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Yirmi Beşinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"My True and Loyal Brothers!" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Also, I wrote it in one or two days during Ramadan while extremely ill, wretched, and without food, of necessity very concisely and briefly, and including many truths and numerous proofs in a single sentence. Its deficiencies, then, should be overlooked!(*<ref>* As the Tenth Topic of the fruit of Denizli Prison, it is a small shining flower of Emirdağ and of this month of Ramadan. By explaining one instance of wisdom in the repetitions of the Qur’an..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("My True and Loyal Brothers!" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
1.293. satır: 1.293. satır:
Also, I wrote it in one or two days during Ramadan while extremely ill, wretched, and without food, of necessity very concisely and briefly, and including many truths and numerous proofs in a single sentence. Its deficiencies, then, should be overlooked!(*<ref>*  As the Tenth Topic of the fruit of Denizli Prison, it is a small shining flower of Emirdağ and of this month of Ramadan. By explaining one instance of wisdom in the repetitions of the Qur’an, it dispels the poisonous, putrid illusions of the people of misguidance.</ref>)
Also, I wrote it in one or two days during Ramadan while extremely ill, wretched, and without food, of necessity very concisely and briefly, and including many truths and numerous proofs in a single sentence. Its deficiencies, then, should be overlooked!(*<ref>*  As the Tenth Topic of the fruit of Denizli Prison, it is a small shining flower of Emirdağ and of this month of Ramadan. By explaining one instance of wisdom in the repetitions of the Qur’an, it dispels the poisonous, putrid illusions of the people of misguidance.</ref>)

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My True and Loyal Brothers!
Aziz, sıddık kardeşlerim!

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While reading the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition in  Ramadan, whichever of the thirt y-three verses I came to  that  in the First  Ray describe the allusions to the Risale-i Nur, I saw that the page and story of the verse also look to the Risale-i Nur and its Students to a degree – in so far as they have a share of the story. Particularly the Light Verses in Sura al-Nur, just as they point to the Risale-i Nur with ten fingers, so the Darkness Verses following it point directly at those opposing it; these afford a  further share. Quite simply, I understood that this ‘station’ rises from particularity to universality and that one part of that universality is the Risale-i Nur and its Students.
Ramazan-ı şerifte Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan’ı okurken Risale-i Nur’a işaretleri Birinci Şuâ’da beyan olunan otuz üç âyetten hangisi gelse bakıyordum ki o âyetin sahifesi ve yaprağı ve kıssası dahi Risale-i Nur’a ve şakirdlerine kıssadan hisse almak noktasında bir derece bakıyor. Hususan Sure-i Nur’dan Âyetü’n-Nur, on parmakla Risale-i Nur’a baktığı gibi arkasındaki Âyet-i Zulümat dahi muarızlarına tam bakıyor ve ziyade hisse veriyor. Âdeta o makam, cüz’iyetten çıkıp külliyet kesbeder ve bu asırda o küllînin tam bir ferdi Risale-i Nur ve şakirdleridir diye hissettim.

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