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Dokuzuncu Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The frequent deaths before their unhappy eyes of other children like themselves or of grown-ups will otherwise destroy all their resistance and morale, making their subtle faculties, such as their spirits, hearts, and minds, weep together with their eyes; they will either decline utterly or become crazy, wretched animals." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Those worthy, anxious fathers and mothers, so deserving of compassion and in need of tranquillity and peace of mind, will otherwise feel a terrible spiritual turmoil and distress in their hearts, and this world will become a dark prison for them, and life even, grievous torment." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("The frequent deaths before their unhappy eyes of other children like themselves or of grown-ups will otherwise destroy all their resistance and morale, making their subtle faculties, such as their spirits, hearts, and minds, weep together with their eyes; they will either decline utterly or become crazy, wretched animals." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
42. satır: 42. satır:
'''Fourth Proof:''' The most comprehensive centre of man’s worldly life, and its mainspring, and a paradise, refuge, and fortress of worldly happiness, is the life of the family. Everyone’s home is a small world for him. And the life and happiness of his home and family are  possible through genuine, earnest, and loyal respect and true, tender, and self-sacrificing compassion. This true respect and genuine kindness may be felt due to the idea of the members of the family having an everlasting companionship and friendship  and  togetherness, and their parental, filial, brotherly, and friendly relations continuing for all eternity in a limitless life, and their believing this.
'''Fourth Proof:''' The most comprehensive centre of man’s worldly life, and its mainspring, and a paradise, refuge, and fortress of worldly happiness, is the life of the family. Everyone’s home is a small world for him. And the life and happiness of his home and family are  possible through genuine, earnest, and loyal respect and true, tender, and self-sacrificing compassion. This true respect and genuine kindness may be felt due to the idea of the members of the family having an everlasting companionship and friendship  and  togetherness, and their parental, filial, brotherly, and friendly relations continuing for all eternity in a limitless life, and their believing this.

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One says, for example: “My wife will be my constant companion in an  everlasting world and eternal life. It does not matter if she is now old and ugly, for she will have an immortal beauty.” He will tell himself that he will be as kind and devoted as he can for the sake of that permanent companionship, and treat his elderly wife lovingly and kindly as though  she  was  a  beautiful  houri.
Mesela, der: “Bu haremim, ebedî bir âlemde, ebedî bir hayatta, daimî bir refika-i hayatımdır. Şimdilik ihtiyar ve çirkin olmuş ise de zararı yok. Çünkü ebedî bir güzelliği var, gelecek. Ve böyle daimî arkadaşlığın hatırı için her bir fedakârlığı ve merhameti yaparım.” diyerek o ihtiyare karısına, güzel bir huri gibi muhabbetle, şefkatle, merhametle mukabele edebilir.

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A companionship  that was to end in eternal separation after an hour or two of brief, apparent friendship would otherwise afford only superficial, temporary, feigned, animal-like feelings, and false compassion and artificial respect. As with animals, self-interest and other overpowering emotions would prevail over the respect and compassion, transforming that worldly paradise into Hell.
Yoksa kısacık bir iki saat surî bir refakatten sonra ebedî bir firak ve müfarakata uğrayan arkadaşlık, elbette gayet surî ve muvakkat ve esassız, hayvan gibi bir rikkat-i cinsiye manasında ve bir mecazî merhamet ve sun’î bir hürmet verebilir. Ve hayvanatta olduğu gibi başka menfaatler ve sair galip hisler, o hürmet ve merhameti mağlup edip o dünya cennetini, cehenneme çevirir.

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