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Yirmi Altıncı Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"For example, look carefully at this tree or that animal, you will see that the particles, which are lifeless, deaf, blind, unconscious, and similar to one another, are in motion in its growth and development. In some of the being’s intricate extremities the particles halt, as though seeing, knowing and recognizing the place of fruits and benefits. Then in another place they change their direction as though following some important aim. That means they..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Furthermore, the well-measured proportions of everything clearly show Divine Determining. Yes, whatever living creature is considered, it is as though its form and measure emerged from a wisely and skilfully wrought mould. For it to receive such a measure, form, and shape, either there has to be a truly wondrous and infinitely intricate physical mould, or else pre-eternal power cuts out the form and shape according to a well-proportioned imma..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("For example, look carefully at this tree or that animal, you will see that the particles, which are lifeless, deaf, blind, unconscious, and similar to one another, are in motion in its growth and development. In some of the being’s intricate extremities the particles halt, as though seeing, knowing and recognizing the place of fruits and benefits. Then in another place they change their direction as though following some important aim. That means they..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
105. satır: 105. satır:
Furthermore,  the  well-measured  proportions  of  everything  clearly  show  Divine Determining.  Yes, whatever living creature is considered, it is as though its form and measure emerged from a  wisely  and skilfully wrought mould. For it to receive such a measure, form, and shape, either there has to be a truly wondrous and infinitely intricate physical mould, or else pre-eternal power cuts out the  form and shape according to a well-proportioned immaterial mould that exists in knowledge and comes  from Divine Determining, and clothes it in it.
Furthermore,  the  well-measured  proportions  of  everything  clearly  show  Divine Determining.  Yes, whatever living creature is considered, it is as though its form and measure emerged from a  wisely  and skilfully wrought mould. For it to receive such a measure, form, and shape, either there has to be a truly wondrous and infinitely intricate physical mould, or else pre-eternal power cuts out the  form and shape according to a well-proportioned immaterial mould that exists in knowledge and comes  from Divine Determining, and clothes it in it.

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For example, look carefully at this tree or that animal, you will see that the particles, which are lifeless, deaf, blind, unconscious, and similar to one another, are in motion in its growth and development. In some of the being’s intricate extremities the particles halt, as  though seeing, knowing and recognizing the place of fruits and benefits. Then in another place they change their direction as though following some important aim. That means they are in motion in accordance with the immaterial measured proportions of the tree or animal, which come from Divine Determining, and are governed by those proportions.
Mesela, sen şu ağaca, şu hayvana dikkat ile bak ki camid, sağır, kör, şuursuz, birbirinin misli olan zerreler, onun neşv ü nemasında hareket eder. Bazı eğri büğrü hududlarda meyve ve faydaların yerini tanır, görür, bilir gibi durur, tevakkuf eder. Sonra başka bir yerde, büyük bir gayeyi takip eder gibi yolunu değiştirir. Demek, kaderden gelen miktar-ı manevînin ve o miktarın emr-i manevîsiyle zerreler hareket ederler.

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