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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"[The three other signs denote earnest and constant friends who in order to find favour with the worldly5 and achieve some worldly goal, and so that they could feel confident, temporaril y failed to display the manly stance demanded by friendship. However, regretably, all those three friends were punished in ways that were the opposite of what they had intended.]" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("What I have to say is suggested by seven signs. Four of them show how those friends received blows entirely contrary to their intentions, as a result of their taking up hostile positions towards me not personally but because I serve the Qur’an, purely for worldly aims and despite being friends." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("[The three other signs denote earnest and constant friends who in order to find favour with the worldly5 and achieve some worldly goal, and so that they could feel confident, temporaril y failed to display the manly stance demanded by friendship. However, regretably, all those three friends were punished in ways that were the opposite of what they had intended.]" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
502. satır: 502. satır:
What  I  have  to  say  is suggested  by  seven  signs.  Four  of  them  show  how  those  friends received blows entirely contrary to their intentions, as a result of their taking up hostile positions towards me not personally but because I serve the Qur’an, purely for worldly aims and despite being friends.
What  I  have  to  say  is suggested  by  seven  signs.  Four  of  them  show  how  those  friends received blows entirely contrary to their intentions, as a result of their taking up hostile positions towards me not personally but because I serve the Qur’an, purely for worldly aims and despite being friends.

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[The three other signs denote earnest and constant friends who in  order to find favour with the worldly5    and achieve some worldly goal, and so that they could feel confident, temporaril y failed to display the manly stance  demanded  by friendship. However,  regretably, all those three friends were punished in ways that were the opposite of what they had intended.]
O yedi emarenin üçü ise ciddi dost idiler ve daima da dostturlar fakat dostluğun iktiza ettiği merdane vaziyeti muvakkaten göstermediler, tâ ki ehl-i dünyanın teveccühünü kazanıp birer maksad-ı dünyevî kazansınlar ve başlarından emin olsunlar. Halbuki o üç dostum, maatteessüf o maksatlarının aksiyle birer itab gördüler.

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The first four, who were seemingly friends but later displayed enmity:
Evvelki dört zâhirî dost, sonra düşman vaziyeti gösterenlerin

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