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Yirmi Yedinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Even saints like Jalaluddin Suyuti, who conversed many times with God’s Noble Messenger (PBUH) while awake, even if they do this and are honoured in this world with his company, they still cannot reach the Companions. For through the light of Muhammad’s (PBUH) prophethood, the Companions’ conversation was with him as Prophet. While the saints saw him (PBUH) after his death and conversed with him (PBUH) through the light of his sainthood. Tha..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The conversation of the Prophet was such an elixir that someone who experienced it for one minute received lights of reality equivalent to years of spiritual journeying. For in conversation there is reflection and a being coloured. It is well-known that through reflection and following and imitating, and through the sublime light of prophethood, a truly exalted level may be reached; –like through allegiance to his sovereign and following him, a sultan..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Even saints like Jalaluddin Suyuti, who conversed many times with God’s Noble Messenger (PBUH) while awake, even if they do this and are honoured in this world with his company, they still cannot reach the Companions. For through the light of Muhammad’s (PBUH) prophethood, the Companions’ conversation was with him as Prophet. While the saints saw him (PBUH) after his death and conversed with him (PBUH) through the light of his sainthood. Tha..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
160. satır: 160. satır:
The conversation of the Prophet was such an elixir that someone who experienced it for one minute received lights of reality equivalent to years of spiritual journeying. For in conversation there is reflection and a being coloured. It is well-known that through reflection and following and imitating, and through the sublime light of prophethood, a truly exalted level may be reached; –like through allegiance to his sovereign and following him, a sultan’s servant may rise to a  position so high a king cannot rise to it. It is due to this mystery that the greatest saints cannot reach the level of the Companions.
The conversation of the Prophet was such an elixir that someone who experienced it for one minute received lights of reality equivalent to years of spiritual journeying. For in conversation there is reflection and a being coloured. It is well-known that through reflection and following and imitating, and through the sublime light of prophethood, a truly exalted level may be reached; –like through allegiance to his sovereign and following him, a sultan’s servant may rise to a  position so high a king cannot rise to it. It is due to this mystery that the greatest saints cannot reach the level of the Companions.

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Even saints like Jalaluddin Suyuti, who conversed many times with God’s Noble Messenger (PBUH) while awake, even if they do this and are honoured in this world with his  company, they still cannot reach the Companions. For through the light of Muhammad’s (PBUH) prophethood, the Companions’ conversation was with him as Prophet. While the saints saw him (PBUH)  after his death and conversed with him (PBUH) through the  light  of  his  sainthood. That  is  to  say, the  personification and appearance of God’s Noble Messenger (PBUH) is in respect of his sainthood,  not in regard  to  his  prophethood. Since  that  is  so,  however  much  higher  the  level  of prophethood  is  to  that  of  sainthood, one  should  differentiate  between  the  two conversations to that degree.
Hattâ Celaleddin-i Süyûtî gibi uyanık iken çok defa sohbet-i Nebeviyeye mazhar olan veliler, Resul-i Ekrem (asm) ile yakazaten görüşseler ve şu âlemde sohbetine müşerref olsalar, yine sahabeye yetişemiyorlar. Çünkü sahabelerin sohbeti, nübüvvet-i Ahmediye (asm) nuruyla, yani Nebi olarak onunla sohbet ediyorlar. Evliyalar ise vefat-ı Nebevîden sonra Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâmı görmeleri, velayet-i Ahmediye (asm) nuruyla sohbettir. Demek, Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâmın onların nazarlarına temessül ve tezahür etmesi, velayet-i Ahmediye (asm) cihetindedir; nübüvvet itibarıyla değil. Madem öyledir; nübüvvet derecesi, velayet derecesinden ne kadar yüksek ise o iki sohbet de o derece tefavüt etmek lâzım gelir.

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