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Yirmi Dördüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Furthermore, in every level of beings, many or few, great or small, particular or general, He has an appearance through a particular manifestation, a particular dominicality, a particular Name. That is to say, although the Name in question is general and encompasses everything, it is turned towards a thing with such intention and importance that it is as if it is special to that thing alone." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
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("Furthermore, in every level of beings, many or few, great or small, particular or general, He has an appearance through a particular manifestation, a particular dominicality, a particular Name. That is to say, although the Name in question is general and encompasses everything, it is turned towards a thing with such intention and importance that it is as if it is special to that thing alone." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
19. satır: 19. satır:
And together with this, in every world, in every realm of beings, the title of one of the Most Beautiful Names is manifested. In each sphere one Name is dominant and the other Names are subordinate to it, rather, they are there on account of it.
And together with this, in every world, in every realm of beings, the title of one of the Most Beautiful Names is manifested. In each sphere one Name is dominant and the other Names are subordinate to it, rather, they are there on account of it.

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Furthermore, in every level of beings, many or few, great or small, particular or general, He has an appearance  through a  particular  manifestation, a particular dominicality, a particular Name. That is to say, although the Name in question is general and  encompasses  everything, it  is  turned  towards  a  thing  with  such  intention  and importance that it is as if it is special to that thing alone.
Hem mahlukatın her bir tabakasında az ve çok, küçük ve büyük, has ve âmm her birisinde has bir tecelli, has bir rububiyet, has bir isimle cilvesi vardır. Yani, o isim her şeye muhit ve âmm olduğu halde öyle bir kasd ve ehemmiyetle bir şeye teveccüh eder; güya o isim yalnız o şeye hastır.

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Moreover, although the All- Glorious Creator is close to everything, there are almost seventy thousand luminous veils obscuring Him. You can compare how many veils there are from the particular degree of creativity of the Name of Creator which is manifested on you to the greatest degree and supreme title which is Creator of all the universe. That means, on condition you leave the whole universe behind you, from the door of creativity you may reach the limits of the Name of Creator and draw close to the sphere of attributes.
Hem bununla beraber Hâlık-ı Zülcelal, her şeye yakın olduğu halde yetmiş bine yakın nurani perdeleri vardır. Mesela, sana tecelli eden Hâlık isminin mahlukıyetindeki cüz’î mertebesinden tut, tâ bütün kâinatın Hâlık’ı olan mertebe-i kübra ve unvan-ı a’zama kadar ne kadar perdeler bulunduğunu kıyas edebilirsin. Demek, bütün kâinatı arkada bırakmak şartıyla mahlukıyetin kapısından Hâlık isminin müntehasına yetişirsin, daire-i sıfâta yanaşırsın.

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