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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"That is to say, just as all objects ascribe all other objects to their fashioner, and all creative acts attribute all other acts to its author, in exactly the same way, every divine name manifested in the universe ascribes every other name to the One whom it describes and proves that they are His titles. For the names manifested in the universe are like intersecting circles, blending one with the other like the seven colours in light; they assist o..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("An object, especially if it is animate, is a miniature specimen of the universe, a seed of the world, and a fruit of the globe of the earth. Since this is so, the one who created the miniature specimen, seed and fruit must also be the one who created the universe. For the creator of the fruit cannot be other than the creator of the tree that bears it." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("That is to say, just as all objects ascribe all other objects to their fashioner, and all creative acts attribute all other acts to its author, in exactly the same way, every divine name manifested in the universe ascribes every other name to the One whom it describes and proves that they are His titles. For the names manifested in the universe are like intersecting circles, blending one with the other like the seven colours in light; they assist o..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
431. satır: 431. satır:
For sure, the one who gives life to a fly must be the one who creates all insects and  animals and who gives life to the earth. And whoever spins particles as though they were Mevlevi dervishes must be the one who sets successive beings in motion as far as the sun travelling through the skies with its planets. For the law is a chain and the creative acts are tied to it.
For sure, the one who gives life to a fly must be the one who creates all insects and  animals and who gives life to the earth. And whoever spins particles as though they were Mevlevi dervishes must be the one who sets successive beings in motion as far as the sun travelling through the skies with its planets. For the law is a chain and the creative acts are tied to it.

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That is to say, just as all objects ascribe all other objects to their fashioner, and all creative acts attribute all other acts to its author, in exactly the same way, every divine name  manifested  in the universe  ascribes every other  name to  the One whom  it describes and proves that they are His titles. For the names manifested in the universe are like intersecting circles, blending one with the other like the seven colours in light; they assist one another and perfect and adorn one another’s works of art.
Demek nasıl her bir eser, bütün âsârı müessirine verir ve her bir fiil-i icadî, bütün ef’ali fâiline mal eder. Aynen öyle de kâinattaki tecelli eden her bir '''isim''', bütün isimleri kendi müsemmasına isnad eder ve onun unvanları olduğunu ispat eder. Çünkü kâinatta tecelli eden isimler, devair-i mütedâhile gibi ve ziyadaki elvan-ı seb’a gibi birbiri içine giriyor, birbirine yardım ediyor, birbirinin eserini tekmil ediyor, tezyin ediyor.

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