İçeriğe atla

Yirmi Beşinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Together with this form which time gives the world, with regard to space also it is like an unstable clock undergoing revolution. For since the space of the atmosphere changes swiftly and quickly passes from one state to another through being filled and emptied with clouds sometimes several times a day, it causes change like a hand counting the seconds." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Thus, time casts the world onto the waves of death and decline. It assigns all the past and the future to non-existence, leaving in existence only the present." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Together with this form which time gives the world, with regard to space also it is like an unstable clock undergoing revolution. For since the space of the atmosphere changes swiftly and quickly passes from one state to another through being filled and emptied with clouds sometimes several times a day, it causes change like a hand counting the seconds." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
1.156. satır: 1.156. satır:
Thus, time casts the world onto the waves of death and decline. It  assigns all the past and the future to non-existence, leaving in existence only the present.
Thus, time casts the world onto the waves of death and decline. It  assigns all the past and the future to non-existence, leaving in existence only the present.

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Together with this form which time gives the world, with regard to space also it is like an unstable clock undergoing revolution. For since the space of the atmosphere changes swiftly and quickly passes from one state to another through being filled and emptied with  clouds sometimes several times a day, it causes change like a hand counting the seconds.
Şimdi zamanın dünyaya verdiği şu şekil ile beraber, mekân itibarıyla dahi yine dünya zelzeleli, gayr-ı sabit bir saat hükmündedir. Çünkü cevv-i hava mekânı çabuk tagayyür ettiğinden, bir halden bir hale süraten geçtiğinden bazı günde birkaç defa bulutlar ile dolup boşalmakla, saniye sayan milin suret-i tagayyürü hükmünde bir tagayyür veriyor.

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