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Yirmi İkinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''In Short:''' The mighty book of the universe both teaches us the creational signs concerning Divine existence and unity, and it testifies to all the attributes of perfection, beauty, and glory of that All-Glorious One. And they prove the perfection of the Divine Essence faultlessly and without defect. For it is obvious that perfection in a work points to the perfection of the act which is the source and origin of the work. And the perfection of the ac..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Yes, the beautiful creatures and fine beings which are renewed and restored within the decline and disappearance that occur through the alternation of night and day, winter and summer, and the centuries and ages, surely point to the existence, continuance, and unity of an elevated, eternal possessor of continually manifested beauty. While the deaths and disappearance of those beings together with their apparent and lowly causes demonstrate tha..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''In Short:''' The mighty book of the universe both teaches us the creational signs concerning Divine existence and unity, and it testifies to all the attributes of perfection, beauty, and glory of that All-Glorious One. And they prove the perfection of the Divine Essence faultlessly and without defect. For it is obvious that perfection in a work points to the perfection of the act which is the source and origin of the work. And the perfection of the ac..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
393. satır: 393. satır:
Yes, the beautiful creatures and fine beings which are renewed and restored within the decline and disappearance that occur through the alternation of night and day, winter and summer, and the centuries and ages, surely point to the existence, continuance, and unity of an elevated, eternal possessor of continually manifested beauty. While the deaths and  disappearance  of  those  beings  together  with  their  apparent  and  lowly  causes demonstrate that the causes are nothing but a mere veil. This situation proves decisively that these arts, these inscriptions, these manifestations, are the constantly renewed arts, the changing inscriptions, the  moving mirrors of an All-Beauteous One of Glory, all of Whose Names are sacred and beautiful; that they are His seals which follow on one after the other, and His stamps that are changed with wisdom.
Yes, the beautiful creatures and fine beings which are renewed and restored within the decline and disappearance that occur through the alternation of night and day, winter and summer, and the centuries and ages, surely point to the existence, continuance, and unity of an elevated, eternal possessor of continually manifested beauty. While the deaths and  disappearance  of  those  beings  together  with  their  apparent  and  lowly  causes demonstrate that the causes are nothing but a mere veil. This situation proves decisively that these arts, these inscriptions, these manifestations, are the constantly renewed arts, the changing inscriptions, the  moving mirrors of an All-Beauteous One of Glory, all of Whose Names are sacred and beautiful; that they are His seals which follow on one after the other, and His stamps that are changed with wisdom.

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'''In Short:''' The mighty book of the universe both teaches us the creational signs concerning Divine existence and unity, and it testifies to all the attributes of perfection, beauty, and glory of that All-Glorious One. And they prove the perfection of the Divine Essence faultlessly and without defect. For it is obvious that perfection in a work points to the perfection of the act which is the source and origin of the work. And the perfection of the act points to the perfection of the name, and the  perfection of the name, to the perfection of the attribute, and perfection of the attribute to the perfection of the essential qualities, and the perfection of the qualities point necessarily and self-evidently to the perfection of the essence possessing those qualities.
'''Elhasıl''', şu kitab-ı kebir-i kâinat, nasıl ki vücud ve vahdete dair âyât-ı tekviniyeyi bize ders veriyor. Öyle de o Zat-ı Zülcelal’in bütün evsaf-ı kemaliye ve cemaliye ve celaliyesine de şehadet eder. Ve kusursuz ve noksansız kemal-i zatîsini ispat ederler. Çünkü bedihîdir ki bir eserde kemal, o eserin menşe ve mebdei olan fiilin kemaline delâlet eder. Fiilin kemali ise ismin kemaline ve ismin kemali, sıfatın kemaline ve sıfatın kemali, şe’n-i zatînin kemaline ve şe’nin kemali, o zat-ı zîşuunun kemaline, hadsen ve zarureten ve bedaheten delâlet eder.

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For example, the perfect inscriptions and adornments of a faultless palace indicate the perfection  of  a master builder’s acts behind them. And the perfection of the acts shows the perfection of that active master’s titles and names, which demonstrate his rank. And the perfection of the names and titles  show the perfection of the other attributes qualifying the master builder’s art. And the perfection of the art and attributes show the perfection of the abilities and essential capacity of that craftsman, which are called the essential qualities. And the perfection of those essential qualities and abilities show the perfection of the master’s essential nature.
Mesela, nasıl ki kusursuz bir kasrın mükemmel olan nukuş ve tezyinatı, arkalarında bir usta ef’alinin mükemmeliyetini gösterir. O ef’alin mükemmeliyeti, o fâil ustanın rütbelerini gösteren unvanları ve isimlerinin mükemmeliyetini gösterir. Ve o esma ve unvanlarının mükemmeliyeti, o ustanın sanatına dair sıfatlarının mükemmeliyetini gösterir. Ve o sanat ve sıfatlarının mükemmeliyeti, o sanat sahibinin şuun-u zatiye denilen kabiliyet ve istidad-ı zatiyesinin mükemmeliyetini gösterir. Ve o şuun ve kabiliyet-i zatiyenin mükemmeliyeti, o ustanın mahiyet-i zatiyesinin mükemmeliyetini gösterdiği misillü…

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