holy Prophet (PBUH), and acted under his command, and was the heir to his truths and reflected his lights.
O zat-ı zîhavârık daha hadd-i büluğa ermeden bir allâme-i bîadîl halinde bütün cihan-ı ilme meydan okumuş, münazara ettiği erbab-ı ulûmu ilzam ve iskât etmiş, her nerede olursa olsun vaki olan bütün suallere mutlak bir isabetle ve aslâ tereddüt etmeden cevap vermiş, on dört yaşından itibaren üstadlık pâyesini taşımış ve mütemadiyen etrafına feyz-i ilim ve nur-u hikmet saçmış, izahlarındaki incelik ve derinlik ve beyanlarındaki ulviyet ve metanet ve tevcihlerindeki derin feraset ve basîret ve nur-u hikmet, erbab-ı irfanı şaşırtmış ve hakkıyla “Bediüzzaman” unvan-ı celilini bahşettirmiştir. Mezaya-yı âliye ve fezail-i ilmiyesiyle de din-i Muhammedînin (asm) neşrinde ve ispatında bir kemal-i tam halinde rû-nüma olmuş olan böyle bir zat elbette Seyyidü’l-enbiya Hazretlerinin (asm) en yüksek iltifatına mazhar ve en âlî himaye ve himmetine nâildir. Ve şüphesiz o Nebiyy-i Akdes’in (asm) emir ve fermanıyla yürüyen ve tasarrufuyla hareket eden ve onun envar ve hakaikine vâris ve ma’kes olan bir zat-ı kerîmü’s-sıfâttır.

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