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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"If they are asked what they know about the Prophet (UWBP), and they reply: “He was a very clever person with good morals,” they should be told:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("If they are asked what the Qur’an is and they reply: “It is a good book, written by man, that teaches good morality,”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("If they are asked what they know about the Prophet (UWBP), and they reply: “He was a very clever person with good morals,” they should be told:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
487. satır: 487. satır:
they should be told: “It must then be the Word of God and you have to accept it as such, for according to your way, you cannot say that it is ‘good’!”
they should be told: “It must then be the Word of God and you have to accept it as such, for according to your way, you cannot say that it is ‘good’!”

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If they are asked what they know about the Prophet (UWBP), and they reply: “He was a very clever person with good morals,they should be told:
Hem eğer onlara denilse: “Peygamber’i nasıl bilirsiniz?Derler: “Güzel ahlâklı, çok akıllı bir adam.”

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“You should believe in him in that case, because if he was very moral and clever, he must have been God’s Messenger. You say he was ‘good,’ but that is unacceptable according to your creed; you can’t say that.” And so on. Further aspects of the reality can be applied to other facets of the comparison.
O vakit onlara denilecek: “Öyle ise imana geliniz. Çünkü güzel ahlâklı, akıllı olsa alâküllihal Resulullah’tır. Çünkü sizin bu ‘güzel’ sözünüz, hududunuz dâhilinde değil; mesleğinizce böyle diyemezsiniz.” Ve hâkeza… Temsildeki sair işaretlere, hakikatin sair cihetleri tatbik edilebilir.

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