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Yirmi İkinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Thus, on the one hand this mutual support and assistance, this answering one another’s needs, this mutual embracing, this subjugation, this order, testify decisively that beings are administered and organized by a single Disposer and are being impelled and directed by a single Nurturer. And on the other hand, this perfect grace within the universal wisdom to be seen plainly in the art of things; and the all-embracing mercy which shines..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("They conform to a rule of mutual assistance which is in force from the sun and moon, night and day, and winter and summer, to plants coming to the assistance of hungry and needy animals, and animals hastening to the assistance of weak, noble men, and even nutritious substances flying to assist delicate, weak infants and fruits, and particles of food passing to the assistance of the cells of the body. They show to anyone who is not altogether blind that..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Thus, on the one hand this mutual support and assistance, this answering one another’s needs, this mutual embracing, this subjugation, this order, testify decisively that beings are administered and organized by a single Disposer and are being impelled and directed by a single Nurturer. And on the other hand, this perfect grace within the universal wisdom to be seen plainly in the art of things; and the all-embracing mercy which shines..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
343. satır: 343. satır:
They conform to a rule of mutual assistance which is in force from the sun and moon, night and day, and winter and summer, to  plants coming to the assistance of hungry and needy animals, and animals hastening to the assistance of weak, noble men, and even nutritious substances flying to assist delicate, weak infants and fruits, and particles of food passing to the assistance of the cells of the body. They show to anyone who is not altogether blind that they are acting through the strength of a single, most generous Nurturer, and at the command of a single most wise Disposer.
They conform to a rule of mutual assistance which is in force from the sun and moon, night and day, and winter and summer, to  plants coming to the assistance of hungry and needy animals, and animals hastening to the assistance of weak, noble men, and even nutritious substances flying to assist delicate, weak infants and fruits, and particles of food passing to the assistance of the cells of the body. They show to anyone who is not altogether blind that they are acting through the strength of a single, most generous Nurturer, and at the command of a single most wise Disposer.

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Thus,  on  the  one  hand  this  mutual  support  and  assistance, this  answering  one another’s needs, this mutual embracing, this subjugation, this order, testify decisively that beings are administered and organized by a single Disposer and are being impelled and directed by a  single Nurturer. And on the  other hand, this perfect  grace within the universal wisdom to be seen plainly in the art of things; and  the all-embracing mercy which shines within the providence; and the sustenance spread over that  mercy and scattered so as to answer the needs of all living beings needy for sustenance; –these form a stamp of Divine unity so brilliant that anyone whose mind is not altogether extinguished will understand it and anyone who is not altogether blind will see it.
İşte şu kâinat içinde cari olan bu tesanüd, bu teavün, bu tecavüb, bu teanuk, bu musahhariyet, bu intizam, bir tek Müdebbir’in tertibiyle idare edildiklerine ve bir tek Mürebbi’nin tedbiriyle sevk edildiklerine kat’iyen şehadet etmekle beraber; şu bilbedahe sanat-ı eşyada görünen hikmet-i âmme içindeki inayet-i tamme ve o inayet içinde parlayan rahmet-i vâsia ve o rahmet üstünde serilen ve rızka muhtaç her bir zîhayata onun hâcetine lâyık bir tarzda iaşe etmek için serpilen erzak ve iaşe-i umumî, öyle parlak bir hâtem-i tevhiddir ki bütün bütün aklı sönmeyen anlar ve bütün bütün kör olmayan görür.

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