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Yirmi Beşinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"For instance, the unique style of the cipher-like muqatta’at, the ‘disjointed letters,’ like, Alif. Lam. Mim., Alif. Lam. Ra., Ta. Ha., Ya. Sin., Ha. Mim. ‘Ayn. Sin. Qaf., at the beginning of some of the Suras. We have described five or six of the flashes of miraculousness they comprise in Isharat al- I’jaz. For example, these letters at the start of certain Suras have taken half of each category of the many well-known categories of..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Indeed, the Qur’an’s style is both strange, and original, and wonderful, and convincing. It has imitated nothing and no one. And no one has been able to imitate it. Its style has always preserved the freshness, youth, and singularity it possessed when it was first revealed and continues to preserve it." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("For instance, the unique style of the cipher-like muqatta’at, the ‘disjointed letters,’ like, Alif. Lam. Mim., Alif. Lam. Ra., Ta. Ha., Ya. Sin., Ha. Mim. ‘Ayn. Sin. Qaf., at the beginning of some of the Suras. We have described five or six of the flashes of miraculousness they comprise in Isharat al- I’jaz. For example, these letters at the start of certain Suras have taken half of each category of the many well-known categories of..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
242. satır: 242. satır:
Indeed, the Qur’an’s style is  both strange, and original, and wonderful, and convincing. It has imitated nothing and no  one. And no one has been able to imitate it. Its style has always preserved the freshness, youth, and singularity it possessed when it was first revealed and  continues  to  preserve  it.
Indeed, the Qur’an’s style is  both strange, and original, and wonderful, and convincing. It has imitated nothing and no  one. And no one has been able to imitate it. Its style has always preserved the freshness, youth, and singularity it possessed when it was first revealed and  continues  to  preserve  it.

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For  instance,  the  unique  style  of  the  cipher-like muqatta’at, the ‘disjointed letters,’ like, Alif. Lam. Mim., Alif. Lam. Ra., Ta. Ha., Ya. Sin., Ha. Mim.  ‘Ayn. Sin. Qaf., at the  beginning  of some of the Suras. We have described five or six of the flashes of  miraculousness they comprise in Isharat al- I’jaz.
Ezcümle, bir kısım surelerin başlarında şifre-misal الٓمٓ ۝ الٓرٰ ۝ طٰهٰ ۝ يٰسٓ ۝ حٰمٓ ۝ عٓسٓقٓ gibi mukattaat hurufundaki üslub-u bedîîsi, beş altı lem’a-i i’cazı tazammun ettiğini İşaratü’l-İ’caz’da yazmışız. Ezcümle: Surelerin başında mezkûr olan huruf, hurufatın aksam-ı malûmesi olan mechure, mehmuse, şedide, rahve, zelâka, kalkale gibi aksam-ı kesîresinden her bir kısmından nısfını almıştır. Kabil-i taksim olmayan hafifinden nısf-ı ekser, sakîlinden nısf-ı ekall olarak bütün aksamını tansif etmiştir. Şu mütedâhil ve birbiri içindeki kısımları ve iki yüz ihtimal içinde mütereddid yalnız gizli ve fikren bilinmeyecek bir tek yol ile umumu tansif etmek kabil olduğu halde, o yolda, o geniş mesafede sevk-i kelâm etmek, fikr-i beşerin işi olamaz. Tesadüf hiç karışamaz.
For example, these letters at the start of certain Suras have taken half of each category of the many well-known categories of letters, like the emphatic letters (Kaf, Qaf, Ta, Alif, Jim, Dal, Ta, Ba), the sibilants, the stressed letters, the soft letters, the labiolinguals, and tremolo (qalqala) letters (Qaf, Ta, Dal, Jim, Ba). Taking more than half from the light letters and less than half from the heavy letters, neither of which are  divisible, it  has  halved  every  category. Although  the  human  mind  would  be capable of it, halving all those categories overlapping one within the other, hesitant among two hundred possibilities, in the only way possible, which was hidden to the human mind and unknown to it, and organizing all the letters on that way, over that broad distance, was not the work of the human mind. And  chance could not have interfered in it.

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