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Otuz Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"According to the meaning of: And there is nothing but extols His limitless glory and praise,(*<ref>*Qur’an, 17:44.</ref>)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("So now, O wretched, heedless denier! With what can you smash this proof which is as powerful as the chain of the universe? With what can you close this latticed window with its innumerable spaces through which shine rays of truth to the number of these creatures? Which veil of heedlessness can you draw over it?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("According to the meaning of: And there is nothing but extols His limitless glory and praise,(*<ref>*Qur’an, 17:44.</ref>)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
305. satır: 305. satır:
Now consider all the varieties of stones and jewels and minerals in the earth! Their decorations and  beneficial properties, the wise benefits connected to them, and their being prepared in a manner appropriate to human and animal needs and vital necessities all show that they are made in that way through the decoration, arrangement, planning, and forming of an All-Wise Maker.
Now consider all the varieties of stones and jewels and minerals in the earth! Their decorations and  beneficial properties, the wise benefits connected to them, and their being prepared in a manner appropriate to human and animal needs and vital necessities all show that they are made in that way through the decoration, arrangement, planning, and forming of an All-Wise Maker.

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Now consider the flowers and fruits! Their smiles, tastes, beauties, embroideries, and scents are all like invitations to and menus for the table of a Most Munificent Maker, an All-Compassionate  Bestower  of  Bounties; they  are  given  as  various  menus  and invitations to each species of beings through their different colours, scents, and tastes.
Şimdi çiçeklere, meyvelere bak! Bunların gülümsemeleri ve tatları ve güzellikleri ve nakışları ve koku vermeleri; bir Sâni’-i Kerîm’in, bir Mün’im-i Rahîm’in sofrasında birer tarife, birer davetname hükmünde olarak muhtelif renk ve koku ve tatlarla her nev’e ayrı ayrı tarife ve davetname olarak verilmiştir.

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