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On Dördüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Just as the words of glorification of the heavens, which are an ocean glorifying God, are the suns, moons, and stars, so the words of praise of the earth, a flying thing praising and glorifying, are the animals, plants and trees. That is to say, just as the trees and stars all perform particular forms of glorification, so does the earth and every part of the earth, and all the mountains and valleys, and the land and the sea, and the spheres of the firma..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''THE THIRD:''' For example, in order to ascend to the truth which the Bringer of Sure News described concerning the Bearers of the Throne, the angels appointed to the earth and the skies, and other sorts of angels, stating that they glorify God with forty thousand heads, and with the forty thousand tongues in each head, and in forty thousand ways with each tongue, consider the following carefully. Through verses like, The seven heavens and the earth a..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Just as the words of glorification of the heavens, which are an ocean glorifying God, are the suns, moons, and stars, so the words of praise of the earth, a flying thing praising and glorifying, are the animals, plants and trees. That is to say, just as the trees and stars all perform particular forms of glorification, so does the earth and every part of the earth, and all the mountains and valleys, and the land and the sea, and the spheres of the firma..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
16. satır: 16. satır:
the All-Glorious One expresses clearly that even the greatest and most universal  of  beings  demonstrate  that  they  glorify  Him  in  accordance  with  their universality and in a way appropriate to their vastness. And it appears to be thus.
the All-Glorious One expresses clearly that even the greatest and most universal  of  beings  demonstrate  that  they  glorify  Him  in  accordance  with  their universality and in a way appropriate to their vastness. And it appears to be thus.

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Just as the words of glorification of the  heavens, which are an ocean glorifying God, are the suns, moons, and stars, so the words of praise of the earth, a flying thing praising and glorifying, are the animals, plants and trees. That is to say, just as the trees and stars all perform particular forms of glorification, so does the earth and every part of the earth, and all the mountains and valleys, and the land and the sea, and the spheres of the firmament  and  the  constellations  in  the  heavens  all  perform  universal  forms  of glorification. The earth, which possesses these thousands of heads containing thousands of tongues, certainly has an angel appointed to it who translates and displays in the World of Similitudes the flowers of glorification and fruits of praise it performs with each, and who represents and proclaims them in the World of Spirits.
Evet, bir bahr-i müsebbih olan şu semavatın kelimat-ı tesbihiyesi; güneşler, aylar, yıldızlar olduğu gibi bir tayr-ı müsebbih ve hâmid olan şu zeminin dahi elfaz-ı tahmidiyesi; hayvanlar, nebatlar ve ağaçlardır. Demek, her bir ağacın her bir yıldızın cüz’î birer tesbihatı olduğu gibi zeminin de ve zeminin her bir kıtasının da ve her bir dağ ve derenin de ve berr ve bahrinin de ve göklerin her bir feleğinin de ve her bir burcunun da birer tesbih-i küllîsi vardır. Şu binler başları olan zeminin her başında yüz binler lisanlar bulunan ve her lisanda yüz bin tarzda tesbihat çiçeklerini, tahmidat meyvelerini, âlem-i misalde tercümanlık edip gösterecek ve âlem-i ervahta temsil edip ilan edecek, ona göre elbette bir melek-i müekkeli vardır.

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