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On Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''The Sixth:'''The distress and difficulty the worldly have caused me has not been due to politics, because they know I do not meddle in politics but flee from them. Rather, knowingly or unknowingly, they torment me on account of aggressive atheism because I adhere to religion. In which case, to apply to them infers regretting religion and flattering the cause of aggressive atheism." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''The Fifth:''' To claim a right before those who claim a wrong to be right, and to apply to them, is a wrong. It is disrespectful towards right. I do not want to perpetrate such a wrong and show disrespect for right. And that’s that!" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''The Sixth:'''The distress and difficulty the worldly have caused me has not been due to politics, because they know I do not meddle in politics but flee from them. Rather, knowingly or unknowingly, they torment me on account of aggressive atheism because I adhere to religion. In which case, to apply to them infers regretting religion and flattering the cause of aggressive atheism." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
263. satır: 263. satır:
'''The Fifth:''' To claim a right before those who claim a wrong to be right, and to apply to them, is a wrong. It is disrespectful towards right. I do not want to perpetrate such a wrong and show disrespect for right. And that’s that!
'''The Fifth:''' To claim a right before those who claim a wrong to be right, and to apply to them, is a wrong. It is disrespectful towards right. I do not want to perpetrate such a wrong and show disrespect for right. And that’s that!

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'''The Sixth:'''The distress and difficulty the worldly have caused me has not been due to  politics, because they know I do not meddle in politics but flee from them. Rather, knowingly or unknowingly, they torment me on account of aggressive atheism because I adhere to religion. In which case, to apply to them infers regretting religion and flattering the cause of aggressive atheism.
'''Altıncı Sebep:''' Bana karşı ehl-i dünyanın verdikleri sıkıntı, siyaset için değil çünkü onlar da bilirler ki siyasete karışmıyorum, siyasetten kaçıyorum. Belki bilerek veya bilmeyerek zındıka hesabına, benim dine merbutiyetimden beni tazip ediyorlar. Öyle ise onlara müracaat etmek, dinden pişmanlık göstermek ve meslek-i zındıkayı okşamak demektir.

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