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Yirmi Dördüncü Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"He makes the universe speak, causing it to silently recite His verses, His signs, and to inscribe them. And of the creatures of the earth – with regard to His dominicality – He makes the air a throne for His command and will; the element of light a throne for His knowledge and wisdom; water a throne for His bounty and mercy; and earth a throne for His preservation and giving of life; and three of these thrones He rests on the creatur..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("And since he opened through the tongue of the Qur’an the treasuries of beauty and perfection found in the names;" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("He makes the universe speak, causing it to silently recite His verses, His signs, and to inscribe them. And of the creatures of the earth – with regard to His dominicality – He makes the air a throne for His command and will; the element of light a throne for His knowledge and wisdom; water a throne for His bounty and mercy; and earth a throne for His preservation and giving of life; and three of these thrones He rests on the creatur..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
401. satır: 401. satır:
And  since  through  his  universal  worship  he  acted  as  a  mirror  to  divine dominicality;
And  since  through  his  universal  worship  he  acted  as  a  mirror  to  divine dominicality;

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And since through the comprehensiveness of his essential nature he was the most perfect locus for the manifestation of all the divine names;
Hem mahiyetinin câmiiyetiyle bütün esma-i İlahiyeye bir mazhar-ı etem olmuştur.

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It surely may be said that since the All-Beauteous One of Glory loves His own beauty, He loves Muhammad the Arabian (Upon whom be blessings and peace), the most  perfectly conscious mirror to His beauty.
Elbette bunun için denilebilir ki Cemil-i Zülcelal, kendi cemalini sevmesiyle o cemalin en mükemmel âyine-i zîşuuru olan Muhammed-i Arabî aleyhissalâtü vesselâmı sever.

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And since He loves His names, He loves  Muhammad the Arabian (Upon whom be blessings and peace), who was the most brilliant mirror to the names, and He loves those who, according to their degree, resemble him.
Hem kendi esmasını sevmesiyle o esmanın en parlak âyinesi olan Muhammed-i Arabî aleyhissalâtü vesselâmı sever ve Muhammed-i Arabî aleyhissalâtü vesselâma benzeyenleri dahi derecelerine göre sever.

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And since He loves His art, He certainly loves Muhammad the Arabian (Upon whom  be  blessings  and  peace),  who  proclaimed  His  art  to  the  universe  in reverberating voice, making it ring in the ears of the heavens, and who with a tumult of glorification and recitation of the divine praises, brought to ecstasy the land and the sea; and He loves too those who follow him.
Hem sanatını sevdiği için elbette onun sanatını en yüksek bir sadâ ile bütün kâinatta neşreden ve semavatın kulağını çınlatan, berr ve bahri cezbeye getiren bir velvele-i zikir ve tesbih ile ilan eden Muhammed-i Arabî aleyhissalâtü vesselâmı sever ve ona ittiba edenleri de sever.

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And since He loves His artefacts, He loves living beings, the most perfect of His artefacts, and intelligent beings, the most perfect of living beings, and human beings, the most superior of intelligent beings, and He surely loves most of all Muhammad the Arabian (Upon whom  be blessings and peace), who as is agreed by all was the most perfect of human beings.
Hem masnuatını sevdiği için o masnuatın en mükemmeli olan zîhayatı ve zîhayatın en mükemmeli olan zîşuuru ve zîşuurun en efdali olan insanları ve insanların bi’l-ittifak en mükemmeli olan Muhammed-i Arabî aleyhissalâtü vesselâmı elbette daha ziyade sever.

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And since He loves the moral virtues of His creatures, He loves Muhammad the Arabian (Upon whom be blessings and peace), whose moral qualities were at the very highest degree, as is agreed unanimously, and He loves too those who, as far as they can,  resemble him.   This  means  that  like  His  mercy,  Almighty  God’s  love encompasses the universe.
Hem kendi mahlukatının mehasin-i ahlâkiyelerini sevdiği için mehasin-i ahlâkiyede bi’l-ittifak en yüksek mertebede bulunan Muhammed-i Arabî aleyhissalâtü vesselâmı sever ve derecata göre ona benzeyenleri dahi sever. Demek Cenab-ı Hakk’ın rahmeti gibi muhabbeti dahi kâinatı ihata etmiş.

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Thus, it was because among all those innumerable beloveds, the ultimate degree in every respect of the above-mentioned five aspects was unique to Muhammad the Arabian (Upon whom be blessings and peace) that he was given the name of God’s Beloved.
İşte o hadsiz mahbublar içindeki mezkûr beş vechinin her bir vechinde en yüksek makam, Muhammed-i Arabî aleyhissalâtü vesselâma mahsustur ki “Habibullah” lakabı ona verilmiş.

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This was the reason Süleyman Efendi expressed this highest rank of being God’s beloved  with the words: “I am  your lover.” The expression is meant to provoke thought; it is a distant allusion to this truth. Nevertheless,since it conjures up associations unfitting to the attributes of dominicality, it is best to say instead: “I am pleased with you.”
İşte bu en yüksek makam-ı mahbubiyeti, Süleyman Efendi “Ben sana âşık olmuşum.” tabiriyle beyan etmiştir. Şu tabir, bir mirsad-ı tefekkürdür, gayet uzaktan uzağa bu hakikate bir işarettir. Bununla beraber madem bu tabir, şe’n-i rububiyete münasip olmayan manayı hayale getiriyor; en iyisi, şu tabir yerine: “Ben senden razı olmuşum.” denilmeli.

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