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On Beşinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"===Second Station=== The persons who were the cause of those events and instigated the trouble did not consist of a few Jews so that having discovered them the trouble could have been averted. For with numerous different peoples entering Islam, many mutually conflicting currents and ideas had confused the situation. Particularly since the national pride of some of them had been terribly wounded by ‘Umar’s (May God be pleased with him) blo..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("If we want to draw near to it and get to know it in respect of our distance from it, we are compelled to embark on an extensive journeying in the mind, so that by means of thought and the laws of science we can rise to the skies in the mind and conceive of the sun there, and through lengthy scientific investigation understand its light and heat and the seven colours in its light. Only then may we attain to the non-physical proximity the first ma..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("===Second Station=== The persons who were the cause of those events and instigated the trouble did not consist of a few Jews so that having discovered them the trouble could have been averted. For with numerous different peoples entering Islam, many mutually conflicting currents and ideas had confused the situation. Particularly since the national pride of some of them had been terribly wounded by ‘Umar’s (May God be pleased with him) blo..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
35. satır: 35. satır:
Thus, like this comparison, the sainthood of prophethood and of the legacy of prophethood looks to the mystery of the unfolding of divine immediacy. The other sainthood  proceeds mostly on the basis of proximity, and is compelled to traverse numerous degrees in spiritual journeying.
Thus, like this comparison, the sainthood of prophethood and of the legacy of prophethood looks to the mystery of the unfolding of divine immediacy. The other sainthood  proceeds mostly on the basis of proximity, and is compelled to traverse numerous degrees in spiritual journeying.

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===Second Station===
=== İkinci Makam: ===
The persons who were the cause of those events and instigated the trouble did not consist  of  a few Jews so that having discovered them the trouble could have been averted. For with numerous  different  peoples  entering Islam, many mutually conflicting  currents  and ideas had confused  the  situation. Particularly  since  the national pride of some of them had been terribly wounded by ‘Umar’s (May God be pleased with him) blows; they were waiting to take their revenge. For both their old religions had been rendered null and void and their old rule and sovereignty, the source of their pride, been swept away. Knowingly or unknowingly, they were  emotionally in favour of seeking vengeance on Islamic rule. It was therefore said that some clever, scheming dissemblers like the Jews took advantage of that  state of society.
O hâdisata sebebiyet veren ve fesadı çeviren birkaç Yahudi’den ibaret değildir ki onları keşfetmekle fesadın önü alınsın. Çünkü pek çok muhtelif milletlerin İslâmiyet’e girmeleriyle birbirine zıt ve muhalif çok cereyanlar ve efkâr karıştı. Bâhusus bazıların gurur-u millîleri, Hazret-i Ömer’in (ra) darbeleriyle dehşetli yaralandığından seciyeten intikama fırsat beklerlerdi. Çünkü onların hem eski dini iptal edilmiş hem medar-ı şerefi olan eski hükûmeti ve saltanatı tahrip edilmiş. İntikamını, bilerek veya bilmeyerek hâkimiyet-i İslâmiyeden almaya hissen taraftar bir suret almış. Onun için Yahudi gibi zeki ve dessas bir kısım münafıklar, o halet-i içtimaiyeden istifade ettiler, denilmiş.

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