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"Or were they themselves the creators?(*<ref>*Qur’an, 52:35.</ref>)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Or like the absurd philosophers who believed the universe to be without purpose and in vain, do they suppose themselves to be aimless and without wisdom, purpose, duty, or Creator? Have they become blind that they do not see that the universe is adorned from top to bottom with instances of wisdom and bears the fruit of aims, and that beings from particles to the suns are charged with duties and are subjugated to the Divine commands?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Or were they themselves the creators?(*<ref>*Qur’an, 52:35.</ref>)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
428. satır: 428. satır:
Or like the absurd philosophers who believed the universe to be without purpose and in vain, do they suppose themselves to be aimless and without wisdom, purpose, duty, or Creator? Have they become blind that they do not see that the universe is adorned from top to bottom with  instances of wisdom and bears the fruit of aims, and that beings from particles to the suns  are charged with duties and are subjugated to the Divine commands?
Or like the absurd philosophers who believed the universe to be without purpose and in vain, do they suppose themselves to be aimless and without wisdom, purpose, duty, or Creator? Have they become blind that they do not see that the universe is adorned from top to bottom with  instances of wisdom and bears the fruit of aims, and that beings from particles to the suns  are charged with duties and are subjugated to the Divine commands?

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Or were they themselves the creators?(*<ref>*Qur’an, 52:35.</ref>)
اَم۟ هُمُ ال۟خَالِقُونَ   

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Or do they imagine like the pharaoh-like Materialists that “They came into being by themselves, feed themselves, and themselves create everything they need,” so that they hold back from believing and worship? That means they all suppose themselves to  be  the  Creator. Whereas  the  Creator  of  one  thing  has  to  be  the  Creator  of everything. That is to say, their pride and conceit have made them so utterly stupid they imagine to be a Possessor of Absolute Power one who is absolutely impotent and may be defeated by a fly or a microbe. Since they have abdicated their reason and humanity to this degree and have fallen lower  than the animals and even inanimate beings, do not be saddened at their denial. Consider them to be a variety of harmful animal and filthy matter! Ignore them and give them no importance!
Veyahut firavunlaşmış maddiyyun gibi “Kendi kendine oluyorlar. Kendi kendini besliyorlar. Kendilerine lâzım olan her şeyi yaratıyorlar.” mı tahayyül ediyorlar ki imandan, ubudiyetten istinkâf ederler? Demek, kendilerini birer hâlık zannederler. Halbuki bir tek şeyin Hâlık’ı, her bir şeyin Hâlık’ı olmak lâzım gelir. Demek, kibir ve gururları onları nihayet derecede ahmaklaştırmış ki bir sineğe, bir mikroba karşı mağlup bir âciz-i mutlakı, bir Kadîr-i Mutlak zannederler. Madem bu derece akıldan, insaniyetten sukut etmişler. Hayvandan belki cemadattan daha aşağıdırlar. Öyle ise bunların inkârlarından müteessir olma. Bunları dahi bir nevi muzır hayvan ve pis maddeler sırasına say. Bakma, ehemmiyet verme.

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