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Yirmi Yedinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''First Aspect:''' The Companions cannot be reached in interpretation of the law, that is, in deducing its ordinances, that is, in understanding what pleases Almighty God from His Word." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("As is proved in the Twelfth, Twenty-Fourth, and Twenty-Fifth Words, the comparison of prophethood and sainthood is that of the sun itself and the sun’s image as it appears in mirrors. Thus, however much higher the sphere of prophethood is than that of sainthood, the servants of the sphere of prophethood and the Companions, the stars of that Sun, have to be superior to the righteous in the sphere of sainthood to the same degree. The leg..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''First Aspect:''' The Companions cannot be reached in interpretation of the law, that is, in deducing its ordinances, that is, in understanding what pleases Almighty God from His Word." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
192. satır: 192. satır:
As is proved in the Twelfth, Twenty-Fourth,  and  Twenty-Fifth Words, the  comparison of prophethood and sainthood is that of the sun itself and the sun’s  image  as  it  appears  in  mirrors.  Thus,  however  much  higher  the  sphere  of prophethood is than that of sainthood, the servants of the sphere of prophethood and the Companions, the stars of that Sun, have to be superior to the righteous in the sphere of sainthood to the same degree. The legacy of prophethood and veracity,  which is the supreme sainthood, is the sainthood of the Companions; even if a saint attains to this, he still cannot reach the level of the Companions, the first rank. We shall explain three out of the numerous aspects of this Third Reason.
As is proved in the Twelfth, Twenty-Fourth,  and  Twenty-Fifth Words, the  comparison of prophethood and sainthood is that of the sun itself and the sun’s  image  as  it  appears  in  mirrors.  Thus,  however  much  higher  the  sphere  of prophethood is than that of sainthood, the servants of the sphere of prophethood and the Companions, the stars of that Sun, have to be superior to the righteous in the sphere of sainthood to the same degree. The legacy of prophethood and veracity,  which is the supreme sainthood, is the sainthood of the Companions; even if a saint attains to this, he still cannot reach the level of the Companions, the first rank. We shall explain three out of the numerous aspects of this Third Reason.

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'''First Aspect:''' The Companions cannot be reached in interpretation of the law, that is, in deducing its ordinances, that is, in understanding what pleases Almighty God from His Word.
'''Birinci Vecih:''' İçtihadda yani istinbat-ı ahkâmda, yani Cenab-ı Hakk’ın marziyatını kelâmından anlamakta sahabelere yetişilmez.

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