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20 Eylül 2024

19 Eylül 2024

  • 22.5122.51, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş −28 Lem'alar/en"The Twenty-Seventh Flash" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • 22.4122.41, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +366 Y Yirmi Yedinci Lem'a/en"The Twenty-Seventh Flash" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • 17.2917.29, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş −83 Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/en"God is enough for us; and how excellent a guardian is He.(3:173)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.5816.58, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +24 Y Translations:Yirmi Yedinci Lem'a/Page display title/en"The Twenty-Seventh Flash" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.5816.58, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +51 Y Translations:Lem'alar/27/en"The Twenty-Seventh Flash" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.5716.57, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +2 Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/305/enDeğişiklik özeti yok güncel
  • 16.5716.57, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +173 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/305/en"------ <center> The Twenty-Fifth Flash ⇐ | The Flashes | ⇒ The Twenty-Fifth Flash </center> ------" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • 16.5616.56, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +119 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/304/en"This is the Twenty-First Letter, which, having been included in Mektûbat (Letters 1928-1932), has not been added here." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.5616.56, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +42 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/303/en"==The Addendum to the Twenty-Sixth Flash==" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.5616.56, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +495 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/302/en"I observe the same situation here that I saw in the old medreses in my native region in my youth. For traditionally in the eastern provinces, some of the medrese students’ needs were met from outside, and in some medreses their food was cooked in the medrese. There were other ways they resembled this place of ordeal. As I watch the prison here, I feel a pleasurable regret and longing, and travel in my imagination to those enjoyable times of youth, an..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.5516.55, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +124 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/301/en"A subtle but sad, yet at the same time agreeable, point concerning these places of ordeal that concerns myself only is this:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.5516.55, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +570 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/300/en"'''Third Instance of Wisdom and Benefit:''' The Risale-i Nur students who are sent to prison learn from one another’s conduct, qualities, sincerity, and self-sacrifice, and they no longer seek worldly benefits in their service. Yes, since in the School of Joseph they have seen with their own eyes the ten and perhaps a hundred benefits gained for every hardship and difficulty, and the good results, and the extensive and sincere service to belief, the..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.5516.55, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +463 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/299/en"'''Second Instance of Wisdom and Benefit:''' The service to belief at this time through the Risale-i Nur has to be through advertising it everywhere and attracting the attention of those in need. Attention is drawn to the Risale-i Nur by our imprisonment; it is like an advertisement. The most stubborn or most needy find it and save their belief; their obduracy is broken and they are saved from danger, and the Risale-i Nur’s study-circle is wid..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.5416.54, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +505 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/298/en"'''First Instance of Wisdom and Benefit:''' It is only in the School of Joseph that the Risale-i Nur students can gather together without harm. Outside it is expensive and causes suspicion if they meet together. Some who came to visit me would spend forty or fifty liras, then see me for only twenty minutes or not at all, and would have to return. I would have willingly chosen the hardship of prison to be closer to some of my brothers. This means that f..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.5416.54, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +279 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/297/en"Yes, there are three instances of wisdom and important benefits in respect of the service of the Risale-i Nur in divine grace turning – out of compassion for my old age – the caves of my youth, when I had no powerful, hidden enemies, into the solitar y confinement of prison:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.5316.53, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +616 Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/en"As I assimilated this lesson from the verse, I found such a moral strength arising from belief that through its power I could have challenged not only my present enemies, but the whole world. With all my spirit I declared: “For us God suffices, and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs!”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
  • 16.5316.53, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +331 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/296/en"Out of compassion for my old age and in order to make us work harder in the service of belief, duties were given us outside our will and power in this third School of Joseph, in accordance with the verse, “But it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you,” and the saying: “Good lies in what God chooses.”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.5316.53, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +76 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/295/en"But then divine determining and our fate sent us to another place of ordeal." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.5316.53, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +176 Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/293/enDeğişiklik özeti yok güncel
  • 16.5316.53, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +489 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/294/en"It gave both the benefits pertaining to the hereafter of the cave, and strenuous service of the truths of belief and the Qur’an. I had even determined to show myself guilty of some crime and remain in prison after my friends had been released. Solitaries like Husrev and Feyzi would have remained with me, and on some pretext I would have remained in the solitary confinement ward so as not to meet with people and waste my time on unnecessary conversation..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.5216.52, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +771 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/293/en"When I was twenty years old I used to say repeatedly: “Towards the end of my life I shall withdraw from the life of society into a cave or onto a mountain like the people of olden times who abandoned the world and withdrew into caves.” Then when in the Great War I was being held as a prisoner in the north-east, I took this decision: “After this I shall spend my life in caves. I shall slip away from political and social life. Enough now of mixing..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • 16.5116.51, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +103 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/292/en"Yes, I shall describe briefly a manifestation of divine grace in the midst of man’s wrongful tyranny:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.5016.50, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +653 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/291/en"It also occurred to my heart that since a great interpreter of the law like Imam A‘zam suffered imprisonment; and a supreme mujahid like Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal was severely tortured in prison for the sake of a single matter of the Qur’an and endured it in perfect patience, yet not remain silent about the matter in question; and numerous religious leaders and scholars were completely patient and unshaken, offering thanks, despite suffering torments..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.4916.49, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +861 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/290/en"Thanks to the sincere prayers of my blessed brothers the danger to my life from the poison passed; and according to powerful signs our martyr was occupied in his grave with the Risale-i Nur, and replied with the Risale-i Nur to the questioning angels; and the Denizli hero, Hasan Feyzi (May God have mercy on him), who would work according to Hafız Ali’s system, and his friends were secretly serving the Risale-i Nur effectively; and because the oth..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.4716.47, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +328 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/289/en"Thus, just at the time that hero of the Risale-i Nur died, and we were being pressurized by the secret dissemblers who were trying to have us punished through their intrigues against us, and we were anxious that I would be sent to hospital on official orders because I was ill from poison, divine grace came to our assistance." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.4716.47, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +1.029 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/288/en"Then our hidden enemies poisoned me; and the late Haf›z Ali, the martyr hero of the Risale-i Nur, went to hospital instead of me, travelled to the Intermediate Realm in my place, and made us weep despairingly. Before this calamity, on many occasions I had insisted on the mountain at Kastamonu: “My brothers, don’t give meat to the horse and grass to the lion!” That is to say: “Don’t give all the treatises to everyone, lest they use them to att..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.4616.46, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +355 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/287/en"This proved decisively that as a miracle of divine grace, the truths of the Risale-i Nur had defeated them, making them study its treatises as though it were a guide. It made those broad circles into a sort of study circle and saved the belief of numerous hesitating and bewildered people, causing us spiritual joy and profit far exceeding our distress." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.4516.45, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +956 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/286/en"Chiefly, while expecting a severely critical report from the Experts Committee in Ankara, they sent a commendatory one. And although they found less than ten errors in five chests of copies of the Risale-i Nur, we proved in court that the points they had shown to be errors were completely correct and that they themselves had been in error in the matters they said were wrong; we showed between five and ten errors and mistakes in their five..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.4516.45, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +355 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/285/en"Then we were subject to severe criticisms because of the incorrect and superficial statements of the first experts’ committee, and the Education Minister’s savage attacks. A statement was published against us. Then just when according to some reports they were even trying to secure the execu tion of some of us, divine grace came to our assistance." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.4516.45, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +1.065 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/284/en"Later they took us to Denizli Prison and put me into solitary confinement in a stinking, cold, damp ward. I was most unhappy at my old age and illness and the difficulties visited on my friends because of me. I was feeling most distressed at the confiscations of the Risale-i Nur and the cessation in its activities when divine grace suddenly came to my aid. It transformed that huge prison into a Risale-i Nur medrese, proving it was a School of Joseph. Th..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.4316.43, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +648 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/283/en"While greatly upset and sad at the harm that had come to the Risale-i Nur, divine grace came to our aid. The authorities carefully and curiously began to read those important treatises which had been hidden, of which they were in much need, and the government offices became like Risale-i Nur study centres. Although they began to read with the idea of criticizing, they appreciated them. In Denizli even, although we were unaware of it, numerous people re..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.4216.42, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +547 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/282/en"I hid the confidential and important collections, and particularly those about the Sufyan and the Risale-i Nur’s wonder-working, under the coal and fire-wood so that they might be published after my death or after the authorities had come to their senses and listened to the truth. Then, when feeling easy at this, some detectives and the assistant public prosecutor suddenly raided my house. They pulled out those secret and important treatises from und..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.4216.42, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +593 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/281/en"Then our hidden enemies aroused the suspicions of some officials and some egotistical hojas and shaykhs concerning us. They caused us and Risale-i Nur students from five or six provinces to be gathered together in the School of Joseph of Denizli Prison. The details of this Sixteenth Hope are described clearly in the brief letters I sent secretly to my brothers while in Denizli Prison, in those sent from Kastamonu, and in the collection containing the co..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.4116.41, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +416 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/280/en"Then I took up residence in Kastamonu’s Risale-i Nur Medrese, opposite the police station, and started to write further parts of the Risale-i Nur. Heroic Risale-i Nur students like Feyzi, Emin, Hilmi, Sâdık, Nazif, and Salâhaddin, attended the medrese in order to duplicate the treatises and disseminate them. We held scholarly debates even more brilliant than those I had held in my youth with my old students." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.4116.41, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +285 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/279/en"While suffering this despair, divine grace suddenly came to the assistance of my old age. The inspector and police in the police station became like firm friends. They not once warned me about not wearing a peaked cap, and like my servants, used to take me for trips around the town." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.4116.41, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +886 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/278/en"One time in my old age, I was released from Eskişehir Prison after serving a years’ sentence. They exiled me to Kastamonu,(*<ref>*A provincial centre in the İlgaz Mountains to the north of Turkey. Bediuzzaman was exiled here in March 1936, after being released from Eskişehir Prison. He remained in Kastamonu for seven years, until 1943, when he was sent to Denizli Prison. (Tr.)</ref>)where I stayed for two or three months as a guest in the police s..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.3916.39, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +18 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/277/en"==SIXTEENTH HOPE==" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.3816.38, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +714 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/276/en"For life does not stop, it passes swiftly. If it passes in pleasure and happiness, since the passing of pleasure is pain, it becomes transient, passing without thanks and in heedlessness; leaving sins in the place of pleasures, it departs. Whereas if it passes in prison and hardship, since the passing of pain is a sort of pleasure, and since it is considered to be a sort of worship, it becomes perpetual in one respect, and through its good fruits gains e..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.3816.38, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +761 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/275/en"Thanks to the sacred solace arising from belief and the Qur’an for the pains and despair at the adventures of my old age, I would not exchange this most distressing year of my old age for ten of the happiest years of my youth – especially since for those who repent and perform the obligatory prayers each hour in prison is the equivalent of ten hours’ worship, and with respect to merit, each transient day spent in illness and under oppre..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.3716.37, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +315 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/274/en"“Let us too be sacrificed for this sacred truth for which hundreds of millions of people have been sacrificed! Even if you set fire to the world around us, we who sacrifice ourselves for the truths of the Qur’an will not lay down our arms before atheism; we shall not abandon our sacred duty, God willing!”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.3616.36, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +718 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/273/en"Regretfully, our secret dissembling enemies sometimes attach the name of Sufism to the reality of Islam, which has been gained and preserved through the swords and blood of the hundred million martyrs at the rank of saints, and heroic war veterans of this religious nation. While the way of Sufism is only a single ray of that sun, they show it to be the sun and deceive certain lax government officials. Calling the Risale-i Nur students “Sufis” and..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.3616.36, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +621 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/272/en"We say this to them: Since death is not to be killed, and the grave is not to be closed, and the travellers in this guesthouse of the world, convoy after convoy enter the earth with great speed and ado, and vanish; for sure we shall part from one another very soon. You shall receive the penalty for your tyranny in awful fashion. At the very least you shall mount the gallows of death and eternal extinction, which form the discharge papers of the oppress..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.3416.34, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +252 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/271/en"So those who accuse the Risale-i Nur students, who are thus, of disturbing public order are surely seriously deceived, or have been fooled, or knowingly or unknowingly are deceiving the government on account of anarchy, and try to crush and repress us." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.3416.34, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +776 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/270/en"An example of this was Denizli Prison. When the Risale-i Nur entered there and Fruits of Belief was written for the prisoners, within a space of three or four months more than two hundred of those prisoners became so extraordinarily obedient and acquired such religious and righteous conduct that a man who had murdered three or four people refrained from killing bedbugs even. They became completely compassionate, harmless members of the nation. The off..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.3216.32, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +293 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/269/en"“The Risale-i Nur students are moral police. They assist us in preserving public order. Through certain, affirmative belief, they leave in everyone’s head who reads the Risale-i Nur something that restrains them from committing misdemeanours. They work to maintain public order.”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.3216.32, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +618 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/268/en"Yes, through the strength of certain, affirmative belief, in every part of this country the Risale-i Nur and its students halt the awesome corruption and efforts of anarchy to destroy public order under the veil of communism. They work to maintain public order and security so that these twenty years three or four related courts and the police of ten provinces have not been able to find or record any incidents involving the infringement of public orde..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 16.3116.31, 19 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +363 Y Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/267/en"'''Second Truth:''' I was reminded that in return for the ill-treatment a few contemptuous, deceived individuals inflicted on us with the intention of insulting us and destroying public regard for us, due to their unfounded suspicions of our disturbing public order, was the applause and appreciation of innumerable people of reality and forthcoming generations." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
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