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("'''“O My Compassionate Sustainer!''' “I have understood from the instruction of Your Noble Messenger (PBUH) and the teaching of the Qur’an, that foremost the Qur’an and the Messenger, and all the sacred scriptures and prophets, have unanimously testified and pointed out that the manifestations of the Names related to Your beauty and glory, examples of which are to be seen in this world, will continue even more radiantly for all eternity, and t..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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76. satır: 76. satır:
“I have understood from the instruction of Your Noble Messenger (PBUH) and the teaching of the Qur’an, that foremost the Qur’an and the Messenger, and all the sacred  scriptures and prophets, have unanimously testified  and pointed out that the manifestations of the Names related to Your beauty and glory, examples of which are to be seen in this world,  will continue even more radiantly for all eternity, and that Your  bounties, samples  of which are to be observed in this  transitory world, will persist in the abode of bliss in still more glittering fashion, and that those who long for them in this world will accompany them for all eternity.
“I have understood from the instruction of Your Noble Messenger (PBUH) and the teaching of the Qur’an, that foremost the Qur’an and the Messenger, and all the sacred  scriptures and prophets, have unanimously testified  and pointed out that the manifestations of the Names related to Your beauty and glory, examples of which are to be seen in this world,  will continue even more radiantly for all eternity, and that Your  bounties, samples  of which are to be observed in this  transitory world, will persist in the abode of bliss in still more glittering fashion, and that those who long for them in this world will accompany them for all eternity.

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“Also, relying on hundreds of evident miracles and decisive signs, foremost Your Most Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) and the All-Wise  Qur’an,  and the prophets with their luminous  spirits, and the saints, who are spiritual poles with their light-filled hearts, and the purified scholars with their  enlightened intellects, relying on Your repeated threats and promises in all the sacred scriptures, and trusting in Your sacred attributes such as power, mercy, favour, wisdom,  glory, and beauty, and on Your qualities, and the dignity of Your glory, and  the  sovereignty of Your dominicality, and in consequence of their illuminations and visions and beliefs at the degree of ‘the knowledge of certainty,’ give the glad tidings to men and jinn of eternal happiness and inform them of Hell for the people of misguidance; they firmly believe this and testify to it.
Hem yüzer mu’cizat-ı bâhirelerine ve âyât-ı kātıalarına istinaden, başta Resul-i Ekrem ve Kur’an-ı Hakîm’in olarak bütün nurani ruhların sahipleri olan peygamberler ve bütün münevver kalplerin kutubları olan veliler ve bütün keskin ve nurlu akılların madenleri olan sıddıkînler, bütün suhuf-u semaviyede ve kütüb-ü mukaddesede senin çok tekrar ile ettiğin binler vaadlerine ve tehditlerine istinaden hem senin kudret ve rahmet ve inayet ve hikmet ve celal ve cemal gibi âhireti iktiza eden kudsî sıfatlarına ve şe’nlerine ve senin izzet-i celaline ve saltanat-ı rububiyetine itimaden hem âhiretin izlerini ve tereşşuhatını bildiren hadsiz keşfiyatlarına ve müşahedelerine ve ilmelyakîn ve aynelyakîn derecesinde bulunan itikadlarına ve imanlarına binaen saadet-i ebediyeyi insanlara müjdeliyorlar. Ehl-i dalalet için cehennem ve ehl-i hidayet için cennet bulunduğunu haber verip ilan ediyorlar, kuvvetli iman edip şehadet ediyorlar.

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