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Yirmi Dokuzuncu Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Among the ways of sainthood, the finest, straightest, richest, and most brilliant is following the practices (Sunna) of the Prophet (UWBP). That is, to think of the practices in one’s actions and deeds, and to follow and imitate them. In conduct and dealings with others, it is to think of the rulings of the Shari‘a and take them as one’s guide." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("====Second Point:====" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("Among the ways of sainthood, the finest, straightest, richest, and most brilliant is following the practices (Sunna) of the Prophet (UWBP). That is, to think of the practices in one’s actions and deeds, and to follow and imitate them. In conduct and dealings with others, it is to think of the rulings of the Shari‘a and take them as one’s guide." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
1.046. satır: 1.046. satır:
This world is the realm of wisdom, the realm of service; it is not the realm of reward and recompense. The wage for deeds and acts of service here is given in the Intermediate Realm and the hereafter. Acts here produce fruits there. This being the truth of  the matter, the results of actions that look to the hereafter should not be sought in this  world. If they are given, they should be received not gratefully, but regretfully. For in Paradise, the more fruits are picked the more they grow. So it is hardly sensible to consume in this world in fleeting fashion the fruits of actions  that  pertain  to  the  hereafter,  which  are lasting.  It  is  like  exchanging  a permanent lamp for one that will last a minute and then flicker out.
This world is the realm of wisdom, the realm of service; it is not the realm of reward and recompense. The wage for deeds and acts of service here is given in the Intermediate Realm and the hereafter. Acts here produce fruits there. This being the truth of  the matter, the results of actions that look to the hereafter should not be sought in this  world. If they are given, they should be received not gratefully, but regretfully. For in Paradise, the more fruits are picked the more they grow. So it is hardly sensible to consume in this world in fleeting fashion the fruits of actions  that  pertain  to  the  hereafter,  which  are lasting.  It  is  like  exchanging  a permanent lamp for one that will last a minute and then flicker out.

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It  is  because of this that  the people of sainthood  look on service, difficulty, misfortune, and hardship as agreeable. They do not complain and lament, but say: “All praise be to God for all situations!”
İşte bu sırra binaen ehl-i velayet, hizmet ve meşakkat ve musibet ve külfeti hoş görüyorlar, nazlanmıyorlar, şekva etmiyorlar.

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When illuminations and wonders, unfoldings and lights  are  bestowed on them, they accept them as divine  favours, and try to conceal them. They do not become proud, but offer more thanks and worship. Many of them have wanted those  states  to be concealed or to cease, lest they spoil the sincerity of their actions.
اَل۟حَم۟دُ لِلّٰهِ عَلٰى كُلِّ حَالٍ diyorlar. Keşif ve keramet, ezvak ve envar verildiği vakit, bir iltifat-ı İlahî nevinden kabul edip setrine çalışıyorlar. Fahre değil belki şükre, ubudiyete daha ziyade giriyorlar. Çokları o ahvalin istitar ve inkıtaını istemişler, tâ ki amellerindeki ihlas zedelenmesin.

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Yes, the highest divine favour for an acceptable person is not to  make  him  realize the favour, so  that  he does not  give up beseeching and offering thanks, or become complacent and start complaining.
Evet, makbul bir insan hakkında en mühim bir ihsan-ı İlahî, ihsanını ona ihsas etmemektir; tâ niyazdan naza ve şükürden fahre girmesin.

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It is because of this truth that if those who seek sainthood and follow the Sufi path do  so  for illuminations  and  wonders, which are some of the emanations of sainthood, and they are turned towards those and receive pleasure from them, they as though consume in transient fashion in this transient world the enduring fruits of the hereafter. This too opens up the way to loss of sincerity, the leaven of sainthood, and to sainthood eluding them.
İşte bu hakikate binaendir ki velayeti ve tarîkatı isteyenler; eğer velayetin bazı tereşşuhatı olan ezvak ve keramatı isterlerse ve onlara müteveccih ise ve onlardan hoşlansa; bâki, uhrevî meyveleri, fâni dünyada, fâni bir surette yemek kabîlinden olmakla beraber; velayetin mâyesi olan ihlası kaybedip velayetin kaçmasına meydan açar.

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<span id="Yedinci_Telvih"></span>
=== Yedinci Telvih ===
===Seventh Allusion===

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This consists of four points.
'''Dört nükte'''dir.

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<span id="Birinci_Nükte:"></span>
==== Birinci Nükte: ====
====First Point:====

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The Shari‘a is directly, without shadow or veil, the result of the  divine  address, through the  mystery of divine oneness  in respect  of absolute dominicalitY. The highest degrees of the Sufi path and of reality are like parts of the Shari‘a. Or they are always like its means, introduction, and servant. Their results are the incontrovertible matters of the Shari‘a.
Şeriat; doğrudan doğruya, gölgesiz, perdesiz, sırr-ı ehadiyet ile rububiyet-i mutlaka noktasında hitab-ı İlahînin neticesidir. Tarîkatın ve hakikatin en yüksek mertebeleri, şeriatın cüzleri hükmüne geçer. Yoksa daima vesile ve mukaddime ve hâdim hükmündedirler. Neticeleri, şeriatın muhkematıdır.

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