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On Beşinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''A Fourth Reason:'''The Umayyads made Arab nationalism the basis of their rule, and they looked on the members of other nations – who were found among Husain’s supporters – as slaves. This had wounded their national pride. So, since the other nations had joined Husain’s community with mixed intentions and to take revenge, they felt excessively affronted at the Umayyad’s fanatic nationalism and were the cause of that terrible well-known tragedy." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''The Third:'''The traditional vein of rivalry between the Umayyads and the Hashimites was present in some people like Yazid, and he displayed a merciless ability to be cruel." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''A Fourth Reason:'''The Umayyads made Arab nationalism the basis of their rule, and they looked on the members of other nations – who were found among Husain’s supporters – as slaves. This had wounded their national pride. So, since the other nations had joined Husain’s community with mixed intentions and to take revenge, they felt excessively affronted at the Umayyad’s fanatic nationalism and were the cause of that terrible well-known tragedy." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
108. satır: 108. satır:
'''The Third:'''The traditional vein of rivalry  between the Umayyads and the Hashimites was present in some people like Yazid, and he displayed a merciless ability to be cruel.
'''The Third:'''The traditional vein of rivalry  between the Umayyads and the Hashimites was present in some people like Yazid, and he displayed a merciless ability to be cruel.

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'''A Fourth Reason:'''The Umayyads made Arab nationalism the basis of their rule, and they looked on the members of other nations – who were found among Husain’s supporters – as slaves. This had wounded their national pride. So, since the other nations had joined Husain’s community with mixed intentions and to take revenge, they felt excessively affronted at the Umayyad’s fanatic nationalism and were the cause of that terrible well-known tragedy.
'''Dördüncü bir sebep de''' Hazret-i Hüseyin’in taraftarlarında bulunuyordu ki Emevîlerin Arap milliyetini esas tutup sair milletlerin efradına “memalik” tabir ederek köle nazarıyla bakmaları ve gurur-u milliyelerini kırmaları yüzünden, milel-i saire Hazret-i Hüseyin’in cemaatine intikamkârane ve müşevveş bir niyetle iltihak ettiklerinden Emevîlerin asabiyet-i milliyelerine fazla dokunmuş, gayet gaddarane ve merhametsizcesine meşhur faciaya sebebiyet vermişlerdir.

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