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Otuzuncu Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"in whose view innumerable individuals are present in the same way that a single individual is present;" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("no state, as is testified to by the order and balance of the beings in the universe; who although He is in no place, is present everywhere through His power and knowledge;" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("in whose view innumerable individuals are present in the same way that a single individual is present;" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
585. satır: 585. satır:
Neither sleep overcomes Him nor slumber.(2:255) * There is not a moving creature but He has grasp of its forelock.(11:56) * To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth.(39:63; 42:12) These verses point to a greatest manifestation of the name Self-Subsistent. One aspect of the mighty truth that these and verses like them indicate is as follows:
Neither sleep overcomes Him nor slumber.(2:255) * There is not a moving creature but He has grasp of its forelock.(11:56) * To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth.(39:63; 42:12) These verses point to a greatest manifestation of the name Self-Subsistent. One aspect of the mighty truth that these and verses like them indicate is as follows:

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The existence, continuance, and perpetuation of the  heavenly  bodies  in  the universe  are tied to the mystery of Self-Subsistence. If the manifestation of Self- Subsistence were to avert its face for a moment, millions of globes, some of them a thousand times larger than the earth, would be scattered into the infinite void of space, and colliding with one another would crash into nothingness.
Şu kâinattaki ecram-ı semaviyenin kıyamları, devamları, bekaları sırr-ı kayyumiyetle bağlıdır. Eğer o cilve-i kayyumiyet bir dakikada yüzünü çevirse bir kısmı küre-i arzdan bin defa büyük milyonlarla küreler, feza-yı gayr-ı mütenahî boşluğunda dağılacak, birbirine çarpacak, ademe dökülecekler.

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For example, the power of the Self-Subsistence of the One who keeps thousands of stately palaces in place in perfect order and makes them travel like aircraft through space is  measured through the stability, order, and continuance of those palaces in space. So too a measure of the greatest manifestation of the name Self-Subsistent are the facts that the  All-Glorious and Self-Subsistent One bestows on the innumerable heavenly bodies within ethereal matter a stability, permanence, and continuance within the utmost order and  balance through the mystery of Self-Subsistence; and together with upholding without prop or support in the void  millions of mighty globes, some a thousand and some even a million times larger than the earth, entrusts them all with duties and causes them to submit in perfect obedience like a majestic army to the decrees proceeding from the command of “‘Be!’ and it is.” The particles of all beings also exist, like the stars, through the mystery of Self-Subsistence, and are permanent and continue through it.
Nasıl ki mesela, havada –tayyareler yerinde– binler muhteşem kasırları kemal-i intizamla durdurup seyahat ettiren bir zatın kayyumiyet iktidarı, o havadaki sarayların sebat ve nizam ve devamları ile ölçülür. Öyle de o Zat-ı Kayyum-u Zülcelal’in madde-i esîriye içinde hadsiz ecram-ı semaviyeye nihayet derecede intizam ve mizan içinde sırr-ı kayyumiyetle bir kıyam, bir beka, bir devam vererek, bazısı küre-i arzdan bin ve bir kısmı bir milyon defa büyük milyonlarla azîm küreleri direksiz, istinadsız, boşlukta durdurmakla beraber, her birini bir vazife ile tavzif edip gayet muhteşem bir ordu şeklinde “Emr-i kün feyekûn”den gelen fermanlara kemal-i inkıyadla itaat ettirmesi, ism-i Kayyum’un a’zamî cilvesine bir ölçü olduğu gibi, her bir mevcudun zerreleri dahi yıldızlar gibi sırr-ı kayyumiyetle kaim ve o sır ile beka ve devam ediyorlar.

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The particles in an animate creature’s body do not disperse but are assembled in groups and systems peculiar to each limb, and without scattering, preserve their position within the storms of the elements, which flow like floods,  and  remain regular and  in order. Since this self-evidently does not occur through themselves but through the mystery of Self-Subsistence, and since each body is like a well-ordered regiment and each species like a regular army, these particles proclaim the mystery of Self-Subsistence with innumerable tongues in the same way that the continuance  and motion of animate creatures and their assemblages on the earth and that of the stars in the world of space proclaim it.
Evet, bir zîhayatın cesedindeki zerrelerin her bir azaya mahsus bir heyet ile küme küme toplanıp dağılmadıkları ve sel gibi akan unsurların fırtınaları içinde vaziyetlerini muhafaza edip dağılmamaları ve muntazaman durmaları, bilbedahe kendi kendilerinden olmayıp belki sırr-ı kayyumiyetle olduğundan; her bir ceset muntazam bir tabur, her bir nevi muntazam bir ordu hükmünde olarak bütün zîhayat ve mürekkebatın zemin yüzünde ve yıldızların feza âleminde durmaları ve gezmeleri gibi, bu zerreler dahi hadsiz dilleriyle sırr-ı kayyumiyeti ilan ederler.

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'''Second Matter:''' This station requires that some of the benefits and instances of wisdom in things connected with the mystery of Self-Subsistence are pointed out.
'''İkinci Mesele:''' Eşyanın sırr-ı kayyumiyetle münasebettar faydalarının ve hikmetlerinin bir kısmına işaret etmeyi, bu makam iktiza ediyor.

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The wisdom in the existence of things, and the aims of their natures, the benefits in their creation, and the results of their lives are of three sorts.
Evet, her şeyin hikmet-i vücudu ve gaye-i fıtratı ve faide-i hilkati ve netice-i hayatı üçer nevidir:

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'''The First Sort''' looks to each thing itself and to man and to man’s affairs.
'''Birinci nevi,''' kendine ve insana ve insanın maslahatlarına bakar.

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