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Yedinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Now see: the foundation of the summons of this extraordinary being and the aim of all his life, based on the strength furnished by his hundreds of decisive and evident and manifest miracles, and the thousands of exalted, fundamental truths contained in his religion, was to prove and bear witness to the existence of the Necessary Existent, His Unity, attributes and Names, to affirm, proclaim and announce Him." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''THE SEVENTH:''' The Family and Companions of the Prophet —who with their insight, knowledge, and spiritual accomplishment are the most renowned, the most respected, the most celebrated, the most pious and the most keensighted of men after the prophets— examined and scrutinized, with the utmost attention, seriousness and exactitude, all the states, thoughts and conditions of this being, whether hidden or open. They came to the unanimous conclus..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Now see: the foundation of the summons of this extraordinary being and the aim of all his life, based on the strength furnished by his hundreds of decisive and evident and manifest miracles, and the thousands of exalted, fundamental truths contained in his religion, was to prove and bear witness to the existence of the Necessary Existent, His Unity, attributes and Names, to affirm, proclaim and announce Him." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
374. satır: 374. satır:
'''THE EIGHTH:''' The cosmos indicates its Maker, Inscriber, and Designer, Who creates,  administers, and arranges it, and through determining its measure and form and regulating it, has disposal over it as though it was a palace, a book, an exhibition, a spectacle. And so too it indicates that it requires and necessitates an elevated herald, a truthful unveiler, a learned master, and a truthful teacher who will know and make known the Divine purposes in the universe’s creation, teach the dominical instances of wisdom in its changes and transformations, give instruction in the results of its dutiful motions, proclaim its essential value and the  perfections of the beings within it, and express the meanings of that mighty book; it indicates that he is certain to exist. Thus, the traveller knew that  it testified to the truthfulness of this  being, who performed these functions better than anyone, and to his being a most elevated and loyal official of the universe’s Creator.
'''THE EIGHTH:''' The cosmos indicates its Maker, Inscriber, and Designer, Who creates,  administers, and arranges it, and through determining its measure and form and regulating it, has disposal over it as though it was a palace, a book, an exhibition, a spectacle. And so too it indicates that it requires and necessitates an elevated herald, a truthful unveiler, a learned master, and a truthful teacher who will know and make known the Divine purposes in the universe’s creation, teach the dominical instances of wisdom in its changes and transformations, give instruction in the results of its dutiful motions, proclaim its essential value and the  perfections of the beings within it, and express the meanings of that mighty book; it indicates that he is certain to exist. Thus, the traveller knew that  it testified to the truthfulness of this  being, who performed these functions better than anyone, and to his being a most elevated and loyal official of the universe’s Creator.

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'''THE NINTH:''' There is behind the veil One Who wishes to demonstrate with these ingenious and wise artefacts the perfection of His talent and art; to make Himself known and loved by means of these countless adorned and decorated creations; to evoke praise and  thanks through the unnumbered pleasurable and valuable bounties that he bestows; to cause men to worship Him with gratitude and appreciation in the face of His dominicality, through His solicitous and protective sustenance of life, and His provision of nurture and bounty in such manner as to satisfy the most delicate of tastes and appetites; to manifest His Divinity  through  the change of seasons, the alternation of night and day, and through all His  magnificent and majestic deeds, all His awe-inspiring and wise acts and creativity, and thereby to cause men to believe in his Divinity, in submission, humility and obedience; and to demonstrate His justice and truthful ness by at all times protecting virtue and the virtuous and destroying evil and the evil, by  annihilating  with blows from heaven the oppressor and the liar.
'''Dokuzuncusu:''' Madem bu sanatlı ve hikmetli masnuatıyla kendi hünerlerini ve sanatkârlığının kemalâtını teşhir etmek ve bu süslü, ziynetli, nihayetsiz mahlukatıyla kendini tanıttırmak ve sevdirmek ve bu lezzetli ve kıymetli hesapsız nimetleriyle kendine teşekkür ve hamdettirmek ve bu şefkatli ve himayetli umumî terbiye ve iaşe ile hattâ ağızların en ince zevklerini ve iştihaların her nevini tatmin edecek bir surette ihzar edilen Rabbanî it’amlar ve ziyafetler ile kendi rububiyetine karşı minnettarane ve müteşekkirane ve perestişkârane ibadet ettirmek ve mevsimlerin tebdili ve gece gündüzün tahvili ve ihtilafı gibi azametli ve haşmetli tasarrufat ve icraat ve dehşetli ve hikmetli faaliyet ve hallakıyet ile kendi uluhiyetini izhar ederek, o uluhiyetine karşı iman ve teslim ve inkıyad ve itaat ettirmek ve her vakit iyiliği ve iyileri himaye, fenalığı ve fenaları izale ve semavî tokatlar ile zalimleri ve yalancıları imha etmek cihetiyle, hakkaniyet ve adaletini göstermek isteyen perde arkasında birisi var.

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There will of a certainty be at the side of this Unseen Being His most beloved creature and most devoted  bondsman, who, serving the purposes  that  have  just been mentioned, discovers and unravels the talisman and riddle of the creation of the universe, who acts always in the name of that Creator,  who seeks aid and success from Him, and who receives them from Him — Muhammad of  Quraysh (Peace and blessings be upon him!) The traveller further said, addressing his own intellect: “Since these nine truths bear witness to the truthfulness of this  being, he must be the source of glory of mankind and the source of honour for the world.
Elbette ve herhalde, o gaybî zatın yanında en sevgili mahluku ve en doğru abdi ve onun mezkûr maksatlarına tam hizmet ederek, hilkat-i kâinatın tılsımını ve muammasını hall ve keşfeden ve daima o Hâlık’ının namına hareket eden ve ondan istimdad eden ve muvaffakiyet isteyen ve onun tarafından imdada ve tevfike mazhar olan ve Muhammed-i Kureyşî denilen bu zat olacak (asm).

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If we therefore call him the Pride of the World and Glory of the Sons of Adam, it will be fitting. The fact that the awesome sovereignty of that decree of the  Compassionate One, the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition that he holds in his hand, has conquered half the world, together with his individual  perfections and exalted virtues, shows that he is the most important personage in the world. The most important word concerning our Creator is that which he utters.
Hem aklına dedi: Madem bu mezkûr dokuz hakikatler bu zatın sıdkına şehadet ederler; elbette bu âdem, benî-Âdem’in medar-ı şerefi ve bu âlemin medar-ı iftiharıdır. Ve ona “Fahr-i Âlem” ve “Şeref-i benî-Âdem” denilmesi pek lâyıktır. Ve onun elinde bulunan ferman-ı Rahman olan Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan’ın haşmet-i saltanat-ı maneviyesinin nısf-ı arzı istilası ve şahsî kemalâtı ve yüksek hasletleri gösteriyor ki bu âlemde en mühim zat budur, Hâlık’ımız hakkında en mühim söz onundur.

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Now see: the foundation of the summons of this extraordinary being and the aim of all his life, based on the strength furnished by his hundreds of decisive and evident and manifest miracles, and the thousands of exalted, fundamental truths contained in his religion, was to prove and bear witness to the existence of the Necessary Existent, His Unity, attributes and Names, to affirm, proclaim and announce Him.
İşte gel, bak! Bu hârika zatın yüzer zâhir ve bâhir kat’î mu’cizelerinin kuvvetine ve dinindeki binler âlî ve esaslı hakikatlerine istinaden, bütün davalarının esası ve bütün hayatının gayesi; Vâcibü’l-vücud’un vücuduna ve vahdetine ve sıfâtına ve esmasına delâlet ve şehadet ve o Vâcibü’l-vücud’u ispat ve ilan ve i’lam etmektir.

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