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Hutbe-i Şamiye/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"In the Arabic addendum to the Damascus Sermon, the unassailable moral heroism born of belief in God was described by means of a truly subtle comparison. Here we shall set forth a summary of it and explain it." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("However, because of the obscene and bad character that infiltrated us from foreigners, a selfish man from among us says: “If I die of thirst, let it not rain again anywhere in the world. If I do not experience happiness, let the world go to rack and ruin as it wishes.” These ridiculous words arise from lack of religion and from not recognizing the hereafter. They have entered among us from outside and are poisoning us." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("In the Arabic addendum to the Damascus Sermon, the unassailable moral heroism born of belief in God was described by means of a truly subtle comparison. Here we shall set forth a summary of it and explain it." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
379. satır: 379. satır:
This is especially so since we people of the East are not like those of the West: our hearts are governed by the sense of religion. The fact that it was in the East that pre-eternal Divine Determining sent most of the prophets indicates that only the sense of religion will awaken the East and impel it to progress. A convincing argument for this is the era of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and those who followed after him.
This is especially so since we people of the East are not like those of the West: our hearts are governed by the sense of religion. The fact that it was in the East that pre-eternal Divine Determining sent most of the prophets indicates that only the sense of religion will awaken the East and impel it to progress. A convincing argument for this is the era of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and those who followed after him.

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O my friends who are studying with me in this travelling school called a train! You asked me to which one should give more importance, religious zeal or national zeal. And now, all you who received secular education and are travelling with me towards the future in the train of time! I say the following to you as well:
Ey bu hamiyet-i diniye ve milliyeden hangisine daha ziyade ehemmiyet vermek lâzım geldiğini soran, bu şimendifer denilen medrese-i seyyarede ders arkadaşlarım! Ve şimdi zamanın şimendiferinde istikbal tarafına bizimle beraber giden bütün mektepliler! Size de derim ki:

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Religious zeal and Islamic nationhood have completely fused in the Turks and Arabs, and may not now be separated. Islamic zeal is a luminous chain which is most strong and secure and is not born of this world. It is a support that is firm and certain, and will not fail. It is an unassailable fortress that cannot be razed.When I said this to those two enlightened school teachers, they said to me: “What evidence is there for this? For a claim as great as this an equally great proof and powerful evidence are necessary. What is the evidence?”
“Hamiyet-i diniye ve İslâmiyet milliyeti, Türk ve Arap içinde tamamıyla mezcolmuş ve kabil-i tefrik olamaz bir hale gelmiş. Hamiyet-i İslâmiye, en kuvvetli ve metin ve arştan gelmiş bir zincir-i nuranidir. Kırılmaz ve kopmaz bir urvetü’l-vüskadır. Tahrip edilmez, mağlup olmaz bir kudsî kaledir.” dediğim vakit o iki münevver mektep muallimleri bana dediler: “Delilin nedir? Bu büyük davaya büyük bir hüccet ve gayet kuvvetli bir delil lâzım. Delil nedir?”

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Suddenly the train emerged from a tunnel. We put our heads out of the window and looked. We saw that a child not yet six years old was standing right next to the railway line where the train was about to pass. I said to my two teacher friends:
Birden şimendiferimiz tünelden çıktı. Biz de başımızı çıkardık, pencereden baktık. Altı yaşına girmemiş bir çocuğu şimendiferin tam geçeceği yolun yanında durmuş gördük. O iki muallim arkadaşlarıma dedim:

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Look, this child is answering our question just by the way he is acting. Let the innocent child be the teacher in our travelling school instead of me. See, his behaviour is stating the following truth:
İşte bu çocuk lisan-ı haliyle sualimize tam cevap veriyor. Benim bedelime o masum çocuk, bu seyyar medresemizde üstadımız olsun. İşte lisan-ı hali bu gelecek hakikati der:

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You can see that the child is standing only a metre’s distance from where this hideous monster will pass the minute it roars shrieking out of its hole, the tunnel, with its fearful onslaught. Although it is roaring and threatening with its overwhelming attack saying: “Anything in my way better watch out!”, the innocent child is standing right next to it. With perfect courage, heroism and freedom of spirit he gives no importance at all to its threats. He has contempt for the monster’s onslaught, and says with his childish heroism: “Hey, railway train, you can’t frighten me with your thunderous roars!”
Bakınız bu dabbetü’l-arz, dehşetli hücum ve gürültüsü ve bağırmasıyla ve tünel deliğinden çıkıp hücum ettiği dakikada, geçeceği yolda bir metre yakınlıkta o çocuk duruyor. O dabbetü’l-arz tehdidiyle ve hücumunun tahakkümü ile bağırarak tehdit ediyor. “Bana rast gelenlerin vay haline!” dediği halde o masum, yolunda duruyor. Mükemmel bir hürriyet ve hârika bir cesaret ve kahramanlıkla beş para onun tehdidine ehemmiyet vermiyor. Bu dabbetü’l-arzın hücumunu istihfaf ediyor ve kahramancıklığıyla diyor: “Ey şimendifer! Sen ra’d ve gök gürültüsü gibi bağırmanla beni korkutamazsın.

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It is as if he is saying too through his resolution and fortitude: “Hey, railway train, you’re the prisoner of a system! Your bit and bridle are in the hands of the one who’s driving you. It’s beyond your power to attack me. You can’t seize me and hold me under your despotism. Off with you! Get on your way! Carry on down the track at the command of your driver!’”
Sebat ve metanetinin lisan-ı haliyle güya der: “Ey şimendifer! Sen bir nizamın esirisin. Senin gem’in, senin dizginin, seni gezdirenin elindedir. Senin bana tecavüz etmen haddin değil. Beni istibdadın altına alamazsın. Haydi yolunda git, kumandanının izniyle yolundan geç.”

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O friends in this train and brothers who are studying science fifty years later! Traversing time, suppose that with their proverbial heroism Rustam of Iran and Hercules of Greece are there in place of the innocent child. Since at their time there were no trains, of course there was not the belief that trains move regularly, according to a system. When the train suddenly roars out of its hole, the tunnel, snorting thunder and fire, with lightening in its eyes, how Rustam and Hercules rush to one side at its threatening onslaught! How those two heroes are terrified and flee! For all their proverbial courage they run more than a thousand metres. So look, see how their freedom and courage dissolve in the face of the monster’s threat. There is nothing they can do but flee. They do not realize that it is an obedient steed, because they do not believe in its driver and orderly system. They imagine it to be a sort of lion with twenty terrifying and rapacious lions the size of waggons attached to its rear.
İşte ey bu şimendiferdeki arkadaşlarım ve elli sene sonra fenlere çalışan kardeşlerim! Bu masum çocuğun yerinde Rüstem-i İranî ve Herkül-ü Yunanî o acib kahramanlıklarıyla beraber tayy-ı zaman ederek, o çocuk yerinde burada bulunduklarını farz ediniz. Onların zamanında şimendifer olmadığı için elbette şimendiferin bir intizam ile hareket ettiğine bir itikadları olmayacak. Birden bu tünel deliğinden başında ateş, nefesi gök gürültüsü gibi gözlerinde elektrik berkleri olduğu halde birden çıkan şimendiferin dehşetli tehdit hücumuyla Rüstem ve Herkül tarafına koşmasına karşı o iki kahraman ne kadar korkacaklar, ne kadar kaçacaklar? O hârika cesaretleriyle bin metreden fazla kaçacaklar. Bakınız nasıl bu dabbetü’l-arzın tehdidine karşı hürriyetleri, cesaretleri mahvolur. Kaçmaktan başka çare bulamıyorlar. Çünkü onlar, onun kumandanına ve intizamına itikad etmedikleri için mutî bir merkep zannetmiyorlar. Belki gayet müthiş, parçalayıcı, vagon cesametinde yirmi arslanı arkasına takmış bir nevi arslan tevehhüm ederler.

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