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On İkinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"With the idea of interfering in the social teachings of the Risale-i Nur, the prosecution said: “The place of religion is the conscience; it cannot be tied to laws and regulations." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Now, the prosecution has seen these words of that student, so I refer to your fairness and conscience the expression: “Said has spread corruption.”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("With the idea of interfering in the social teachings of the Risale-i Nur, the prosecution said: “The place of religion is the conscience; it cannot be tied to laws and regulations." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
207. satır: 207. satır:
Now, the prosecution has seen these words of that student, so I refer to your fairness and conscience the expression: “Said has spread corruption.”
Now, the prosecution has seen these words of that student, so I refer to your fairness and conscience the expression: “Said has spread corruption.”

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With  the  idea  of  interfering  in  the  social  teachings  of the  Risale-i Nur, the prosecution said: “The place of religion is the conscience; it cannot be tied to laws and regulations.
Makam-ı iddia, Risale-i Nur’un içtimaî derslerine ilişmek fikriyle “Dinin tahtı ve makamı vicdandır, hükme kanuna bağlanmaz. Eskiden bağlanmasıyla içtimaî keşmekeşler olmuştur.” dedi.

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Formerly there was social unrest because it was tied to laws.” So I say: “Religion does not consist only of belief; its second half is righteous action. Is fear of imprisonment or  being seen by a government detective sufficient to deter those who commit  numerous  grievous  sins which poison society,  like murder, adultery, theft, gambling, and  drinking? If  that  was  so, there  would  have  to  be  a  policeman  or detective stationed permanently in  every house, or at everyone’s side even, so that obdurate souls would restrain themselves from those filthy acts. Whereas, in respect of good deeds and belief, the Risale-i Nur places a  permanent immaterial ‘prohibitor’ next to everyone. It easily saves them from bad deeds by recalling the prison of Hell and Divine wrath.
Ben de derim ki: “Din yalnız iman değil belki amel-i salih dahi dinin ikinci cüzüdür. Acaba katl, zina, sirkat, kumar, şarap gibi hayat-ı içtimaiyeyi zehirlendiren pek çok büyük günahları işleyenleri onlardan men’etmek için yalnız hapis korkusu ve hükûmetin bir hafiyesinin görmesi tevehhümü kâfi gelir mi? O halde her hanede, belki herkesin yanında daima bir polis, bir hafiye bulunmak lâzım gelir ki serkeş nefisler kendilerini o pisliklerden çeksinler. İşte '''Risale-i Nur amel-i salih noktasında, iman canibinden, herkesin başında her vakit bir manevî yasakçıyı bulundurur. Cehennem hapsini ve gazab-ı İlahîyi hatırına getirmekle fenalıktan kolayca kurtarır.”'''

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