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Yirmi İkinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Oh, obdurate little man sunk in misguidance! (*<ref>*This is addressing someone who was trying to abolish the Qur’an.</ref>) How can you oppose these suns with the lamp of your head, dimmer than a fire-fly? How can you show disdain for them? Are you trying to extinguish them by puffing? Pooh to your denying mind! How can you deny the words and claims which those two tongues of the Manifest and Unseen Worlds speak in the name of the Sustainer of all t..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("And the other, like the tongue of the World of the Unseen, indicating with the fingers of right and guidance under the confirmation of all the creational signs in the universe within forty aspects of miraculousness, demonstrates the same truth with all seriousness. Is that truth then not clearer than the sun and more brilliant than sunlight?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Oh, obdurate little man sunk in misguidance! (*<ref>*This is addressing someone who was trying to abolish the Qur’an.</ref>) How can you oppose these suns with the lamp of your head, dimmer than a fire-fly? How can you show disdain for them? Are you trying to extinguish them by puffing? Pooh to your denying mind! How can you deny the words and claims which those two tongues of the Manifest and Unseen Worlds speak in the name of the Sustainer of all t..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
425. satır: 425. satır:
And the other, like the tongue of the World of the Unseen, indicating with the fingers of right and guidance under the confirmation of all the creational signs in the universe within forty aspects of miraculousness, demonstrates the same truth with all seriousness. Is that truth then not clearer than the sun and more brilliant than sunlight?
And the other, like the tongue of the World of the Unseen, indicating with the fingers of right and guidance under the confirmation of all the creational signs in the universe within forty aspects of miraculousness, demonstrates the same truth with all seriousness. Is that truth then not clearer than the sun and more brilliant than sunlight?

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Oh, obdurate little man sunk in misguidance! (*<ref>*This is addressing someone who was trying to abolish the Qur’an.</ref>)
Ey dalalet-âlûd mütemerrid insancık! (Hâşiye<ref>'''Hâşiye:''' Bu hitap, Kur’an’ı kaldırmaya çalışanadır. </ref>) Ateş böceğinden daha sönük kafa fenerinle nasıl şu güneşlere karşı gelebilirsin? Onlardan istiğna edebilirsin? Üflemekle onları söndürmeye çalışırsın? Tuuuh, tuf, senin o münkir aklına! Nasıl o iki lisan-ı gayb ve şehadet, bütün âlemlerin Rabb’i ve şu kâinatın sahibi namına ve onun hesabına söyledikleri sözleri ve davaları inkâr edebilirsin? Ey bîçare ve sinekten daha âciz daha hakir! Sen necisin ki şu kâinatın Sahib-i Zülcelal’ini tekzibe yelteniyorsun?
How can you oppose these suns with the lamp of your head, dimmer than a fire-fly? How can you show disdain for them? Are you trying to  extinguish them by puffing? Pooh to your denying mind! How can you deny the words and claims which those two tongues of the Manifest and Unseen Worlds speak in the name of the Sustainer of all the worlds and Owner of the universe; which they speak on His behalf? Oh, you wretch, lower and more impotent than a fly! Who are you that you attempt to give the lie to the universe’s Glorious Owner?

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== HÂTİME ==

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