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Otuzuncu Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"According to the meaning of the previous three Points, at the beginning of their motion all particles recite: “In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate” through the tongue of disposition. That is, “I am moving in the name of God, for His sake, with His permission, and through His power.” Then, like all creatures, at the end of their motion, all particles and all groups of particles declare through the tongue of disposition: “All..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''CONCLUSION''' As is stated and proved in the First Word, all things say: “In the Name of God.” Thus, like all beings, all particles and all groups and particular assemblages of particles say: “In the Name of God” with the tongue of disposition, and they are in motion." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("According to the meaning of the previous three Points, at the beginning of their motion all particles recite: “In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate” through the tongue of disposition. That is, “I am moving in the name of God, for His sake, with His permission, and through His power.” Then, like all creatures, at the end of their motion, all particles and all groups of particles declare through the tongue of disposition: “All..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
296. satır: 296. satır:
As is stated and proved in the First Word, all things say: “In the Name of God.” Thus, like all beings, all particles and all groups and particular assemblages of particles say: “In the Name of God” with the tongue of disposition, and they are in motion.
As is stated and proved in the First Word, all things say: “In the Name of God.” Thus, like all beings, all particles and all groups and particular assemblages of particles say: “In the Name of God” with the tongue of disposition, and they are in motion.

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According to the meaning of the previous three Points, at the beginning of their motion all  particles recite:  “In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate” through the tongue of disposition. That is, “I am moving in the name of God, for His sake, with His permission, and through His power.” Then, like all creatures, at the end of their  motion, all particles  and all groups of particles  declare through the tongue of disposition: “All praise be God, Sustainer of All the Worlds.” Each particle thus shows itself to be like the tip of a tiny pen of power tracing the embroideries of the skilfully- worked creatures, which are like odes of praise. Indeed, each of them is like the point of a needle turning on creatures, which in turn are like the records of a mighty, immaterial, dominical gramophone with innumerable arms; they cause those creatures to recite odes glorifying their Sustainer and to hymn praises to God.
Evet, geçmiş üç nokta sırrıyla her bir zerre, mebde-i hareketinde lisan-ı hal ile   بِس۟مِ اللّٰهِ الرَّح۟مٰنِ الرَّحٖيمِ   der. Yani “'''Ben, Allah’ın namıyla, hesabıyla, ismiyle, izniyle, kuvvetiyle hareket ediyorum.'''Sonra netice-i hareketinde, her bir masnû gibi her bir zerre, her bir taifesi, lisan-ı hal ile   اَل۟حَم۟دُ لِلّٰهِ رَبِّ ال۟عَالَمٖينَ   der ki bir kaside-i medhiye hükmünde olan sanatlı bir mahlukun nakşında, kudretin küçük bir kalem ucu hükmünde kendini gösterir. Belki her biri; manevî, Rabbanî, muazzam, hadsiz başlı bir fonoğrafın birer plağı hükmünde olan masnuların üstünde dönen ve tahmidat-ı Rabbaniye kasideleriyle o masnuatı konuşturan ve tesbihat-ı İlahiye neşidelerini okutturan birer iğne başı suretinde kendini gösteriyorlar.

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