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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Because in this matter there is no point between the two. For if, to suppose the impossible, the Qur’an is not the Word of God, if it falls from the divine throne to the ground, it cannot remain somewhere between the two. Indeed, it has to be said to be the property of the very worst of liars. And as for this, O Satan, even if you were a hundred times more satanic, you could not deceive any mind that was not unsound, nor persuade any heart that wa..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''“Fourthly:'''Also, if the Qur’an is imagined to be man’s word, it necessitates fancying that the Qur’an, which is a sacred commander of the community of Muhammad, mankind’s largest and most powerful army, is – God forbid – a powerless, valueless, baseless forgery. Whereas, self-evidently, through its powerful laws, sound principles, and penetrating commands, it has equipped that huge army both materially, and morally and spir..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Because in this matter there is no point between the two. For if, to suppose the impossible, the Qur’an is not the Word of God, if it falls from the divine throne to the ground, it cannot remain somewhere between the two. Indeed, it has to be said to be the property of the very worst of liars. And as for this, O Satan, even if you were a hundred times more satanic, you could not deceive any mind that was not unsound, nor persuade any heart that wa..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
91. satır: 91. satır:
'''“Fourthly:'''Also, if the Qur’an is imagined to be man’s word, it necessitates fancying  that  the  Qur’an,  which  is  a  sacred  commander  of  the  community  of Muhammad, mankind’s largest and most powerful army, is – God forbid – a powerless, valueless, baseless forgery. Whereas, self-evidently, through its powerful laws, sound principles, and penetrating commands, it has equipped that huge army both materially, and morally and spiritually, has imposed on it such an order, regularity, and discipline that it has conquered both this world and the next, and has instructed the minds of people each according to his degree, and trained their hearts, conquered their spirits, purified  their consciences, and employed and utilized their limbs  and  members.  To  imagine  it  to  be  a  counterfeit  necessitates  accepting  a hundredfold impossibility.
'''“Fourthly:'''Also, if the Qur’an is imagined to be man’s word, it necessitates fancying  that  the  Qur’an,  which  is  a  sacred  commander  of  the  community  of Muhammad, mankind’s largest and most powerful army, is – God forbid – a powerless, valueless, baseless forgery. Whereas, self-evidently, through its powerful laws, sound principles, and penetrating commands, it has equipped that huge army both materially, and morally and spiritually, has imposed on it such an order, regularity, and discipline that it has conquered both this world and the next, and has instructed the minds of people each according to his degree, and trained their hearts, conquered their spirits, purified  their consciences, and employed and utilized their limbs  and  members.  To  imagine  it  to  be  a  counterfeit  necessitates  accepting  a hundredfold impossibility.

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“Such an impossibility entails the further total impossibility of supposing that a person  who,  through  his  deliberate  conduct  throughout  his  life  taught  mankind Almighty God’s laws, and through his honest behaviour instructed humanit y in the principles  of  truth,  and  through  his  sincere  and  reasonable  words  showed  and established the straight way of moderation and happiness, and as all his life testifies, felt great fear at divine punishment and knew God better than anyone else and made Him known, and in splendid fashion has for one  thousand three hundred and fifty years commanded a fifth of mankind and half the globe,  and  through his renowned qualities is in truth the pride of mankind, indeed, of the universe,  – it entails the impossibility of supposing that, God  forbid a hundred  thousand times, he  neither feared  God,  nor  knew  Him, nor  held  back  from lying, nor  had  any self-respect.
Müddet-i hayatında ciddi harekâtıyla Hakk’ın kanunlarını benî-Âdem’e ders veren ve samimi ef’aliyle hakikatin düsturlarını beşere talim eden ve hâlis ve makul akvaliyle istikametin ve saadetin usûllerini gösteren ve tesis eden ve bütün tarihçe-i hayatının şehadetiyle Allah’ın azabından çok havf eden ve herkesten ziyade Allah’ı bilen ve bildiren ve nev-i beşerin beşten birisine ve küre-i arzın yarısına bin üç yüz elli sene kemal-i haşmetle kumandanlık eden ve cihanı velveleye veren şöhret-şiar şuunatıyla nev-i beşerin belki kâinatın –elhak– medar-ı fahri olan bir zatı –hâşâ yüz bin defa hâşâ– Allah’tan korkmaz ve bilmez ve yalandan çekinmez, haysiyetini tanımaz farz etmekle, yüz derece muhali birden irtikâb etmek lâzım gelir.

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Because in this matter  there is  no  point between the two. For if, to  suppose the impossible, the Qur’an is not the Word of God, if it falls from the divine throne to the ground, it cannot remain somewhere between the two. Indeed, it has to be said to be the property of the very worst of liars. And as for this, O Satan, even if you were a hundred times more satanic,  you could not deceive any mind that was not unsound, nor persuade any heart that was not corrupted!”
Çünkü şu meselenin ortası yoktur. Zira farz-ı muhal olarak Kur’an kelâmullah olmazsa arştan düşse orta yerde kalamaz. Belki yerde en yalancı birinin malı olduğunu kabul etmek lâzım gelir. Bu ise ey şeytan, yüz derece sen katmerli bir şeytan olsan bozulmamış hiçbir aklı kandıramazsın ve çürümemiş hiçbir kalbi ikna edemezsin.

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