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Yirmi İkinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"In addition, look carefully at this: from behind the veil of the unseen a thickish string has appeared.(*<ref>*The thickish string alludes to fruit-bearing trees, the thousands of strings, to their branch-es, and the diamonds, decorations, favours, and gifts, to the varieties of blossoms and fruits.</ref>)Now look, thousands of strings have hung down from it. And see the tips of the strings: a diamond, a decoration, a favour, a gift has been attached to..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("And so, my friend! There is a sign of oneness, a stamp of unity, in this country, that is, this magnificent palace. For while being the same, certain things are all-encompassing. And while being numerous, some display a unity or similarity, since they resemble one another and are found everywhere. As for unity, it shows One of Unity. That means that its maker, owner, lord, and fashioner has to be one and the same." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("In addition, look carefully at this: from behind the veil of the unseen a thickish string has appeared.(*<ref>*The thickish string alludes to fruit-bearing trees, the thousands of strings, to their branch-es, and the diamonds, decorations, favours, and gifts, to the varieties of blossoms and fruits.</ref>)Now look, thousands of strings have hung down from it. And see the tips of the strings: a diamond, a decoration, a favour, a gift has been attached to..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
100. satır: 100. satır:
And so, my friend! There is a sign of oneness, a stamp of unity, in this country, that is, this magnificent palace. For while being the same, certain things are all-encompassing. And while being numerous, some display a unity or similarity, since they resemble one another and are found everywhere. As for unity, it shows One of Unity. That means that its maker, owner, lord, and fashioner has to be  one  and the same.
And so, my friend! There is a sign of oneness, a stamp of unity, in this country, that is, this magnificent palace. For while being the same, certain things are all-encompassing. And while being numerous, some display a unity or similarity, since they resemble one another and are found everywhere. As for unity, it shows One of Unity. That means that its maker, owner, lord, and fashioner has to be  one  and the same.

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In addition, look carefully at this: from behind the veil of the unseen a thickish string has appeared.(*<ref>*The thickish string alludes to fruit-bearing trees, the thousands of strings, to their branch-es, and the diamonds, decorations, favours, and gifts, to the varieties of blossoms and fruits.</ref>)Now look, thousands of strings have hung down from it. And see the tips of the  strings: a diamond, a decoration, a favour, a gift has been attached to each. Suitable presents are being  given to everyone. Do you know what a lunatic action it is not to recognize or thank  the  one  who  stretches  out  from  behind  the  strange  veil  of  the  unseen  such wondrous favours and gifts. Because if you do not recognize him, you will be compelled to say: “These strings are making the diamonds and other gifts on their tips themselves and offering them.” Then you have to  attribute to each string the meaning of a king. Whereas before our eyes an unseen hand is making the strings too, and attaching the gifts to them.
Bununla beraber sen buna dikkat et ki bir perde-i gaybdan kalınca bir ip çıkıyor. (Hâşiye<ref>'''Hâşiye:''' Kalınca bir ip, meyvedar ağaca; binler ipler ise dallarına ve ipler başındaki elmas, nişan, ihsan, hediyeler ise çiçeklerin aksamına ve meyvelerin envaına işarettir. </ref>). Bak, sonra binler ipler ondan uzanmış. Her bir ipin başına bak, birer elmas, birer nişan, birer ihsan, birer hediye takılmış. Herkese göre birer hediye veriyor. Acaba bilir misin ki böyle garib bir gayb perdesinden, böyle acib ihsanatı, hedâyâyı şu mahluklara uzatan zatı tanımamak, ona teşekkür etmemek, ne kadar divanece bir harekettir? Çünkü onu tanımazsan bilmecburiye diyeceksin ki: “Bu ipler; uçlarındaki elmasları, sair hediyeleri kendileri yapıyorlar, veriyorlar.” O vakit her ipe bir padişahlık manasını vermek lâzım gelir. Halbuki gözümüzün önünde bir dest-i gaybî, o ipleri dahi yapıp o hedâyâyı onlara takıyor.

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