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On Üçüncü Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"He therefore displayed miracles from time to time, in answer to need, solely to make them affirm his claim to prophethood and to nullify the unbelievers’ denial. At other times he obeyed the divine commands more than anyone, and more than everyone acted in conformity with the divine laws in creation, established through dominical wisdom and will, and submitted to them. He used to wear armour when confronting the enemy,(*<ref>*See, Abu Da’ud,..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The successes the people of misguidance have achieved and the power they display and their victories over the people of guidance show that they rely on some power and truth. This means either that the people of guidance possess some weakness, or that the misguided possess some truth?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("He therefore displayed miracles from time to time, in answer to need, solely to make them affirm his claim to prophethood and to nullify the unbelievers’ denial. At other times he obeyed the divine commands more than anyone, and more than everyone acted in conformity with the divine laws in creation, established through dominical wisdom and will, and submitted to them. He used to wear armour when confronting the enemy,(*<ref>*See, Abu Da’ud,..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
290. satır: 290. satır:
I myself have frequently observed that mischief-makers, who form ten per cent, defeat the righteous, who form ninety per cent. I used to be astonished and curious. Investigating, I understood certainly that their victory  results not from power, but from corruption, baseness, destruction, taking advantage of differences among the people of truth, sowing conflict among them, from playing on their weak traits of character and grafting them with such traits, and exciting the emotions of the soul and personal hatred, and through working the evil capacities in human nature which are like mines of corruption, and through hypocritically flattering the soul’s tyranny in the name of fame and glory, and through everyone fearing their unfeeling  destruction. By means of diabolical machinations like  these, they temporarily triumph over the people of truth.
I myself have frequently observed that mischief-makers, who form ten per cent, defeat the righteous, who form ninety per cent. I used to be astonished and curious. Investigating, I understood certainly that their victory  results not from power, but from corruption, baseness, destruction, taking advantage of differences among the people of truth, sowing conflict among them, from playing on their weak traits of character and grafting them with such traits, and exciting the emotions of the soul and personal hatred, and through working the evil capacities in human nature which are like mines of corruption, and through hypocritically flattering the soul’s tyranny in the name of fame and glory, and through everyone fearing their unfeeling  destruction. By means of diabolical machinations like  these, they temporarily triumph over the people of truth.

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But in accordance with the verse, And the end is [best] for the righteous,(7:128) and the rule, “Truth is exalted and shall not be overcome,” in addition to its  not yielding  any significant benefit for them, their temporary triumph will lead to their earning Hell for themselves and Paradise for the people of truth.
Fakat وَال۟عَاقِبَةُ لِل۟مُتَّقٖينَ sırrıyla اَل۟حَقُّ يَع۟لُو وَلَا يُع۟لٰى عَلَي۟هِ düsturuyla onların o muvakkat galebeleri, menfaat cihetinden onlar için ehemmiyetsiz olmakla beraber, cehennemi kendilerine ve cenneti ehl-i hakka kazandırmalarına sebeptir.

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Thus, because  in misguidance  those  without  power  appear  powerful and  the insignificant win fame, they take up a position opposed to the people of truth. In this way conceited, fame-seeking, hypocritical people demonstrate their power although it has little substance and win a position for themselves through intimidating others and causing harm; they are seen and attention is drawn to them, and the destruction of which they are the cause, not  through power and ability, but through omission and failure to act, is attributed to them and they become talked about. Just like the person obsessed with fame who defiled a place of worship so that everyone would talk about him. Even if it meant being execrated, so long as he was talked about, his worship of fame made it appear desirable to him. The case became proverbial.
İşte dalalette, iktidarsızlar muktedir görünmeleri ve ehemmiyetsizler şöhret kazanmaları içindir ki hodfüruş, şöhret-perest, riyakâr insanlar ve az bir şeyle iktidarlarını göstermek ve ihafe ve ızrar cihetinden bir mevki kazanmak için ehl-i hakka muhalefet vaziyetine girerler. Tâ görünsün ve nazar-ı dikkat ona celbolunsun. Ve iktidar ve kudretle değil belki terk ve ataletle sebebiyet verdiği tahribat ona isnad edilip ondan bahsedilsin. Nasıl ki böyle şöhret divanelerinden birisi, namazgâhı telvis etmiş tâ herkes ondan bahsetsin. Hattâ ondan lanetle de bahsedilmiş de şöhret-perestlik damarı kendisine bu lanetli şöhreti hoş göstermiş diye darb-ı mesel olmuş.

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O wretched man created for the eternal realm and enamoured of this transient world! Study closely the meaning of the verse, And neither heaven nor earth shed a tear over them,(44:29) and heed it. Look, what does it say? With its explicit meaning it says: “When the people of misguidance die, the heavens and earth, which are connected with man, do not weep over them, that is, they are pleased at their deaths.”
Ey âlem-i beka için yaratılan ve fâni âleme müptela olan bîçare insan! فَمَا بَكَت۟ عَلَي۟هِمُ السَّمَٓاءُ وَ ال۟اَر۟ضُ âyetinin sırrına dikkat et, kulak ver! Bak ne diyor? Mefhum-u sarîhiyle ferman ediyor ki: “Ehl-i dalaletin ölmesiyle insan ile alâkadar olan semavat ve arz, onların cenazeleri üstünde ağlamıyorlar, yani onların ölmesiyle memnun oluyorlar.”

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While with its implied meaning, it  says: “The  heavens and  earth weep  over the bodies of the people of guidance when they die; they do  not want them to depart.” For all the universe is connected with the people of belief and its beings are happy with them. For by virtue of their belief they know the Creator of the  Universe, so appreciate the universe’s value, and respect and love it. They do not nurture implicit enmity and contempt for it like the people of misguidance.
Ve mefhum-u işarîsiyle ifade ediyor ki: “Ehl-i hidayetin ölmesiyle semavat ve arz, onların cenazeleri üstünde ağlıyorlar, firaklarını istemiyorlar.” Çünkü ehl-i iman ile bütün kâinat alâkadardır, ondan memnundur. Zira iman ile Hâlık-ı kâinat’ı bildikleri için kâinatın kıymetini takdir edip hürmet ve muhabbet ederler. Ehl-i dalalet gibi tahkir ve zımnî adâvet etmezler.

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