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Yirmi Dokuzuncu Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Since the reality is thus, compassion requires that in the face of their infinite want and impotence an extremely powerful support and inexhaustible place of recourse are placed in their hearts, and these are belief in God and belief in the hereafter. This is kindness and compassion for them. It otherwise means slaughtering those wretched innocents with the drunkenness of nationalist patriotism, like a crazy mother slaughtering her child..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("As for the appointed hour which befalls life, I believe as certainly as witnessing it that it does not change, it is determined. Since this is so, if I die as a martyr on the way of truth, I do not hang back from it, I await it longingly. Moreover, I am old and I find it hard to believe that I shall live for more than another year. To transform one year’s apparent life into everlasting eternal life through martyrdom is an exalted aim for..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("Since the reality is thus, compassion requires that in the face of their infinite want and impotence an extremely powerful support and inexhaustible place of recourse are placed in their hearts, and these are belief in God and belief in the hereafter. This is kindness and compassion for them. It otherwise means slaughtering those wretched innocents with the drunkenness of nationalist patriotism, like a crazy mother slaughtering her child..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
677. satır: 677. satır:
The date a significant mystery of the All-Wise Qur’an became clear was again contained in the word “Qur’an.” It was like this:
The date a significant mystery of the All-Wise Qur’an became clear was again contained in the word “Qur’an.” It was like this:

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According to the abjad system the numerical value of the word “Qur’an” is three hundred  and fifty-one. It contains two alifs; if the concealed alif is read alfun, it is alfun with the  value of a  thousand.(*<ref>*According to the rules of grammar, failun is read fa’lun, like katifun is read katfun. Therefore, alifun
Kur’an kelimesi, ebced hesabıyla üç yüz elli birdir. İçinde iki elif var, mahfî elif “elfün” okunsa bin manasındaki “elfün”dür. '''(Hâşiye<ref>'''Hâşiye:''' İlm-i sarf kaidesince feilün, fe’lün okunur. Ketifün, ketfün okunması gibi. Buna binaen elifün, elfün okunur. O halde 1351 olur.</ref>)''' Demek 1351 senesine, Sene-i Kur’aniye tabir edilebilir. Çünkü lafz-ı Kur’an’daki tevafukatın sırr-ı acibi, Kur’an’ın tefsiri olan Risale-i Nur eczalarında o sene göründü. Ve Kur’an’daki lafz-ı Celal’in i’cazkârane sırr-ı tevafuku, aynı senede tezahür etti. Ve bir nakş-ı i’cazîyi gösterecek bir Kur’an’ın yeni bir tarzda yazılması, aynı senede oluyor. Ve hatt-ı Kur’an’ın tebdiline karşı, Kur’an şakirdlerinin bütün kuvvetleriyle hatt-ı Kur’anîyi muhafazaya çalışması aynı senededir. Ve Kur’an’ın mühim ezvak-ı i’caziyesi, aynı senede tezahür ediyor. Hem aynı senede Kur’an ile çok münasebettar hâdisat olmuş ve olacak gibi…
is read alfun. Then it becomes one thousand three hundred and fifty-one</ref>)That  is to  say, the  year  one thousand three hundred and fifty-one may be called the Year of the Qur’an, for during it the strange
mystery of the ‘coincidences’ in the word “Qur’an” became apparent in the parts of the Risale-i Nur, which is the Qur’an’s commentary. The miraculous mystery of the coincidences  of the word “Allah” in the Qur’an appeared the same year. A Qur’an showing the  miraculous patterns, arranged in a new way, was written the same year. That year students of the Qur’an endeavoured to preserve the Qur’anic script with all their strength in the face of  its  being changed. Important aspects of the Qur’an’s miraculousness became apparent that same year. And the same year numerous events occurred which were related to the Qur’an, and it seems they will continue to occur.

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=== Altıncı Risale Olan Altıncı Kısmın Zeyli Es’ile-i Sitte ===
===Addendum to the Sixth Section, which is the Sixth Treatise===

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This addendum was written in order to avoid the disgust and insults that will levelled at us in the future. That is to say, it was written so that when it is said: “Look at the spineless people of that age!”, their spit should not hit us in the face, or else to wipe it off.
İstikbalde gelecek nefret ve tahkirden sakınmak için şu mahrem zeyl yazılmıştır. Yani “Tuh o asrın gayretsiz adamlarına!” denildiği zaman, yüzümüze tükürükleri gelmemek için veyahut silmek için yazılmıştır.

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[Let the ears ring of the leaders of Europe, savage beneath their humanitarian masks! And let this be thrust in the unseeing eyes of those unjust oppressors who inflicted these unscrupulous tyrants on us! It is a petition with which to hit over the head the followers of modern low civilization, who this century have a hundred thousand times over necessitated the existence of Hell.]
Avrupa’nın insaniyet-perver maskesi altında vahşi reislerinin sağır kulakları çınlasın! Ve bu vicdansız gaddarları bize musallat eden o insafsız zalimlerin görmeyen gözlerine sokulsun! Ve bu asırda, yüz bin cihette “Yaşasın cehennem!” dedirten mimsiz medeniyet-perestlerin başlarına vurulmak için yazılmış bir arzuhaldir.

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In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
وَمَا لَنَٓا اَلَّا نَتَوَكَّلَ عَلَى اللّٰهِ وَقَد۟ هَدٰينَا سُبُلَنَا وَلَنَص۟بِرَنَّ عَلٰى مَٓا اٰذَي۟تُمُونَا وَعَلَى اللّٰهِ فَل۟يَتَوَكَّلِ ال۟مُتَوَكِّلُونَ
No reason have we why we should not put our trust on God. Indeed He has guided us to the way we [follow]. We shall certainly bear with patience all the hurt you  may cause us. For those who put their trust should put their trust on God.(14:12)

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Recently the concealed aggression of the irreligious has taken on a most ugly form;  tyrannical  aggression  against  the  unfortunate  people  of  belief  and  against religion. Our private and unofficial call to prayer and iqama1  was interrupted during the  private  worship  of  myself  and  one  or  two  brothers  in  the  mosque  I  myself repaired. “Why are you  reciting the iqama in Arabic and making the call to prayer secretly?” they asked. My patience  is exhausted by keeping silent, so I say, not to those unscrupulous vile men who  are not worth addressing, but to the heads of the Pharaoh-like society who with arbitrary despotism play with the fate of this nation:
Bu yakınlarda ehl-i ilhadın perde altında tecavüzleri gayet çirkin bir suret aldığından, çok bîçare ehl-i imana ettikleri zalimane ve dinsizcesine tecavüz nevinden bana, hususi ve gayr-ı resmî, kendim tamir ettiğim bir mabedimde, hususi bir iki kardeşimle hususi ibadetimde, gizli ezan ve kametimize müdahale edildi. “Ne için Arapça kamet ediyorsunuz ve gizli ezan okuyorsunuz?” denildi. Sükûtta sabrım tükendi. Kabil-i hitap olmayan öyle vicdansız alçaklara değil; belki milletin mukadderatıyla, keyfî istibdat ile oynayan firavun-meşrep komitenin başlarına derim ki:

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