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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Moreover, the appearance of most of the prophets in Asia, and the emergence of the majority of philosophers in Europe is a sign, an indication, of pre-eternal divine determining that what will arouse the Asian peoples and cause them to progress and to govern, are religion and the heart. As for philosophy, it should assist religion and the heart, not take its place." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("As for the present, when the peoples and tribes of Islam are most in need of one another, and each is more oppressed and more poverty-stricken than the others, and they are crushed beneath European domination, to regard one another as strangers due to the idea of nationalism and look on each other as enemies, is such a calamity it is indescribable." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Moreover, the appearance of most of the prophets in Asia, and the emergence of the majority of philosophers in Europe is a sign, an indication, of pre-eternal divine determining that what will arouse the Asian peoples and cause them to progress and to govern, are religion and the heart. As for philosophy, it should assist religion and the heart, not take its place." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
271. satır: 271. satır:
'''Thirdly:'''To compare Islam with Christianity is a false comparison and wrong. For when it was bigoted in its religion, Europe was not civilized; it became civilized on giving up its bigotry.
'''Thirdly:'''To compare Islam with Christianity is a false comparison and wrong. For when it was bigoted in its religion, Europe was not civilized; it became civilized on giving up its bigotry.

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Furthermore, religion caused  three hundred  years of war between them. And since it was the means of despotic tyrants crushing the common people, the poor, and thinkers  who  were  in  their  power,  they all  felt  a  temporary disgust  at  religion.
Hem din, onların içinde üç yüz sene muharebe-i dâhiliyeyi intac etmiş. Müstebit zalimlerin elinde avamı, fukarayı ve ehl-i fikri ezmeye vasıta olduğundan; onların umumunda muvakkaten dine karşı bir küsmek hasıl olmuştu.

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However, in Islam, history testifies that apart from one occasion, religion has not been the cause of internal war.
İslâmiyet’te ise tarihler şahittir ki bir defadan başka dâhilî muharebeye sebebiyet vermemiş.

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Also, whenever the people of Islam have adhered in earnest to their religion, they have advanced proportionately, achieving significant progress. Witness to this is the greatest master  of Europe, the Islamic state of Andalusia.
Hem ne vakit ehl-i İslâm, dine ciddi sahip olmuşlarsa o zamana nisbeten yüksek terakki etmişler. Buna şahit, Avrupa’nın en büyük üstadı, Endülüs Devlet-i İslâmiyesidir.

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But whenever the Islamic community has been slack in religion, it has sunk into wretchedness, and declined.
Hem ne vakit, cemaat-i İslâmiye dine karşı lâkayt vaziyeti almışlar, perişan vaziyete düşerek tedenni etmişler.

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