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Hutbe-i Şamiye/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Thus, through the bond of this sacred nationhood, all the people of Islam become like a single tribe. Like the members of a tribe, the peoples and groups of Islam are bound and connected to one another through Islamic brotherhood. They assist one another morally, and if necessary, materially. It is as if all the groups of Islam are bound to each other with a luminous chain." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''Fifth Word''' The lesson I have learnt from the mutual consultation enjoined by the Shari‘a is this: in this age, the single sin of one person does not remain as one; it sometimes swells, spreads and becomes a hundred sins. And sometimes a single good deed does not remain as one, but progresses to the order of thousands of good deeds. The reason for this is as follows:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Thus, through the bond of this sacred nationhood, all the people of Islam become like a single tribe. Like the members of a tribe, the peoples and groups of Islam are bound and connected to one another through Islamic brotherhood. They assist one another morally, and if necessary, materially. It is as if all the groups of Islam are bound to each other with a luminous chain." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
317. satır: 317. satır:
O my brothers here in this mosque and my brothers forty to fifty years later in the mighty mosque of the world of Islam! Do not suppose I have mounted this place of delivering lessons in order to give you advice. I have done so to claim my rights from you. That is to say, the interests and happiness in this world and the hereafter of small groups are bound to masterly teachers like you, the Arabs and Turks, who are a vast and esteemed body. We, the Muslim groups who are your unhappy small brothers suffer harm through your idleness and laxity.
O my brothers here in this mosque and my brothers forty to fifty years later in the mighty mosque of the world of Islam! Do not suppose I have mounted this place of delivering lessons in order to give you advice. I have done so to claim my rights from you. That is to say, the interests and happiness in this world and the hereafter of small groups are bound to masterly teachers like you, the Arabs and Turks, who are a vast and esteemed body. We, the Muslim groups who are your unhappy small brothers suffer harm through your idleness and laxity.

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Especially the Arabs, who are esteemed, numerous, and either have been awakened or will be! First and foremost, I address you with these words. For you are our teachers and leaders, and the teachers and leaders of all the peoples of Islam, and you are the fighters of Islam. It was later that the mighty Turkish nation assisted you in that sacred duty.Therefore, due to laziness your sin is great. Your good acts and deeds are also great and exalted.
Hususan ey muazzam ve büyük ve tam intibaha gelmiş veya gelecek olan Araplar! En evvel bu sözler ile sizinle konuşuyorum. Çünkü bizim ve bütün İslâm taifelerinin üstadlarımız ve imamlarımız ve İslâmiyet’in mücahidleri sizlerdiniz. Sonra muazzam Türk milleti o kudsî vazifenize tam yardım ettiler. Onun için tembellikle günahınız büyüktür. Ve iyiliğiniz ve haseneniz de gayet büyük ve ulvidir.

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In particular we await with great expectation from Divine mercy the different Arab groups entering upon exalted circumstances in forty to fifty years’ time, like those of the United States of America, and your being successful like in former times in establishing Islamic rule in half the globe, indeed, in most of it, which at the moment is in captivity. If some fearful calamity does not soon erupt, the coming generation shall see it, God willing.
Hususan kırk elli sene sonra Arap taifeleri, Cemahir-i Müttefika-i Amerika gibi en ulvi bir vaziyete girmeye, esarette kalan hâkimiyet-i İslâmiyeyi eski zaman gibi küre-i arzın nısfında, belki ekserisinde tesisine muvaffak olmanızı rahmet-i İlahiyeden kuvvetle bekliyoruz. Bir kıyamet çabuk kopmazsa inşâallah nesl-i âti görecek.

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Beware, my brothers! Do not imagine that I am urging you with these words to busy yourselves with politics. God forbid! The truth of Islam is above all politics. All politics may serve it, but no politics can make Islam a tool for itself.
Sakın kardeşlerim! Tevehhüm, tahayyül etmeyiniz ki ben, bu sözlerimle siyasetle iştigal için himmetinizi tahrik ediyorum. Hâşâ! Hakikat-i İslâmiye bütün siyasatın fevkindedir. Bütün siyasetler ona hizmetkâr olabilir. Hiçbir siyasetin haddi değil ki İslâmiyet’i kendine âlet etsin.

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With my faulty understanding, I imagine Islamic society at this time in the form of a factory containing many machines. Should any components of the machines fall behind or encroach on another, which is its fellow, the machines cease to function. The exact time for Islamic unity is therefore beginning. It necessitates not paying attention to one another’s personal faults.
Ben kusurlu fehmimle şu zamanda, heyet-i içtimaiye-i İslâmiyeyi çok çark ve dolapları bulunan bir fabrika suretinde tasavvur ediyorum. O fabrikanın bir çarkı geri kalsa yahut bir arkadaşı olan başka bir çarka tecavüz etse makinenin mihanikiyeti bozulur. Onun için ittihad-ı İslâm’ın tam zamanı gelmeye başlıyor. Birbirinizin şahsî kusurlarına bakmamak gerektir.

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I say this to you with regret and sadness that certain foreigners have taken our most valuable possessions and country from us and have given us a rotten price in return.
Bunu da teessüf ve teellüm ile size beyan ediyorum ki: Ecnebilerin bir kısmı, nasıl kıymettar malımızı ve vatanlarımızı bizden aldılar. Onun bedeline çürük bir fiyat verdiler.

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