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Yirmi Yedinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Because that mighty Divine revolution revolved on understanding the dominical wishes and Divine ordinances. All minds were turned towards deducing the Divine ordinances. All hearts were eager to know “What does our Sustainer want from us?” All that happened at that time did so in a way that made this known and understood. The discussions of the time concerned them. Thus, since everything and all situations and discussions and conversations and s..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''First Aspect:''' The Companions cannot be reached in interpretation of the law, that is, in deducing its ordinances, that is, in understanding what pleases Almighty God from His Word." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Because that mighty Divine revolution revolved on understanding the dominical wishes and Divine ordinances. All minds were turned towards deducing the Divine ordinances. All hearts were eager to know “What does our Sustainer want from us?” All that happened at that time did so in a way that made this known and understood. The discussions of the time concerned them. Thus, since everything and all situations and discussions and conversations and s..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
194. satır: 194. satır:
'''First Aspect:''' The Companions cannot be reached in interpretation of the law, that is, in deducing its ordinances, that is, in understanding what pleases Almighty God from His Word.
'''First Aspect:''' The Companions cannot be reached in interpretation of the law, that is, in deducing its ordinances, that is, in understanding what pleases Almighty God from His Word.

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Because that mighty Divine revolution revolved on understanding the dominical wishes and  Divine  ordinances. All minds were  turned towards deducing the Divine ordinances. All hearts were eager to know “What does our Sustainer want from us?” All that happened at that time did so in a way that made this known and understood. The discussions of the time concerned them. Thus, since everything and all situations  and discussions and conversations and stories occurred in such a way as to give some sort of instruction in these meanings, and since this perfected the Companions’ capacities and illuminated  their  minds, and  since  their  ability  to  interpret  the  law  and  deduce  its ordinances was ready to be lit up like a match, someone at this time with the intelligence and capacity of the Companions could not reach in ten years or perhaps in a hundred, the level of deduction and interpretation they reached in a day or a month.
Çünkü o zamandaki o büyük inkılab-ı İlahî, marziyat-ı Rabbaniyeyi ve ahkâm-ı İlahiyeyi anlamak üzere dönerdi. Bütün ezhan, istinbat-ı ahkâma müteveccih idi. Bütün kalpler “Rabb’imizin bizden istediği nedir?” diye merak ederdi. Ahval-i zaman, bu hali işmam ve ihsas edecek bir tarzda cereyan ediyordu. Muhaverat, bu manaları tazammun ederek vuku buluyordu. İşte bunun için her şey ve her hal ve muhavereler ve sohbetler ve hikâyeler, bütün o manaları bir derece ders verecek bir tarzda cereyan ettiğinden, sahabenin istidadını tekmil ve fikirlerini tenvir ettiğinden, içtihad ve istinbatta istidadı kibrit derecesinde nurlanmaya hazır olduğundan bir günde veya bir ayda kazandığı mertebe-i istinbat ve içtihadı, o sahabenin derece-i zekâvetinde ve istidadında olan bir adam, şu zamanda on senede, belki yüz senede kazanmayacaktır.

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